Chapter 10

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The dropship hummed as the engines powered it from Stuttgart back to the Swiss Alp base as everyone within it was in relatively good spirits for the most part of the victory. Soldier 76 and Mercy were off in the cockpit with the pilots as towards the cargo hold was Tjorborn working on Rex who was chatting it up with Bastion.

Leaving Ana, Truppen,, and Reinhardt in the main hold of the ship as was sleeping on Truppen's shoulder as Truppen was simply looking over his barely functioning shield generator, his plasma saber, and his bow that was out of arrows.

"So... Granvater... how long did it take for you all to get my message?" asked Truppen to his grandfather.

"It took some time... mostly because you were doing your old tricks and putting hidden stuff within hidden things." said  Reinhardt with a small smile.

"What, I'm suppose to give you an easy time?" asked Truppen.

Reinhardt gave a chuckle as then Truppen heard Ana say, "Aww.. our little stosstruppen is back with his Lilly..."

"Lilly?" asked Truppen.

"Yeah, she's from Korea and the Lilly is a common plant over there from what I hear." said Ana.

Truppen was quiet for a bit till he then said, "But someone told me that Lotus flowers were a Korean thing!"

"Lotus flowers are an Indian thing." said Ana with a small laugh.

"Well... bother..." muttered Truppen as then Reinhardt gave a laugh as he said, "Don't worry, my little Enkel... I'm sure Hana won't mind as usual."

"Probably won't... but it bothers me still." said Truppen as he then said suddenly, "This reminds me of the day you got me into Overwatch.."

Reinhardt smiled as he nodded before saying, "Well back then, you barely managed to keep yourself in one piece... but this time, you managed to keep yourself together..."

"You're one to talk! You charged a Omnic Titan from a rooftop and nearly broke your back in the landing!" said Truppen rather heatedly. "High cholesterol should be the last thing you said!"

Suddenly, Hana muttered something in her sleep and as everyone looked at her to watch her slowly grab and curl around Truppen's arm as Truppen then said, " Man... finally get to see her calm for once.. she always was the hyper type."

"She hasn't been hyper since you went missing... she was but it was an attempt to hide her loss of you.." said Ana. "Hopefully with you back she'll smile for real."

"Oh she will... I have a plan for tonight..." said Truppen as he looked up.

"Because today is Valentines day..." woke up from her restful nap on her bed and as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, she looked around as there only seemed to be a folded note on the nearby bedside table. She looked at the nearby clock she had on it as well: 6:00pm.

"6? Man I slept in." muttered as she noticed it was dark outside.

She slowly swung her feet over, noticing she was still within her MEKA suit, and as she slowly took a hand and picked up the note before unfolding it.

Dear Hana Song, my lovely girl, I'll be waiting within the bases parade ground garden. Please try and look nice for this occasion. Its Valentines day.

"Love, your SS trooper." muttered Hana as she shook her head. "Springing a date on me already? I won't lose."

She smiled now as she immediately stripped off her MEKA skinsuit as she ran over to her closet and as she did so, she immediately grabbed one of the few dresses she had. It was a short-skirted dress of pink that had its skirt got to her below her knees as it simply would lay against her legs and thighs. The top was enough to cover her entire top as two short sleeves came down to halfway down her arm. She found the green bow that she often tied across her waist as a type of flair as the bow was in the lower of her back and she found her nice pink high heels that finished it off.

She was about to go but then she remembered Reinhardt's gift to her and as she went to the box and picked out the necklace, she brought it into a small hug as then she slowly put it on as she finished off her look with a slight touch of lipstick and makeup.

She soon left the room as she closed the door and as she began to click-clack her way down the halls, she felt in such an awesome mood she wanted to scream. The last date had just been before was a simply anniversary gift where they had a nice dinner and a nice dance afterwards. But now, the feeling of longing to be with him was starting to make her feel giddy.

She soon exited the doors to the girls barracks and as she began to walk down towards the parades grounds of the base, she didn't care if anyone saw her girly self like this. She was going on a date and she knew it was going to be the best one ever.

Mcree and Ana were together nearby at a table as Mcree drank whiskey and Ana drank her tea and as Mcree looked over towards where the barracks were, he nearly spewed his whiskey out as he watched Hana slowly walk from the barracks in a very nice dress towards the parade grounds and as he looked to Ana, he asked her, "Am i seeing things?"

"Looks like her date is happening." said Ana as she sipped tea still.

"Wait, Hana is going on a date?" asked Mcree. "With whom is that little lady going on with?"

"Have you forgotten the little trooper who would always poke fun at your High Noon remarks?" asked Ana.

Mcree thought a bit before he gave a small chuckle before saying, "Let's hope this date goes well then for that German boy..."

"I think they will be fine." said Ana.

