Chapter 1

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"Computer, Play Back Video 1 of file Trooper."

"Right away." The MEKA unit began to hum as its internal computer an to take out the file from the past as Hana Song, still in her MEKA bodysuit, slowly looked at the holographic screen before her.

She was within the Overwatch base once, again, once having been out and done a small mission out in the world. Since it was around nighttime, Hana had once again taken to her suit that was her small private home to hang out in before going to bed in the barracks.

But with Valentines day so close, Hana found herself doing the same thing she had done the many days before now.

"Play back begins."

The screen before her lit up with light then showed herself, around 1 1/2-2 years ago when she had first come to Overwatch. It was one of her livestreams of her playing StarCraft 2, like she still did sometimes these days but now for the sake of recreation. She watched herself take one last sip of MT.Dew before taking a bag of doritos and shoving them into her mouth and chewing before she swallowed and then saying, "Welcome to the livestream everyone!"

Millions had been watching her, she remembered as she drifted off into the video as she watched the chatbox on the left light up with messages.

"So, who is ready to take on me in another StarCraft match? Huh? Huh? Anyone? Any takers?"

There wasn't many takers in the chat but as she watched herself give a small pout, one then appeared as her old self then said, "Well hello there, Rigby2245. I'll start a match up and we'll see if you can keep up with me!"

As her old self went to start the match, Hana could see in her old rooms window the dropship that Overwatch used as Mercy and Soldier76 appeared at the landing pad as soon the dropships bay doors lowered to reveal Reinhardt, Ana, Tracer, and one mysterious looking figure that held the remains of a bow within his arms, his quiver on his back being empty of arrows.

But unlike Hanzo, it was clear that the figure was not Asain but rather with his armor he appeared more European.

She watched as the figure soon disappear from sight and as Hana looked back to herself finally changing the view to her game while leaving her face in the top left corner with her facecam, she then watched as the match took place like most matches those days where she simply built up and attacked quickly and aggressively.

"Come on, man." her old self said as she wrecked another line of defenses and units, "Are you even trying to win?"

Hana smile faintly. She had been cocky, still was cocky, but back then it was mostly because she had thought herself invincible against anyone who challenged her. But as she watched herself win that quick and easy match, she knew that this day she would be proven wrong not once but twice.

"Alright, good try Rigby. Maybe next time you'll be able to lock down your defenses. Who's next?" asked the old D.Va as she looked around.

Hana paused the video as someone tapped her MEKA's armor and as she slowly slid out from the mech, she looked to see Angela Zeigler, aka Mercy, with her usual doctor attire as she said, "Hello, Hana. How are you today?"

Oh, now I remember... Hana sighed as she finally decided to take notice to the pain in her feet as she then told Mercy, "Just some pain in my feet.. don't know what's up.."

Mercy stooped down as she motioned for Hana to lift her feet and as Mercy did, she felt them as Hana winced before she then said, "Looks like you have strained your muscles and they are over tense... try placing them in warm water to relax the muscles dear."

"Yes, Doctor Zeigler." said Hana as then she went back into her MEKA.

"Still playing those silly games, Hana, at this hour? It's not good for your health!" Angela Zeigler said.

"No... I'm just... visiting old friends..." said Hana from within the MEKA.

Angela was taken aback. Hana was known for cheerfulness and being full of energy but this mood she was in was very somber, very solemn like she was being brought down by something.

"Are you okay, Hana? You seem not yourself." Angela went to pass her hand through the holographic screen before her to check Hana's temperature before Hana then said, "I'm fine, ma'am... I'll just do as you've told me."

Angela pulled her hand back as she then said, "Alright then, Hana... I'll see you in the morning."

As Angela slowly walked away, Hana went back to playing the video.

"Video Resumes."

"Come on, I'm not that impossible to beat am I? I mean, there has to be at least 1 of you willing to take me on, right?" Her old self looked up and down the chat menu to see a response but it seemed full of either "No" or the like from many people.

"Really, guys? Are you all chickens?" she asked her viewers as she made goofy faces.

And then, one name showed up that Hana knew its owner all to well.

"I'll give you a shot." The comment came from a user using the name Kommando293.

"Finally! Someone else grows a pair and steps up to the plate. Alright, setting up the game now." Her old self was estatic that another person had asked her into a match and she remembered how eager she had been to absolutely destroy this person.

Hana watched as the game was set up and as the player Kommando293 joined up, she then watched as he typed into Chat "GL HF" for "Good Luck. Have Fun."

