Chapter 9

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Bullets snapped all around the air as explosion lit up the dawn sky as the Battle of Stuttgart ensued, having begun since this morning. Reports out of the area was patchy, very patchy in fact, but it was clear the defenders were trying to hold back one heck of a relentless force that was trying to grind itself through the defenders ranks.

Meanwhile on the frontlines, Truppen, Rex, their squad, the Major, and Echo 7 Squad were trying to get back to the base as fast they could on foot. The Hover Puma was just gone after a hovering ball apparently called a Detonator had snuck up on it and blew it to kingdom come just as more of those Troopers and Bastions had come in to try and wipe them out but the Major had decided at that point to get out of the Transmitter and head for a better defensive position.

And thus, the two squad ran as fast they could as currently pursuing them, being some of the faster Omnics all of them had seen, were Omnium Splicers. The two-legged, birdlike Omnics were taking potshots at the group as they ran in packs ranging from as few as 5 to as many as 20 it seemed.

And as another shot flew past Truppen as he ran with his bow out, everything else being stowed, he was very irritated at how fast these Splicers were. They jumped, leapt, sprinted, ran, almost everything imaginable to get closer to the group as their long, blaster-like heads fired bolts of energy at them.

As Truppen took another Stiehlhandgranate and pulled its pin out, he chucked it behind him as he said to the Major next to him, "How far are we? I fee like we should've found someone already!"

"Its close!" shouted the Major. "We're likely in Sector A4 from the looks of it!"

Suddenly, an Omnium OR-14 unit popped up nearby as it fired its main gun at the group and as two of Echo 7 went down, one of the Free Omnics fired a barrage of missiles at the construct but did not stop moving in fear of the Splicers catching it.

The Or-14 unit tried to stronghold itself against the explosives but the rockets were too much and as it exploded into scrap metal, the group kept running as the Major shouted into the comm lines within his mask and helmet, "All units!!!  Defend the base at all costs against the Omnium attack!! We cannot let Stuttgart fall!!"

"Incoming!!" Someone shouted as two, Talon CAS fighters swooped over them and as everyone redirected themselves down another path, the way before them exploded as several missiles were sent into the area.

"And someone get on the AA's and fire at those interceptors!" shouted the Major but he was getting mostly static from his talking. Of course.

Truppen ran as the group managed to stick close and as he ran along a wall, suddenly he felt something fall off him and he jumped and snatched it before landing and continue to run. He managed to look at what fell and as he did so, he remembered the small, dart-like nano boost from Captain Amari as she often had used it on everyone else when they needed it.

It had been a small joke almost, back then, for Captain Amari to tease him with using one of these coveted boosts on him as it seemed like everytime he was in a fix she would simply shoot someone else to save him. it had truly frustrated him since in one case he nearly died from a total of five grenades being thrown on him. The only reason he survived was because his granvater had brought his shield up after being boosted from Ana and Truppen had, rightly, never spoke to the Captain for about a week.

But then she one day brought him in, just nearing her fifties, as she had asked him if he had wanted something before she went on a mission. Then, he had simply forgotten of the boosts and simply relied upon himself to get him out so he had simply said, "Nothing really."

And then she had brought out this small dart full of nano boost and she had smiled asshe had said, "Do me a favor and use this in your most desperate of times.. when everything is on the line are there is nowhere else to go."

And as Truppen continued to run on with the small object in his hand, he simply smiled and put it back into a pouch on his side. It was very likely he would be needing it now more than any other time he could think of.

"There's the base!"

The Overwatch dropship thundered straight for Stuttgart, Germany as it was relatively quiet onboard. was chewing bubblegum as usual as she looked over her MEKA as just behind her, Reinhardt was looking over his armor and his hammer. Although the group had originally wanted to simply roll with Reinhardt, Soldier 76, Mercy, Bastion, and, the group had accepted Ana, or Captain Amari as she had once been known, along with the group.