"As you say, mam..." said Mcree as he went back to his drink.

Ana slowly walked through the gardens of the parade ground as she could now see something coming from a nearby pavilion: candle light.

She slowly walked over as she watched the scene seem to unfold before her: a small table meant for only two was set up with dishes and cutlery as a basket was near it all. The chairs were nice and white, made of wood it seemed rather than something like metal.

She slowly approached the pavilion and as she did so, she heard someone say, "Shall I escort you over there, Hana."

"Are you wearing those old German rags again?" asked Hana as she turned at the voice but she already knew that answer.

Truppen was in his German officer uniform that was from WW2. It was immaculate, clean, and looked good on him as ever. He never did look as good in the Bundeswehr outfits, not because he couldn't but seeing him in a very outdated SS officers uniform brought something special from him she could never pin down.

"Oh you have no room to talk... but I see Granvater gave your my mothers necklace... it looks good on you." said Truppen nearby.

Hana smiled as Truppen escorted her to the table and as they did walk over, she then said to him, "Oh.. you noticed? Do you like it?"

"Of course.." said Truppen as he then seated her.

As she sat down and pushed a stray strand of hair from her face, Truppen suddenly took from the basket some fancy cakes.

"Oh, no main course?" asked Hana. "What's the occasion?"

"I owed you from last time, remember?"

Hana smiled as he sat down and as both of them began to eat the cake, it was delicious and rich in flavor.

"I do have one question to ask you, Hana before you get too comfy..." said Truppen as he managed speaking between mouthfuls.

"Oh?" asked Hana. "And what could that be?"

"How.. was it when I was gone?"

Hana stopped eating completely as she put down her fork down onto her plate. She thought back to that time the he was away, those long agonizing days, weeks, months, and years where he once was here and then was gone like that from her life.

And then she said, "Need I even speak those words? The days without you were long, cold, and felt like I would simply die from loneliness..."

"Those days, I missed you just as much as others."

Truppen smiled as he then said, "I kept a small personal hologram emitter in my pocket of our first dance... any night I could use it I did... you were always close to my heart.."

Hana smiled as she fought back tears and as the two soon finished the pieces of cake, she patted her lips to get rid of the excess there as she then stood up and said, "Come over here, you gotta be a bit stressed from this morning."

"You sure you want to do that?" asked Truppen.

"Oh hush, you big baby... nerf this!" said Hana with a smile as she took off her high heels and walked over before Truppen.

As soon as she was behind him, she slowly took her hands and began to knead his shoulder blades and neck muscles as she said, "You should be thankful that I remember how to massage you... otherwise you may have needed the Doc to help your muscles.."

"Oh ha ha.." muttered Truppen as he let himself be rolled around in Hana's skilled hands.

"Also... I'm gonna take something now while I'm here." said Hana suddenly as she bent down and around to suddenly peck Truppen's cheek.

Truppen smiled as the warmth from her kiss and as she continued to knead his shoulders and blades, he felt himself slowly begin relaxing once in a very long time.

And then suddenly he stood up and as Hana backed off, he suddenly grabbed her waist just as he stole a kiss straight from her. Hana almost backed off from the kiss but instead let it happen and as he eventually pulled away from her, she smiled as she said to him, "Oh you sly little fox!"

"Oh hush you.. you love it when I surprise you like that!" said Truppen.

"Anything else you want to steal while your at it?" asked Hana with a small giggle.

"Would you dance with me, little lilly?" asked Truppen as he held out a hand.

"Oh you charmer you..." said Hana as she then took the offered hand and held it tightly just as she put her shoes back on.

As both of them slowly walked into the open space near the pavilion, Truppen and Hana slowly entered a waltzing pose as it was the only real dance they knew beyond the couple dance and as Truppen and Hana slowly began to spin around, it was a slow and majestic scene to behold.

"Oh how I'm thankful to be Overwatch again..." said Truppen as they slowly danced around the grounds.

"I don't blame you... i bet reenlisting into the Bundeswehr was tough.."

"It was rather easy actually... the test is nothing after being in at one point and serving in combat."

Both continued to glide across the parade grounds as their steps crunched on gravel and as they did so, suddenly they heard someone else's footsteps echoing through the grounds. Both stopped and as Truppen went for his sword strapped onto his side, he watched as his Granvater Reinhardt slowly glide into view with his hammer as he was waltzing along with it.

"Granvater! What on earth are you doing there?" asked Truppen.

"Dancing with granmater!" said Reinhardt as he continued his dance.

Both and Truppen watched this going on when suddenly, they heard servos whirring and they watched as both Orisa and Rex, who was now fully repaired, as they both were dancing nearby.

"Oh its good to be back..." said Truppen with a smile.

The End.....

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