"Haha, you too, Kommando. You too." Her old self had said.

And then the match had begun in earnest but as she smiled at her oldself doing the usual thing, she then watched as a lone Terran marine suddenly appeared and begin attacking her base but her old self had simply blown it off like a gnat as she sent her drones to attack just as she then said, "Overstretching already? We got a Newbie here, fella's."

But then this had appeared in the chat: "Never send an army before the scouts."

She smirked a small bit as her old self looked at the comment before she then said, " What is that suppose to mean?"

But just as her old self then was trying to figure it out, suddenly a small squad of marine came in and as she watched herself send out what few Zerglings she had against the attack, she smiled as her old self was trying to play the small raid off like a bad move but she knew that he only did it to throw his enemies off.

A few more minutes into the game, Kommando was sending another wave to harass her oldself. As she watched the old D.Va try to shrug the attacks off, suddenly she watched as her scouts met suddenly a wall of buildings, bunkers, and turrets and as her old self seem to struggle with comprehending what she saw in this Turtling strategy, suddenly several entrenched units began to tear her units apart elsewhere as she was suddenly struggling with keeping up with this early attack whens suddenly she watched as her old self suddenly point a hand at her screen as she watched herself say in shock, "What is this? Turtling? What sort of guy is he?!"

But then suddenly another attack happened and as she watched her old self try to fend it off, a sudden attack from Siege Tanks that had been set up to specifically hit her main hive and as she watched her main hive become no more than ruins, she then smiled as she watched her oldself suddenly look at her computer in shock as she shouted, "WHAT?! I LOST!!"

The chat was going wild at this shocking thing but as the two players went back into the main lobby, her oldself immediately demanded form the Kommando, "REMATCH! NOW!!"

She smiled as she watched her oldself watch intently at her screen for another rematch to happen and then she watched as it happened and as the old D.Va smiled, she then heard her oldself say, "Now you're going to pay for beating me once!"

"GLT." For "Good Luck Then." came from Kommando293 real quick as a answer to what she said.

And so, within a few minute and moments, the game began again in earnest. This time, had been in a full attack mode that she rarely ever did and as Hana watched herself eat more Doritos and drink more MT.Dew, the chat were all going nuts about this random dude beating her and as she watched herself try to make a full attack force, suddenly a small group of Marines came in to raid her again.

Hana smiled as she thought about him, how he often did this as well against Omnics, raiding them in small doses as scouting trips before going in for the kill.

As his men were killed easily, she watched as her oldself then laughed as she drank more green Dew before she said, "Now that you wasted all those resources, full attack!!!"

She watched as her oldself slowly send her small force, what she smiled as she watched Kommando then begin to attack her forces with scattered groups that began to slowly whittle her forces down in this wave.

But then, like last time, a preemptive strike against her suddenly began to force her on the defensive but this time the destruction was assured when the last of her retreating forces were picked off and as her oldself almost slammed her mouse and keyboard on her desk in frustration, the game was then done and the player then said in chat, "GG."

Hana then watched as her oldself furiously begin typing as she then asked the player directly, "Where are you, you little twit!"

And as Hana smiled at the answer, she remembered what she had thought of the boy just across from the girl barracks in the boys barracks. He had his gear on still, his equipment being taken down to the bear-minimum, but as she watched her oldself look in shock out the window, the boy had been waving at her simply as he then typed to her, "Want me to come over?"

"NO!" Her old self said heatedly.

"You sure?" he had asked over chat.

"NO!!! I DON"T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR ME, CREEP!" Her oldself slammed the curtains together as she then pouted before the camera and as the video slowly came to a close, Hana then exited her MEKA as she slowly made her way towards the girls barracks. She walked in and as she crept through the dark halls, she found her room as she opened it and then slowly walked through.

She pushed a button on her suit as it slowly deflated off her body and as she pulled the tight, almost laytex-like fabric off her, she managed to find her nightclothes before putting them on. She walked to her bed as she slowly slid under its covers and as she looked up at the ceiling, she then looked towards the boys barracks at the room that probably might have been his room.

Angela suddenly walked in and as she looked over, Angela had a note in her hand as she said, "Oh, sorry, Hana... but this came in through the door... and... it seems its for you.."

Hana sat up as she pulled the covers to the side and as she took the letter, she then put it near to her table as she then said, "Alright, thanks Doctor Zeigler... Goodnight."

"Good night, Hana..." said Angela and as Hana slowly went back to her original sleeping position, she then drifted off to sleep as she dreamt about him.

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