Chapter 8

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Chiều cao dòng was walking her mech downtown, going fast, straight for the bases mess hall as she was listening to one of her many songs from her playlist.

She was heading that way since it was lunchtime as it was as she had already been at the range and sighted in her cannons for her MEKA but as she did so, suddenly she got something to beep her communicator within her MEKA and as she pressed a button on her headset, she said, "Hello?"

", please meet me in the communication room as quickly as possible." said Winston curtly over the comm line before he soon was gone as he stopped the communication. immediately stopped heading her way towards the cafeteria as she then made her way over to where the communication relay was within the base and as she made her way over there, suddenly she felt something nudge her large MEKA as she then looked over to see Reinhardt and Soldier 76 slowly moving with her to the same location and as she looked at Reinhardt, she asked him, "What brings you here, gramps?"

"Ha! Same as you, I wager fraulein." said Reinhradt as he walked with his hammer on a shoulder.

"And what about you, old man?" asked with a snicker to Soldier 76.

"I was asked to come along by Reinhardt, Young Punk..." said Soldier 76. gave a small grin as the trio continued to move along to the communication relay and as they all wondered why Winston had asked them to come over there so quickly.

Winston and A.T.H.E.N.A. were looking over the sudden new readings from the satellite map they had in the communication relay station when suddenly Reinhardt, Soldier 76, and entered and as Winston turned to them, he then said to them all, "Ah, good to see you all."

"I have some... interesting news...." said Winston.

Everyone looked up to one of the maps that was being projected and immediately Reinhardt was in some surprise. A noticeable red blip was on the map, right in Germany no less, was blinking on the map and as everyone looked at it, it made them all looked at Winston as asked, "Isn't there a interference cloud over Europe right now?"

"Yes... there does seem to be one over mainly Germany... but this just popped up a few hours ago and right now A.T.H.E.N.A. is running the signal through the old database of Overwatch personnel to see who it is from." said Winston as the large gorilla slowly walked over to the map. "You all are here if we get a match with anyone from the database as you will all retrieve them with haste."

As everyone got closer to the map, watching as the many signals in the database were matched up with this one and as they all watched the time go on, was starting to get bored. But then it hit her and as she looked at the screen, she then asked, "Hey... A.T.H.E.N.A., can you see if the signal matches Truppen's signal?"

Everyone looked at one another with some glances but then Reinhardt said, "I agree.. let us see if it is my Enkel's signal..."

Winston then looked back at the screen as A.T.H.E.N.A. then said, "Getting out Truppen's signal..."

They all watched as Truppens signal was brought up and as the two signals were brought together, suddenly the blip lit up blue as Truppen's tag appeared next to it. It was a match it seemed.

"My boy... is alive..." said Reinhardt with a smile behind his helmet as he then asked A.T.H.E.N.A, "Can we patch a communication channel to him?"

"I'm currently trying but the interference is making it certainly difficult... but I will keep trying until a form of connection is established..." said A.T.H.E.N.A.

"Let us hope... that nothing bad is happening to him just yet..."

Daylight came up and as Truppen slowly crept around the remains of Sector F7, his boots echoing slightly whenever he entered the shattered and hollow remains of a apartment building and as he looked around constantly with an arrow notched to his bow, he was uneasy. Normally, coming back to friendly lines would have been a snap but something about half-way through had cut off all forms of communication from him and his squad, leaving him with only static from his comm set.

And to him, having fought in the Omnic Crisis, that meant something was about to go down and he had little time to spare to get back to headquarters. Especially since his helm camera had managed to record the Mini-Omnium being restored into its glory.

Truppen slid past some cars as his cloak dragged behind him due to his low stance and as he looked around, he flashed a blue laser pointer around as he tried to get something to notice him.

Nothing responded in anyway.

He was about to move forward when suddenly a bullet snapped past his ear and crunched into the nearby wall and he quickly scrambled back behind the car as the five Omnium Bastions slowly slid out from cover and began to converge on him.

"Great... the scouts before the army?" muttered Truppen to himself as he took from the special holster on his back a bundle Stielhangranate and as he slowly unscrewed its bottom and then gently began to slide the string from the bottom as he eased himself up to look over the car. The Bastions were all bunched up.

He suddenly popped up as he brought his arm back and as the Bastion's fired their arm-mounted assault rifles, he tossed the grenade at them and then hit the dirt and covered his head as the bullets began to tear the air and the cover he was behind up like swiss cheese.