And now, Ana was looking over her Biotic grenades, her dart gun, and her multitude of darts as she was also managing to watch with her one good eye.

Nearby, Mercy and Soldier 76 were looking over their equipment near a deactive Bastion as Soldier asked Mercy, "You think we'll make it in time? I... don't want to see the Young Punk... upset."

"Upset? She'll be broken.. maybe even kill herself if Truppen dies... no, we have to get there before anything bad happens.. she is one of us and we are all my patients who I care for..." said Mercy with a small smile.

As Soldier 76, aka Jack Morrison, thought about his memories of Truppen, they were quite fond. He remembered bringing Truppen back from the mission to get him with Reinhardt as he had been young and yet as good as any experienced soldier like himself. Although back then he had been against bringing such a young member into Overwatch, he had enough skill and combat experience to be barley allowed into the organization.

In the time that followed, Jack had watched the boy become one of the top combat operatives to ever be fielded against the Omnics. Although the blue uniform he would wear would never fit his, he managed to use it to his advantage as he had decimated Omnic units sometimes all by himself. If there had been medals for him, he would have likely half of them from his missions, flying nearly 250 and killing roughly around 5,000 Omnics in total.

The only reason why he was never promoted beyond his normal rank of Sergeant was he could never get around to leading a group himself. Still, he was an important asset for Overwatch and a good kid, one that kept that Young Punk Hana from getting way to crazy on that Dorito and Mt.Dew stuff.

Suddenly, the dropship was heard making a new pitch in its engines as a new sound reached their ears: the sounds of battle.

"Alright, looks like we have arrived in the midst of battle! The Bundeswehr can hold their own but we'll likely need to help them before we can help my Enkel... but be on the lookout for him anyway." said Reinhardt from nearby as he began to have his armor put on him.

"Any questions?" asked Reinhardt as he looked around.

No one said a word as they all began to take their weapons out and nodded at him. Bastion unfolded and let out some binary boops and whirrs as it gave its own affirmatives.

"Good.. Now..." said Reinhardt as he put on his helmet, "Lets destroy us some Omnics junks of metal!"

It was chaos in the bases frontlines as both the Major and Truppens squad reached it. The base itself was mostly on fire or rubble due to the many Troopers, Bastions, Splicers, OR-14's, Detonators, and now Shield and cannon users known as Executioners moving up against it while the above head and nearby Omnium transports continued to disgorge units out.

And then there were the Talon Close Air Support units, Armor units, and Infantry also moving up against the base.

As Truppen and the Major along with their squad ducked past some burning cars, suddenly the entire apartment on their left opened up with Trooper and Bastion fire as the squad found itself pin down, just at the edge of the urban environment that gave way to the open field surrounding the base.

The Major fired his LMG at the enemy positions as everyone else did the same and as Truppen fired his bow twice, he then said to the Major, "Can you get anyone yet?"

"No! Omnic heaps of metal are still jamming us!" said the Major as he fired another burst.

Truppen gave a groan as he fired another shot just before he pulled his laser pointer out and aimed the laser down through a gap between buildings towards the base as he began to flash it around.

Immediately, several lasers of other colors answered and as Truppen smiled, he handed the laser to the Major as he said, "Looks like we have to do it the old fashion way. I'll keep them off and you relay whatever needs to relayed before we get moving."

The major simply nodded and as he went out to relay a message to the nearby base, Truppen popped back up as he fired another shot with his bow just as a torrent of lead and energy answered in kind. As Truppen quickly looked over his shoulders and gave a count on his arrows, he gave a sigh as he knew he wasn't going to be getting any back nor did he have enough of them to last this battle.

More and more enemy fire was coming down upon the groups positions and as Truppen popped up and fired, he then shouted to Rex, "Rex! Save at least one clip but fire a barrage into those guys!"

Rex nodded and as he switched to his rocket, as did the other Omnics, several Titan-slaying rockets hammered into the apartment across from them as the explosions sent scrap and metal flying as most of the upper stories of the structure suddenly came crashing down to the ground.

