Chapter 2

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The explosion caused the rest of the already ruined building to come crashing down as the Deutschland Bundeswehr troopers scattered to avoid the falling debris.

Stuggart was a peaceful place for the most part since the Omnium defeat there many years back but the remaining Bastion units that somehow still survived were still stalking the outer ruins of Stuggart as they forced the Deutschland Bundeswehr to keep some units around to hunt them down.

Including his own unit, Der Gigan Pirschjaegers or "The Titan Stalkers". His group were a special unit, created and equipped to take out the Omniums Titan Omnics in battle.

As he ducked as more Bastion turrets fired a deathly blanket at his squad, the other Truppen of the Bundeswehr nearby tried to fire grenades into the turrets position to destroy them. Grenaades from underslung launchers sailed through the air on smoky contrails as many landed around the Bastions position, the explosions sending debris from the old battlefield and ruined Bastion units flying as the turrets were still intact.

"Hey, Truppen!" Shouted one of the Bundeswehr Squad Leaders nearby as Truppen looked over from his position.

"Yeah?" Truppen looked over as he kept his arrow knocked on his Gauss Longbows string.

The Gauss Longbow was a unique bow meant for him alone, a weapon created for his unique talents of archery back when he was with Overwatch. Its design was like a compound bow but it was as big as he was, making it more of a Compound Longbow. But Gauss accelerators were attached to the bows grip and allowed him to pierce armor with his arrows.

"Can you get your clankers to hit those turrets?" asked the leader as lead tore the air above him.

Truppen grimaced beneath his mask as he shouted over, "Yeah! Give us whatever covering fire you can! Otherwise my sharpshooters cannot get a good shot off!!"

"Alright!" The Bundeswehr leader turned to his remaining men as he told them, "Give them covering fire for Truppen's group! Keep those Omnnics on us!!"

As the other Bundeswehr truppen began to create a distraction, Truppen suddenly lifted off on his maneuvering gear as the mini thrusters fired off and as he landed on the level above him, his squad of Free Omnics followed him with H&K G47 Assault rifles and also Gauss Crossbows. Gauss Crossbows worked the same as the Gauss Longbow but instead it was a crossbow and could be fired with better piercing damage but slower reload. Those Free Omnics who had the G47 AR's, about half his squad to be exact, were there in case they got into a really bad scrap.

Truppen thought about his Free Omnic squad. Free Omnics were, unlike other Omnics, had once been in the Omnium's thraw of control but managed to somehow get out of its control. No one really knew how it happened, although some assumed they were simply malfunctioning units, but they worked just as well as the Omniums combat units. Free Omnics were mainly Bastion units but a few normal Omnics that were more human in their like were also part of the Free Omnic's title.

Thankfully, his Bastion units were upgraded with the G47's while the other, humanoid Omnics were the Crossbow users. And the best part were that all of them had the Trichter-9 Maneuvering Gear that allowed them to wall-run, double-jump, and generally maneuver around buildings like they were Scout Regiment from Attack on Titan. They even had Grappling Hooks in case the thrusters failed on them.

As Truppen ran along the side of one of the ruined buildings, the fire from the Bastion turrets was pretty obvious as they were pinning the other Bundeswehr units amongst a couple of buildings only 75 yards from their spot. As Truppen stopped on the edge of a ruined building, he brought his bow up as his Gauss accelerators began to whine and hum as the arrow on his bow began to vibrate ever so slightly.

Truppen aimed at the exposed Turrets power cell as he just so happen to see one of them from his spot atop the three-story building and as he aimed down, his back muscles were taunt as they kept the arrow in its spot.

Suddenly, he released his bowstring as the arrow flew from the bow like lightning and as the Omnics around him fired their crossbows, several bolts flying like lightning as they searched for the Omnium's Bastions. They didn't take long as all three turrets exploded into scrap metal as the explosive, Gauss-fired bolts found their exposed power cells while the Longbow's arrow found its mark.

As the turrets remains scattered from their spot on the shops second-floor, the rest of the three Bundeswehr trooper squads moved up to secure the area and as Truppen looked around, Rex behind him asked, "Sir... where to next?"

Rex was one of the humanoid Omnics but his blue markings gave him the name Rex. That, and he was sometimes as ferocious as the Tyrant Lizard itself, at least for an Omnic that is.

Truppen sighed behind his mask as he said, "Well... that is the third group this week... pretty sure Command is gonna need to know that we may have a Mini-Omnium on our hands somewhere..."

"They won't like that, sir." said Rex.

"No one will.. but they have to know... Contact the General and tell him the news, 011. And I want the rest of you on scout... and spread out good." said Truppen as he rapidly said orders.

As the Omnics all began to set up, with two of his own Free Omnic Bastions setting up as turrets, Truppen began to think back those many years when he had become a leader of this group. It had been raining, just a little after he had rejoined with the Deutschland Bundeswehr as one of its troopers. He had been deployed north of Eichenwalde as he was sent with a company of troopers and Free Omnics to wipe out a small force of Omnics that had survived the Eichenwalde battle, even years after the pyrrhic victory.

Rex had been in charge of the Free Omnics as Truppen had been under the command of the company commander but when the Omnic forces ambushed the two companies, Truppen had found himself cut off, outgunned, and running out of time. Just as some of the Omnium Bastions had burst through some trees to finish Truppen, Rex had charged in with G47 firing as he took the Bastions out but had lost connection to his limbs, making only his body and head work.

