Chapter 7

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The rain had finally stopped but the mud was going to be around for a long while until either the water dried up after a long time or until the sun came out.

And yet Truppen continued his prayer to God as his squad was spread out around him, almost all of them cloaked beneath their grey, hooded cloaks in the case of the Humanoid Omnics and mostly just straight up grey armor for the Free Bastions. He then suddenly stood up as he finished as the cross hanging from his neck swayed slightly from the motion.

Truppen went over his equipment in his head of what he had on: One 20mm Upgraded Swiss Anti-Tank rifle with 4 mags of 10 rounds apiece, A Gauss Compound Longbow with a quiver of 30 arrows, Trichter-9 Maneuvering gear all juiced up, Fully charged Mini-Barrier Shield emitter with two extra charges, Three bundle Steilhandegranate, two normal Steilhandegranate, his normal armor colored dark grey that was a chestplate, backplate, shoulder pads, bracers, shin guards, a hooded cloak that was also grey, climbing claws on both gloved-hands and boots, a modified Vector-style Tactical Mask with green LED eyes and an enhanced gas filtration system, Stalhelme with add protection plate, and finally a personal holo device.

He was ready to go out and find himself a Mini-Omnium, maybe even a few Omnium Titans.

And so, he gave a small whistle as then every single one of the Omnics, all 12 of them at least, suddenly stood up as the morning time was still dark as the time was maybe around 0430am.

"Done praying, Truppen?" asked Rex in a low voice.

"Yes. Move out to Sector F7... I hear some Bastion units have been running round over there." said Truppen as he began to get up and move over to that direction.

As everyone began to follow him as quickly as they could, Rex then asked Truppen, "So... who would talk to you about... religion?"

Truppen smiled beneath his mask as he thought back to that topic of question. Truppen himself was a Born Christian, his father, mother, brother, and grandparents all being Christians. The Kommander of Overwatch had also been a Christian but even with them there were many who were either unbelievers, didn't care, or believed in other things.

The one he spoke of was the only one who talked fairly and nicely of Christianity, Zenyatta who was rather a Buddhist Omnic Monk far as Truppen remembered. Both of them hadn't debated but rather, oddly enough, would simply make sure no one picked on the other for their faith or any reason.

Truppen frowned. He remembered his early days, hating every Omnic around him but Zenyatta and the cyborg Genji had taught him not all Omnics were evil. And after the Overwatch Bastion personally saved Truppen's life, he couldn't help but feel like he needed to keep them safe from those who spoke bad of them.

"Well... that was a Omnic named Zenyatta, a Buddhist Priest who often made sure I was praying and doing a good day while I made sure no one was trying to turn him into scrap metal. We rarely spoke about our faiths but only because I don't think w ever managed to find common ground for anything we knew." said Truppen as they stalked through some old shelled out apartments. The water was everywhere and the group splashed through the puddles as they walked on.

"Didn't you get into a fight with a Red for defending him?"

Ah, Truppen almost always did. Whereas Junkrat and Tjorborn could be kinda distracted away, the Red, Communist Russian known as Zarya was another story. Like any true Russian, grudges did not go away and so it often came down to a brawl between Truppen and Zarya, even if she was a body-builder, when she picked on Zenyatta or Bastion for being Omnic. Even though Bunny, or, would often times managed to stop the fights, he still busted himself up and her up when she wasn't available.

Yes, he got into fights with that Red but everyone knew that once you messed with Truppens friends, you got a wolf that few could imagine. Or a dragon if you were either Genji or Hanzo.

"Yeah... now keep quiet... I think we're nearing the sector now.." said Truppen as he went from running upright in a very stealth fashion to taking his bow out as he suddenly stooped down into a crouch of sorts.

The whole squad suddenly took out their crossbows or their silenced G47's assault rifles as they began to creep down some stairs to enter the sector F7. Sector F7 was one of the many apartment complex area's that had been hit hard by the Siege of Stuggart and also had been the dead center of most of the heaviest fighting besides the main FOB base the group used.

The sky was dark still as the group slowly made their way to the bottom floor of the apartment complex and as Truppen came to the main desk and looked over, Gauss Longbow notched with an arrow, he saw nothing but he definitely swore he heard servo's off in the distance.

He slowly slinked through the dusty remains as the squad of Omnics slowly followed him, their footsteps faintly echoing as they tried to keep their presence masked. As they walked along, Truppen could see the rusted hulks and forms of old Omnium Bastion units scattered around as they had been downed there.

But as Truppen looked around, it looked like some of the old rusted units had been scavenged and moved from their original positions as Truppen noted the rusted scrap scattered about in almost random fashion.

But as Truppen came to a street corner across the way from the apartment and slowly peeked his head around, he suddenly realized what was dragging the old Bastion units from their exposed graves.