"Alright, lets move! We gotta get to the base!" shouted Truppen and as the Major tossed over his laser pointer, everyone ran as fast as they could towards the base as the Urban environment soon gave way into an open field of dead shrubbery, craters, and old fortifications.

Several Bundeswehr squads of infantry had already deployed a frontline position before the walls of the base as the bunkers were all lined with guns ranging from simple firearms to heavy machineguns, even a few AT-guns. AA guns were burping occasional shells into the sky as Anti-Air Missile emplacements were trying to find and destroy the Talon Interceptor and CAS fighters roaming around still. Lastly, the Hover Leopards and Hover Puma's were all holding positions behind the infantry and bunkers as they would provide support. The only ones not seen were the Attack helicopter Tigers which seemed to have been either dealt with or had been forced out of the area.

But as Truppen and the Major, along with their squads, were received by the defenders, one of the officers ran over in his armor and with his rifle as he said, "Major! We've managed to hold off the enemy but they are coming in for an assault directly here!"

"Anything else we should worry about?" asked the Major.

"They have a Titan advancing against us!"

As soon as the word "Titan" was heard, the Major gave a hearty laugh as he then looked to Truppen just as he said, "I hope you can rearm fast cause today you and your Titan slayers shall get to destroy those hulking things! I have faith in you!"

"Everyone else, prepare to repulse a joint assault from our enemies!!!"

As men immediately began to run about to get the defenses ready alongside of friendly Omnics, Truppen and his squad ran through the trenches straight to  their bunker as to rearm and to reload their weapons before the big assault.

"Sir," suddenly said a Lieutenant as he approached Major Fredrisch, "We still have a platoon of men outside of the defenses!"

"Damn! But we cannot go get them!" The Major hated this sudden development. "Do we know where they are?"

"Sector D1! Closer to the enemy assault force!"

"If you get a hold off them, have them retreat at full speed back here!" said the Major as suddenly rockets were heard and he looked up as he shouted, "INCOMING!!!"

And then the battle begun as the Omnic assault began to slowly march down as a Titan towered over them all.

The Overwatch Dropship came flaring in and as everyone got ready at the doors, suddenly they heard energy and even a few bullets ping off the hull as the doors dropped and both Reinhardt and suddenly jumped out first as the others were quick to follow. landed next to Reinhardt as they saw everything instantly: A company of Talon operatives were trying to advance against the platoon of Bundeswehr troopers that were spread out around some ruins and sandbags that the dropship stood over.

"FUR DAS VATERLAND!" Roared Reinhardt as he swung his hammer just as a energy blade came slicing towards the Talon operatives just as began to fire her cannons. Soldier 76 dropped down next with Bastion as both began to fire their rifles at the enemies who were mostly exposed as they had tried to charge the platoon.

Ana and Mercy soon dropped down next as they began to help those around them while the Bundeswehr platoon, realizing they had just been saved from likely doom by the hands of the Overwatch operatives, immediately jumped up as they all let out a shout and charged after Reinhardt who was running straight for the Talon operatives.

The Talon forces, realizing too late how absolutely dead they were, tried to defend themselves from the sudden attack but they were so swiftly cut down that many of them simply dropped where they were as bullets, explosions, and a hammer smashed them aside.

As the last Talon operative dropped dead, Reinhardt looked at what remained of the Bundeswehr platoon as he then asked them, "What's going on? where is your commanding officer?"

"The Mini-Omnium nearby has begun an attack with these Talon Operatives! We were trying to secure a position near the Omnium when we were cut off from the FOB! The enemy is likely going there to try and simply crush us!" said one of the Bundeswehr squad leaders.

"Then we must go there." said Reinhardt as the whole platoon and the Overwatch operatives began to move straight for the FOB.

"So... you're the Crusader Reinhardt? Why are you here now?" asked one of the Bundeswehr as they began to make towards the FOB through the urban environment, moving through the ruins and discarded remains of civilization.