Truppen remembered draggin Rex's metal body through rain, mud, and forest as he tried tog et them back to base and when he had, Truppen became in charge of Rex's remaining Omnics as the leader.

Now, some time later, Truppen was still cleaning up the Omnics running around with Rex and the other Free Omnics.

As Truppen looked around, his belt jigged with three Bundle Steilhandgranate as Truppen looked around from beneath his mask and Stahlhelme as he looked for more Omnic problems.

"Hey, Truppen, you all good?" asked Rex.

Truppen looked himself over. His armor was a slightly modified plate armor he had used from overwatch as it was a dull, dark grey that helped him in night raids. He had a cloak draped over him as its hood was over his helmet and head. His belt was more of the straps to his maneuvering gear as the mini thrusters pointed at angles to the left and right of him. Attached to his gloves and boots were climbing claws that gripped almost all surfaces but the best part were the magnetic soles and palms that let him grip onto mechs and tall Omnics.

But unfortunately, since no news of a new Omnium or even a mini-Omnium has appeared, they had been forced to degrade themselves and keep their larger, Anti-tank weapons behind while going with their normal loadout and grenades to take out the small Omnics they now hunted.

It was annoying. His Rifle could have easily wrecked the turrets position but since command said otherwise, he had no choice but to leave it behind for the moment.

"Looks like I'm alright for now..." Truppen said to Rex.

"Do you think that message reached the Overwatch?" asked Rex.

"For a Clanker, you sure seem curious.." said Truppen to his old friend.

"Well... Valentines Day is coming.. if my info is correct, you humans usually partake in it with... our partners?" asked Rex with some uncertainty.

Truppen grinned beneath his mask as he simply said, "Some of us do... but not all of us.."

"Lets just hope it made it there.. its been 2 years since I remembered regularly where all the Overwatch bases are located."

As the sky began to get darker, suddenly a light rain came down as Truppen said before he said, "Alright... everyone, keep dry as you look out... I don't need you all going Omnium on me."

Reinhardt yawned as the sun slowly came up over the horizon and began to shine its rays down upon the old Overwatch base set up here in the Swiss Alps. He ripped the sheets off of him as he slid from his bed, his body still clad in a tanktop and gym shorts as though he may have been 61, he was still built like a tank. His left eye was still milky from the scar he received there as his white hair and beard were as neatly trimmed as ever. As he walked from his bed, his Crusader armor and Rocket Hammer were sitting on their armor rack nearby and he approached it as he touched one of the panels on his armor.

The panel slid open and as he pulled out one of the five, wood carved figurines within, he made sure they all looked good as he said to them, "Another day comes, my loves... and another day I miss you all so much..."

He then walked from the figurines as he replaced them and as he went out the door, he met Briggette as she was waiting for him as usual. The small, mechanic knew her stuff and often worked on his armor when Torbjorn was too busy working on other things to help repair his armor. The two had become good friends and as Brigette looked at Reinhardt, she asked him, "Another day, huh?"

Reinhardt smiled. She reminded him so much of his family it pained him. But he banished the thoughts as he then said, "Right. Time to get some food and then get into some training and some good, ol'fashioned repair work."

"In other words, I repair, you train." Brigette said with a laugh. "Will you ever not be built like a birckhouse?"


Both gave a laugh as they walked down the hall towards the bases mess hall and as Reinhardt looked at her, she reminded him of his only daughter Eugene and how she had been so much like him with her toughness but as gentle as Briggette sometimes was.

The mess hall was quiet, due to how few the current basses occupation was with mostly some of the older Overwatch personnel recalled by Wiston while others were still at large. Reinhardt grabbed his last bit of food from the line and as Brigette followed him towards some empty tables, Reinhardt seemed to be steering them towards the young Korean girl Hana. it wasn't uncommon but as Reinhardt sat down, the looked up as she asked him, "What's up, knight?"

"Looks like you seemed troubled." he said. He had noticed her slightly worried expression when he had come closer to the table.

"Oh... no... just this letter I got.. its... weird.." Hana pulled the piece of stationery from her normal clothes pocket as she unfolded it and then handed it to Reinhardt.

The older man took it delicately as he looked over it and as he saw what little was on it, he was instantly stumped. The whole thing had a series of lines, dashes, and a few symbols on it while numbers were on the bottom next to some dashes and dots as well.

Of course, it almost looked like Morse code to him.

"Hmm... interesting... do you know the recipient?" he asked the Song girl.

"No... but its obvious they know me.. and where this base was... which has me worried.." said Hana.

"Don't worry.. its probably gibberish or someone trying to troll us." Good Old Briggette, trying to help where she could.

"Funny thing is... it looks like morse code... but I cannot tell exactly if it is..." said Reinhardt as he began to eat but he did not put the letter down.

"Why don't I try and crack it... shouldn't take me too long.." said Briggete as she took the paper and stuffed it into a pocket.

Just then, Angela walked in and as she sat next to them, she asked them all, "Ready for today? We got another small mission.."

"What's it this time?" asked Reinhardt. He was always eager to help those in need.

"Just another gang somewhere near Paris.. so be ready within 30 minutes from now." said Angela as she went out to prepare herself as well.

"Right... back to work." said Reinhardt as he gave a small grin.

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