The firing stopped and as Truppen slowly popped out with his bow up, he looked over the car's hood as he looked for targets.

The Bastions were scrap metal in more cases than not. One had half a torso gone, another no head or arms, and the last was powering down as it had no lower half to use. Truppen slowly walked from behind the car as he looked over them and as he did so, he heard movement nearby and jumped up with his bow immediately at full draw as he watched Rex and the other Free Omnic's then appear.

"Rex!" Truppen sighed as he slowly brought the bow down as he said, "You nearly made me shoot you!"

"The Comm lines are down. Possible Omnium attack, I am estimating based on the few scouts we've seen and the intel we have found at the cradle." said Rex as he and the 5 other Omnics and 6 Bastions all took position around the two of them.

"Then we best get going soon... if that thing is being made for an attack, it may not take it long before it begins sending our actual waves of its work at the base... not to mention, we will need to use the old Transmitter to get any call for help out." said Truppen.

The Transmitter, a giant spire of communication arrays that was situated just north of Sector F7, in Sector E7. It had been heavily contested during the Siege of Stuggart in the original Omnic Crisis as the Omnics had tried to stop the constant stream of battle data from getting back to Berlin while the defenders tried to desperately hold onto it.

"Agreed... Let us set out for Sector E7 then and begin a transmission to Berlin as well as trying to raise the garrison." said Rex.

Just as Truppen began to move his face, suddenly a hailstorm of lead chewed up one of the Free Bastions near him and as everyone scattered into cover, at least ten Omnium Bastions were advancing while two were firing sporadic bursts from turret mode.

"And just as I thought we were about to get out of jail free!" Shouted Truppenn as he then ordered, "Fighting retreat back to the Transmitter! We must delay these Omnics as long as possible!"

His squad all let out burps of Binary as their affirmatives as pairs of them began to cover one another as the Omnium Bastions continued their advance.

"Come on, Rex! We don't have long to hold them off!" shouted Truppen as he took out a normal Stielhangranate and ripped the cover off and the detonator string out as he tossed it before running as fast as he could, using his maneuvering gear to get away speedily.

And thus began, sorta knowingly, Talon Company's and the Omniums attack against Stuggart once again.

Major Fredrisch was quite worried as reports about the sudden elimination of all communications came flooding in while patrols were coming back with news of the most movement of Omnium Bastions ever since the end of the Siege.

He looked at the roster as the current list of MIA so far and as he saw Truppen's squad, he then sighed as he said, "Someone, get a squad together. I'm headed for the transmitter and have everything mobilized, gassed, armed, and ready to go."

A officer in the hall nodded as he then ran off to gather a willing squad up and as the Major walked over towards a nearby crate, he took his hat off as well as his combat fatigues top off as he muttered, "Been a while since I wore you but today is likely going to need it..."

He opened up the crate and as he began to put on his Bundeswehr armor, he remembered all of the firefights and battles he had waged within this thing and as he finished putting it on and then powering it up, he took out the H&K MG7 and as he racked the slide back as it inserted the belt of ammo into itself, he then looked up as the officer was back with half his armor on as he said, "Sir, Squad Echo 7 is waiting for you. The whole base is mobilized and ready for your command to head out for full combat."

"Good. Get us a Hover Puma and have every single Hover Leopard out to the entrances and I want those two Tigers up and moving around to report all activity! Any Omnium units like Titans or even OR-14's must be reported at once!" OR-14's were the Four-Legged, Omnium version of the OR15's that packed dual guns rather than one and was the group commanders of the Omnium Bastions beneath the Mini-Omniums themselves.

Any of which instantly meant the Mini-Omnium was back online again.

"Alright, people... lets go!" shouted Fredrisch as he began to move out.

Bullets sparked off vehicles and zipped by the scattered group of Truppens squad as it wasn't going all that well. The remaining 5 Free Bastions he had under his command were no simply scrap metal after some of the Omnium Bastions had managed to catch up with them and shred them up.

Now it was just Rex, the four other Free Omnics, and Truppen running as fast as they possibly could while jumping and boosting with their Trichter-9's. They were about halfway through the Trichter's power cells and the only spares were back at base and as Truppen jumped over a car, he saw the hill and the large Transmitter that stood atop it. broken walls, old sandbags, barbwire, and shell holes dotted it but it was cover that was still useful to the group and as Truppen drew his bow back with an arrow, he aimed it back behind them as he shouted, "Get your Rockets out! Blanket fire a single volley at those things!"