"We've come here to not only help but to get back one of our that is here... you may know him as Truppen." said Reinhardt as was close to him along with Bastion.

"Truppen? The Titan slayer?" The Bundeswehr didn't stop running but he did slow down at the name before catching up as they were fast approaching the sounds of battle up ahead. " You'll likely find him with those clankers he rolls with... although with what we saw heading towards the FOB, they may be far to busy to be taken from combat so easily."

"Why is that?" asked as she kept up in her Meka.

"Because we saw Omnium Titans, three of them in total, being moved past us for the assault."

"Lord in heaven..." muttered Reinhardt as he then said, "Then we have no time to waste! Stuttgart must not fall!"

"Right!" Everyone else echoed as they soon began to near the edge off the Urban environment.

But then, suddenly, Omnium Troopers, Bastions, Splicers, and a few Eradicators appeared and as activated her Defense Matrix in front of some of the Bundeswehr along with Reinhardt activating his shield in front of other Bundewehr troopers. Soldier 76, Ana, Mercy, and Bastion all fired with whatever troopers could as their shots put down the Omnics where they stood as Reinhardt and tried to keep their defenses up to protect them all.

"Come on, come on!" said as her MEKA was showing her the signs the matrix was about to end. She needed it to last just a little bit longer.

Suddenly, Soldier76 fired some of his rockets as Bastion folded into its turret mode just as it fired a stream of lead into some advancing Bastions. Omnics began to fall slightly faster to the platoon as though a few Bundeswehr were falling as well, Ana's bionic grenades and Mercy's healing staff were helping fix up the wounded as they were being put down even though most of the healing was still temporary.

Reinhardt suddenly slammed his hammer down as bullets and energy sparked off his armor and as the earth heaved up and sent at least a dozen Omnics flying onto the ground as he suddenly activated his armor's rockets and suddenly boosted forward just as a few Bundeswehr went charging after him and as smiled, she suddenly charged herself using her thrusters just as Soldier 76 sprinted after them while Bastion covered them.

We're coming Truppen, just hold on just a bit more! Thought Reinhardt as he destroyed two Omnics with one swing of his hammer.

"Watch out for that Eradicator squad on the right flank!"

"Splicer horde coming in! Focus your fire on the lead ones to hit the back ones as well!"

"AT-guns! Fire on those OR'14's!"

"Incoming attack run!!!"

It was chaos amongst the bunkers, trenches, fighting positions, and walls as the Bundeswehr force was fighting long and hard against the Omnic assault as they were throwing everything they had against the offensive while the Omnic forces were pushing hard against them.

Truppen managed to duck an explosion as the trench was full of either the dead, wounded, or the fighting but as Truppen managed to find an open spot, he jumped on it as Rex joined him just as he said, "Omnic Titan! Its just past those apartments!"

"Its out of range of my AT-rifle, dang it!" said Truppen as he was setting up the rifle admist the many shots pointed at the trenches.

A bunker took a hit from a heavy cannon that only the Omnic Titans usually had and as Truppen poked his head over the trenches lip and looked beyond the tide of Omnium units, he watched as the Titan was slowly advancing through the ruins.

"And here it comes!" shouted Truppen just as some missiles from hidden Talon launchers came screaming in to hit the front plate of a Leopard tank, the smoke obscuring the surprisingly little damage they did to the MBT.

More Omnics began to move up in lines and long waves as the Bundeswehr continued to fire and as Truppen began to line up his rifle, he fired three times as he aimed for Omnic units to stupid to realize marching in a line was a bad idea in general.

Especially since his 20mm rifle tore most of them down in one hit.

Rex fired his rifle as the rest of the squad soon appeared and as they all began to fire at the enemies coming straight for them, suddenly they watched as the Titan stepped on an old tank shell as Rex, having a built-in rangefinder, immediately said to Truppen, "Titan in maximum range of your 20mm rifle. Fire when ready."