Nicknamed "Gravediggers", Omnium Scrap Hunters were reknown for taking destroyed units from battlefields to later have them be turned into new ones. They resembled a six legged spider with four arms to take up old Omnic bodies and place them into the large netting on their back.

Currently there were three of them along with, to Truppen's surprise, at least 5 Ommnium Bastions units as they stood guard over the scavengers.

"All units, we have three Omnic Scavs and five Bastions..." said Truppen into his radio quietly as he began to slowly bring up his bow.

Rex and the other Omnics soon appeared behind him and as Rex looked past Truppen's shoulders, he soon bleeped out something in binary cant as suddenly the whole squad took out their more silent weapons as they prepared to ambush the gravediggers.

But as Truppen prepared to fire, he suddenly stopped them as he then said, "Wait... if there are Gravediggers... then..."

He looked back at the group as they almost all knew what he was about to say.

"There has to be an Omnium in which they are going to."

And with that it seemed like the Omnium Scavengers were done and as the three spider-like beings and their guard of Omnic soldiers slowly began to march away from the sector, Truppen then put his bow away as he then said, "Follow them..."

And with that he suddenly began to climb up the building that made the street corner.

About an hour into following the Omnium scavengers and an hour into running across rooftops and sliding through rubble, the squad knew that they were way out of Sector F7 at this point. The rubble and ruins had now given way to open wasteland that could only be described as a No Man's Land. Craters and rusted hulks were everywhere as there was no vegetation beyond shrapnel tree's and dead shrubbery.

It was certainly more hard to try and stay out of sight from the Omnium Omnics but as Truppen dipped through some old, long abandoned trenches, he knew exactly where the Omnics were going to.

The Stuggart Omnium's resting place.

As Truppen glanced around, he could kinda see through the cloudy nighttime that coming down and with the help of his goggles his squad spread out all over, several yards and meters in between them all.

But as Truppen stopped at the foot of a slight hill made from a fallen Omnium Titan, he watched as the Omnium Omnics suddenly descend down what seemed like a cave entrance but was actually an underground facility's entrance that lead to the Omniums crib.

As Rex looked at Truppen, Truppen then said to him, "Get ready to run back to the FOB with the others. In fact get going now. I'm going to go in a for a closer look..."

"You always do that don't you?" muttered Rex but then he blurted another Binary cant and began to then lead the rest of the squad away from the hill and back to the base.

As Truppen looked up, he then began to slowly creep towards the entrance as he hoped it wasn't too bad within as he then activated his NVG's. As everything was bathed in a lime green light, Truppen began to slowly creep down into the factory. And it only took him about10 minutes to find it too.

The Omnium was about 60% capacity at the moment and with the Omnium Scavengers bringing back old Bastion units to be remade, it was clear the offensive the Talon Company were trying to achieve was close at hand. Hundreds of Omniumm Bastions and at least three Omnium Titans were ready for battle and three transports were ready to drop waves of robot death onto the Bundeswehr garrison here in Stuggart.

And since Reaper had left to deal with some other stuff, this simply left the odd some 200 Talon mercenaries to keep the Omnium going till they launched the assault.

All of this, Truppen saw as he was watching from a ledge made of rubble as he had no weapons out but what he did have was a camera and as he took pictures with the NVG camera, he knew he needed to get this back to the base and fast.

And that's what he did as he soon buggered off.

The night was now fully here and as Truppen slowly sat down next to the shell of a Bundeswehr hover tank, he slowly took out his holo projector as he looked for a specific file on it. He flipped through the many files as he soon found it and as he brought the file onto the pad, he then placed it onto the ground as he stood up.

A holoprojection screen of in a nice dress appeared and as she held her arms out, Truppen took them as he said, "Now... follow me..."

And then they began to dance there. It was hard to keep track of having some form of a physical touch with something projected but as Truppen danced with her, it soon ended as the projection gave a kiss on his cheek before the hologram of Hana said, "My little SS truppen...

And then it was gone.

Truppen looked down at the projector as he remembered that night. He had asked her out on a quiet evening on the base in Switzerland and after a nice dinner he had cooked up, he had asked her to dance on a pavilion. No one had been around, he remembered and he could smell a peach perfume coming from which was unlike her since she never wore perfume.

As he went to sit back down, taking his helmet off in the process, he sighed as he placed his head against the tank shell as he then said, "I miss you.... Hana..."

He then looked back down to the covering over the transmitting chip and as he looked down at it, he then ripped it off as he then said, "I hope you still work you bugger... because I want to see them all back with me again... like the good days."

Truppen placed his helmet back on and as he got comfy, he knew he was maybe going to have a nice dream tonight.

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