As Rex nodded and took out the Panzerschrek 5E and as the other Free Omnic's did the same, they all ran behind some sandbags lined with razorwire while Truppen took out his AT-rifle as he quickly set up its stand as the twelve bastions slowly advanced from the ruins. He aimed the rifle down its sight on the left side and as he watched two Bastions line themselves up, he suddenly fired as a 20mm round tore both Bastions units down just as the Free Omnics around him fired a barrage of around 50 mini-rockets straight at the Bastions position.

Explosions ripped the old buildings apart as the Bastions were almost completely obliterated and as the Omnics reloaded their rockets, Rex and Truppen ran towards the Transmitter's control room. The room was a small, bunker like structure next to the Transmitter and as Rex and Truppen busted down the old door down and ran straight for the console, Rex jacked himself in as he said to Truppen, "Who shall we contact first?"

"This." Truppen had written down the frequency of the old Overwatch and as Rex began to put it in, Truppen then said, "Tell me when you have a connection!"

As Rex stooped over as he tried to break through the interference above them all, Truppen went back outside with his rifle out as the Free Omnics were slowly spreading out with their G47's out and at the ready.

As Truppen looked out and about, suddenly heard a great set of rumblings and as he looked up, he suddenly watched as the 3 Omnic Transports lumbered into view from the Mini-Omnium and as the group watched it, Truppen suddenly heard a Puma appear and they all turned as they saw the Puma roll up before disgorging a squad of Bundeswehr infantry and the Major onto the fortified hill.

As soon as both the Major and Truppen saw one another, both immediately met up as Truppen said, "Well.. I found it sir... still in its crib as ever... but Talon and now this Omnic attack is happening..."

"Yeah, I see that... of course it would appear again at some point..." muttered the Major as he then said, "Alright, who are we calling first?"

"As silly as it sounds, my Granvater... and then we'll contact Bundeswehr command and get some real units here... do you think the base can hold out?" asked Truppen.

"Not alone... still, we'll try and call for help here before we head back to base... even Overwatch's help would be very nice right about now." said the Major.

Suddenly the sound of Omnic limbs moving came closer and as everyone instantly went behind any form of protection, Truppen and the Major watched as Omnium bastions began to approach but then suddenly another Omnium they had never seen appeared.

"What is that?" asked Truppen as he watched the Omnium Trooper slowly walk out with a cannon on one arm as it's elongated head looked as soon dozens more appeared as they all began looking at the hill.

"I heard that those are Null Sector Troopers... but... how did the Mini-Omnium get those types to use?" muttered the Major as he racked the slide on his gun back.

"I think those Talons are behind both Null and a lot more... would explain a lot... and they are approaching.." said Truppen as he pulled his bow out and get some arrows ready to shoot.

As Truppen warned the major, the Omnium Bastions and Troopers began to advance as a single mass and as everyone got ready, Rex suddenly shouted out, "I got a connection! Its with Overwatch!!"

A.T.H.E.N.A. felt the grasping transmission from the Stuggart Transmitter and she immediately grabbed it as everyone immediately heard her say, "Connection established with Stuggart Transmitter! Transmission incoming!!"

Everyone immediately crowded closer as the image began to resolve and as they saw a Omnic with blue markings all over it and a G47 rifle next to it, they all were curious why it was with this thing when suddenly they heard someone say, "Rex! Get outside!! We got Bastions and some new... Troopers coming towards us! Lemme talk to them!!"

"Yes, Truppen!" Everyone in the room tensed up as suddenly Reinhardt gave a warm smile as his Enkel came running over as he said, "How are you, my little soldat?"

"Could be better. But right now, we need your help here, ASAP!" said Truppen hurriedly as suddenly gunfire and explosions began in the background behind him.

"What's going on?" asked as she appeared.

Truppen had his mask on so they couldn't see his face for the moment, but he gave a warm sigh as he said, "Oh the usual... but not really... the Mini-Omnium has just begun its new assault thanks to what looks like Talon and its using some new units... something's from the Null Sector?"

Everyone was now very worried as suddenly an explosion rocked the camera and Truppen grabbed his bow out again as he said, "We can't hold off this assault for long here! Gotta go! I love you, flower and granvater!!"

"Truppen!!!!" Shouted as suddenly the connection went out.

As silence entered the area, they all looked at one another before said, "Reinhardt... Soldier76... grab Bastion... Mercy... and lets get our Soldat back...."

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