Truppen immediately sighted on the things eyes as this thing had only a few weakpoints. Its neck, where the cabling for the head was easy to see when you mounted it via the Trichter-9's, the middrift when it aimed upward where tanks could easily hit it, and then its eyes where you could blind it and force it show off its other weakspots.

And just as the Titan took another step, suddenly Truppen fired once as the shell went screaming over the battlefield as it punched through the glass eyes of the Titan as suddenly it stopped and looked away as it stepped on a few Bastions behind it. Truppen reloaded his rifle as he tossed the spent magazine before putting another one in.

"Rex, if you see anything that looks like a good thing, tell me!" said Truppen as he waited for another shot on the Titan. One shot to the eye wasn't enough to kill it but if he landed the second shot, the damage to its core located in its head should in theory be enough to put it down.

"Well that missing platoon is advancing on our right flank with what looks like a Crusader, a American Soldier, a Sniper, a Bastion, a MEKA, and a Angel." said Rex as he continued to fire.

"You're kidding me, right?" asked Truppen as he looked over himself, not even waiting for an answer.

Sure enough, the lost platoon was advancing slowly towards the edges of the Urban district with Reinhardt,, Ana, Mercy, Bastion, and Soldier 76 as they fought Talon operatives and Omnium units that tried to stop them.

"Rex! Get the Major and tell him what's going on! I'll drop the Titan!" said Truppen as he went back to watching the titan.

Rex nodded and as he ran, several missiles and a few mortar shots landed near to the trench as dirt and even some rubble sprayed over the trenches lip.

Rex ran as fast as he could through the winding trench as he knew that the Major was close to the position he had just been in, only about a hundred meters at best away. He ducked shot going over the trench as he squeezed past running defenders and as he looked over the trench lip for but a moment, he could see the almost never ending wave of Omnics coming towards the FOB as suddenly the sound of Truppen's rifle cut through the air. He looked down the right flank where he had come from as the Titan, both eyes now gone, slowly began to sway before it began to fall in slow motion and as he continued to run, Troopers cheered as the Titan's fall to the ground shook the very ground.

Meanwhile, Major Fredrisch was firing almost a continuous spray of fire from his gun straight at a wave of Splicer trying to come in fast and as the other troopers around him did the same, he was running low on ammo as there likely was even more waves of Omnic coming from those transport still hovering over the apartments, although there seemed to be only two now from the original three.

Then, the Omnic Rex from Truppen's squad appeared next to him and as the Omnic fired a few shots, he brought the Major down from the firing line as he then said, "Sir, the lost platoon is advancing back towards our position with help from Overwatch and 1 Omnium Titan is down!"

"Excellent! The moment you and your group sees that second Titan, I want you-" began the Major when suddenly they heard a roar of missiles and guns from behind them and as they looked, there was two things above them Base.

One an Omnium transport and the other the Omnium Titan that was slowly being dropped onto the base!

"TITAN!!!" someone shouted and as tanks tried to turn their guns around, suddenly the Titan landed and shook the earth as it began to fire all around it to begin levelling the base around it.

Rex immediately began to bring his Tricter-9 maneuvering gear on as suddenly he watched Truppen and the others of his squad begin maneuvering themselves amongst the buildings on their own gear as he soon went rocketing out of the trenches to also join in the attack.

"Everyone! Cover for those Titan Hunters!!!" Shouted the Major as he went back to firing at the enemy.

The platoon was slightly scattered amongst the edges of the battlefield as they fought for dominance amongst the ruins and hollow apartments. brought her defense matrix online as the tiny laser nullified many bullets coming towards the three squads of Bundeswehr and Ana she was with and as she fired her guns again, she was worried for Truppen after seeing the Titan begin dropped right onto the Bundeswehr base.

Suddenly, a Talon position blew up as Soldier 76 and Bastion appeared with some troopers and as they all took cover amongst some old cars and a storefront, then heard Soldier ask over the radio, "Can you eliminate that MG pinning us down, Young Punk?"

"Watch and learn, Old Man!" she grinned as she suddenly used her thrusters to rocket her way onto a balcony on the same ledge as the MG.

Talon operatives looked at her and shouted as she opened fired and as she swept her large guns around to eliminate or pin down the threats around her, she heard Bastion go in his tank mode as she saw his shots arc towards some Talon mortar pits nearby.

Reinhardt fought with almost half of the platoon with him as he was pushing towards the base itself and as he watched several figures going for the Omnium Titan trying to destroy the base, he smiled as he knew one of them had to be Truppen.

"Go get that blasted thing, my little Enkel! Go make your family proud!" said Reinhardt as he smashed aside some Talon operatives trying to pin down some friendly troopers nearby. the MG nest was easily crushed by his rocket hammer and as he activated his rockets on his back towards some counter-attacking forces, his armor was dinged and cracked from the pounding of enemy fire.

Then, there was an explosion and as he smashed the attackers aside with his charge, he looked over to see with some shock and much concern as of the 6 figures who went against the Titan that 4 of them were now either gone or hanging limply on their gear's cables as only two of them were now circling the large Titan that was trying to swat them away.

"Come on! We need you!" said Reinhardt.

Suddenly, a rocket hammered his side and as he was blasted away from the rocket, he landed against the car as he gave groan and slumped in his armor. He managed to look over and watched as the Talon operative with the RPG begin reloading but even as he did so, the German soldiers who had been with him came running over as one took the operative down just as three of them began to try and help up Reinhardt.

"Are you hurt sir?" asked one as Reinhardt managed to sit up.

Reinhardt looked over his suit and though the crater in his side was very worrying, he ignored the pain that was throbbing there as he said, "Never felt more alive than now! But we have to help the other defenders out there still! We must press on!"

Truppen circled the Titan as he fired another shot with his rifle and as it pockmarked the things collarbone area, it wasn't looking good for him and Rex. The other four had been taken out after the Titan had managed to swat all 4 of them down in one blow and though he and Rex were managing to stay out of its reach, his energy reserves on the maneuvering gear were running low already.

Just as Red fired a few shots form his rocket launcher, suddenly the Titan looked down and as the cabling along its neck was exposed, Truppen suddenly used the last of his gears juice to boost towards it as he fired his rifle just as suddenly a stray shot destroyed it. He tossed the useless junk away and as he ripped out the plasma saber at his side, the blade leapt with blue fire as it sliced cabling as it was taken out.

He landed on the roof of some barracks as he looked over with his sword to watched as the Titan simply fall over to the side as Rex landed with him.

"Titan down... lets hope that was the last of them." said Stalker as he then looked back out into the battlefield.

The transport were either leaving or simply gone, it was hard to tell, but now that they were gone, the Omnium units were holding their positions as their numbers were no longer being replenished so much. And as Truppen looked over it all, he suddenly activated his shield generator as he held up his sword and as he managed to use some remaining power to jump boost off the buildings rooftop, he landed near the trench as he shouted out, "Come on! Now's the time to counter attack! Let's go!"

Spurred on by his words, the Bundeswehr troopers, though weary, gave a triumphant shout as they all began the counter attack and as Truppen held his shield up as he ran, Rex was behind him firing away as he must as he could as the Bundeswehr began their charge. Omnics and a few Talons left were firing at them all, trying to bring as many of them down as they could, but the charge would not be halted as Truppen immediately ran up on a Omnium Trooper and sliced it in half with his saber.

"Charge!" Shouted Major Fredrisch as behind the lines the few remaining Puma's and Leopards were boosting their hover thrusters to max as they began to move with the charging infantry and as he got out of the trenches himself, the enemy fire was certainly fierce still but it was something they could bear now.

Reinhardt watched this all going down and as those around him cheered, he shouted out himself before he then said, "Lets go link up and continue this magnificent attack!"

"Help!" The call from was clear over the radio and as he whipped around, he couldn't tell where she was but he knew he needed to go soon if he was to save her.

"I'm coming, Hana!!!" He shouted and as he ran, the troopers did the same as they knew something was going on and they were willing to help. was running her MEKA as fast as it could from the surge of Omnic Troopers coming after her and as she managed to rotate it around to fire behind her, she suddenly felt her MEKA eject her as she looked over to see a Detonator slowly floating over to it. She landed and as she ran, firing her pistol, her MEKA exploded as it took the detonator with it along with some Omnium troopers but did not stop them as they came after her.

Trooper ran as he vaulted over objects, the first energy cell for his shield having been gone already as he was on the second one but as he ran, suddenly he saw Soldier 76, Mercy, Bastion, Ana, and some of the lost platoon joining up with them as he then said, "Guys! You made it!"

"Truppen!" Mercy managed a small hug as Ana managed a nod but Soldier said nothing as he covered just as Truppen asked, "Where is my grandvater and Hana?"

"We don't know-" began Soldier 76 but then Hana's voice in the form of a shrill scream appeared and as Truppen heard it, he used his maneuvering gears cables to slingshot himself around a nearby corner as Rex followed, using only their hearing to guide them.

Hana slid on rubble as the shot hit her thigh and as she turned and fired her pistol, the Omnic troopers went down but many more were advancing as they fired at her. She fired shot after shot, nailing good kills but they were many and as she was starting to cry now, she screamed out, "Truppen!" just as three Omnium Bastions fired at her from turret mode.

"I'm boosted!"

Truppen slid on the loose rubble as his shield flared up to life for one last time as the Nano boost was coursing through a socket towards the back and as Truppen held up the shield, it was purple for once which was odd. But he didn't care as he slid before just as the Bastion fire began to impact the shield as it flared with energy.

It continued like this for a few seconds to the Bastions stopped and as they unfolded, Truppens shield collapsed as he simply held up his saber. Then, he latched onto one with his maneuvering cable and as he zipped over, his sword parted the thing in three pieces as he managed to spear another next to it on the point of the blade. Omnic troopers fired but he managed to use the last Bastion as a shield and as he reached them, he sliced down three of them quickly before throwing his sword to cleave a last. He looked around and just as he went for his sword, a Trooper appeared as it leveled its rifle.


The pistol shot took its head out and as Truppen looked over, he smiled beneath his mask as he saw Hana managing a weak smile, her face streaked with dust and tears. He quickly grabbed his saber and as he went over, Rex appeared as he knelt next to

"Good to see you too, Flower." said Truppen with a wave.

"Silly SS trooper... always thinking he can win my heart by being lucky.." said Hana with a small grin.

"Well, can't blame me if it happens a lot." said Truppen.

But just as he reached Hana and began to help her up, he suddenly felt the ground shake and the trio looked over just as Rex fired at the Titan slowly walking over towards them. None of the fire from Rex even seemed to faze the large Omnic and as it brought up both arms bristling with weaponry, Truppen then sighed as he said, "Looks like my luck ran out dry..."

"TAKE THIS, YOU OMNIC HEAP OF JUNK!!!" The shout of Reinhardt reached them as he suddenly flew from a rooftop on his rockets and as he swung with his hammer, they all heard and watched as the Titan's head crumpled as Reinhardt crashed through a building nearby. The Titan gave a sway but then felt before the trio and as they all looked at it, they then heard Reinhardt manage, "I think my cholesterol is a little high!"

Ana, Mercy, Bastion, and Soldier 76 then appeared and as Mercy began to heal, Truppen sighed as he began to go get his grandfather just as Ana said to him, "You good?"

"Thanks for the Boost... Captain Amari." he said as he waved to her and gave a thumbs up.

"Happy to help." said the older woman.

"Now, lets see how badly buried old granvater is inside of that thing." said Truppen with a mutter as he began to walk past the Titan to reach the apartment.

And as Hana watched him go, she gave a small smile as she then said, "Good to have you back with us, Truppen..."

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