Chapter 6

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The Light gun made a high pitch whining sound as the gun fired its energy clip.

Hana went to the firing range maybe two days a week to keep her accuracy with the small , personal weapon at its peak, which was only half as good as some of the Overwatch heroes that were on base.

As her shots hit around the center mass of the target she was shooting at, she frowned as she soon quickly reloaded her gun and as she brought the target over, she was annoyed very much. Before, she could easily hit the targets center mass with about 80-75% if her shots. But now I seemed like it had dropped to 70-65% accuracy and as she looked at her gun, she knew it wasn't the gun's fault.

It was herself that was way out of practice.

She sighed as she put the target back out there and as she brought her pistol up in both hands, a small bubble of bubblegum coming from her lips, when a sudden memory came to her head.

"Come on, Hana... that's not the true way to hold a pistol..."

She stopped as she then dove back into that memory from not too long ago...

"Come on, Hana. Everyone is admitting that when you're out of that MEKA of yours that you have a terrible aim with your little pistol there." said Truppen, as he had been wearing on his normal Stosstruppen uniform and his helmet but his mask was gone and he only had his Gauss Longbow with him along with his quiver.

Hana crossed her arms over her chest as she had her skinsuit on along with her headset as her only thing on her was her small Light Gun. She looked at him as she then said with gum in her mouth, "Truppen, I am an amazing shot! I have to be nerfed I'm so good!"

"No, you need a buff. A huge buff, in fact, to that crap aim of yours." said Truppen as he flicked her forehead. "Now come on, I'm going to teach you how to shoot, finally."

Hana grumbled as she rubbed her forehead but as she watched Truppen continue to walk away from her without paying much attention to the fact she wasn't even following him at the moment, she finally gave a sigh as she then began to follow him towards the shooting range that was kinda on the other side of the base itself.

The shooting range was a squat building with no or few windows on the bland structure made of concrete. The doors were steel and only slid open with a password everyone in the base knew but no one else did as inside was also the bases armory for the personnel besides the Overwatch Heroes.

As Truppen opened the door with a quick flurry of hand motions, the two of them walked into the  large expansive room that held several lanes of firing lines as there was only the two of them here. Even though they had been dating for a month now, knew herself and a boy all alone was just screaming trouble but she watched as Truppen set two targets up at the range just as Truppen pulled out his Gauss Longbow while his quiver was at his side, still choke-full of arrows.

He strung up an arrow onto his bow and as he pulled it back to his cheek with his fingers, anchoring the arrow to the cheek as he tried to keep his aim steady, as he aimed downrange at the target only a mere 100 yards out and as she watched him pause for a brief moment with holding the bow, suddenly he let loose the string as the whole thing let out a high pitch noise as the Gauss accelerator coils shot the arrow and as she barely managed to keep track of the arrow in flight, she watched as suddenly the entire target disintegrated into holographic cubes as his arrow took out the entire head of the target.

As Truppen put his bow on his back, he swiftly sent a retrieval droid to go get his arrow as then said from next to him, "Big deal... we all know most of us call you the best archer around."

"Well Hanzo's still better than I am." said Truppen to his girlfriend.

"But lets be honest, it takes real skill to shoot a gun!" brought up her Light gun as she then fired a few shots down the range.

No surprise to Truppen, none of her shots even got near the target and as he watched her slowly pull her gun back towards her, she looked at him just as she said, " Um... I got unlucky this time."

"Sure... but I think we need to work on how an actual soldier shoots a gun... and since you are a soldier, I think I need to reteach you as your senior ranking officer-" began Truppen when then said, "You are just my boyfriend!"

"But I rank in the Bundewehr around the rank of Staff Sergeant... you seem to be just at Corporal last time I checked." said Truppen as he looked at "And last I checked.... that means I outrank your scrawny butt." gave her new boyfriend a look as Truppen then held out  hand as he asked her, "May I have your gun for a moment." looked at Truppen like he was nuts before she gave it to him as she then watched as he held it with both hands, much like Mercy did with her own pistol but as she watched him, she watched as he fired a few shots and each shot hit the target in roughly the same area before he looked over at her as he then said to her, "Want me to show you?" looked at him before she sighed as she then said, "Alright then, BF..."

As he gave her the Light gun back, suddenly she felt him press against her back as she asked him rather shockingly, " What on earth are you doing?"

"Granvater did the same thing when I was young... except it was for his hammer..." said Truppen. "Its basically making  it easier for you to understand how to do it."

She felt his hands slowly begin to turn her waist and body to present a small target to the target as he then had her hold up both hands with the light gun, one holding the bottom of the Light Guns grip while the other holding onto the grip itself, just below the barrel. As she felt him keep close to her body, she looked at him but then he said, "Pay attention to the target, not me... otherwise you wont get any better."

"Hush." Hana looked down the sight and as she then began to aim at the target and as she began to go for the head, she felt reassured and even safe in Truppens arms. It was one of those rare feelings and she savored it just as he then asked her, "Do you have the shot lined up?"

"yeah..." said Hana simply.

"Then take your time... don't rush it.." Truppen said lastly as he then left her to pull the trigger as he stepped away.

Hana simply said nothing as she kept her aim steady just as she fired.

Btew! Btew! Btew!!

Her shots were back to hitting in the same now and as she quickly reloaded a new, full energy clip into her gun, she then stopped as she put her Light Gun onto the table before her and as she slowly bent over and put her elbows on the table and her hands to her face, she couldn't help but wish Truppen was here. He was always enjoyable, for the most part, when he wasn't busy with his own training or maintenance and she felt more than secure with him around.

And as she brought the target over, she smiled as she took her hands and a made a frame as she said, "You would be proud of me..."

All of the shots were nearly in the same spot, with only a few shots overlapping the others and as she smiled, she then heard someone walk in as she looked over to see Lucio bumping to his headphones groove as he skated along on his glowing skates that could stick to just about any surface as he finally had in his hands his almost infamous Beat-Dropping megaphone.

As he cruised right by here, suddenly someone else entered and as she looked over, she then smiled as she saw Reinhardt just as he saw her and said to her, "Practicing your aim, fraulien?"

"Yes, Reinhardt, I am... and I just got a good highscore too. I almost have my accuracy to be lie that of Truppen's." said as she gave a small smile.

"Excellent... my Enkel would be so proud of his little lotus flower..."  said Reinhardt with a grin.

"Reinhardt!" said Hana as she puffed her cheeks out. "Don't call me that! I never liked it even when he said it." Actually, she didn't mind it when Truppen did.

"Okay then, Daughter-in-law..." Reinhardt said with another laugh when he then said, "Come on.. I have something for you.."

"Fine." said Hana as she soon caught up with the lumbering tank just as she then said, "And I don't remember being married to your Enkel just yet."

"Oh? Can't blame my eagerness.." said Reinhardt as he faked a frown but Hana gave him as he finally said, "Alright, alright... I'll stop teasing you... but I have a gift that even you will like."

The pair of them walked into Reinhardt's room as he had his armor hanging up soon enough with Brigitte help and as Hana sat on the nearby bed, suddenly she watched as Reinhardt walked over to a nearby wall and pressed a button as a holographic number pad appeared and his fingers were a flurry for a moment before the section opened up to reveal a small wooden box.

As Reinhardt dusted it off, he slowly brought it before before giving it to her and as she looked down at the small box, Hana asked him, "What is it?"

"Look. You'll see." said Reinhardt simply.

She slowly unlatched the box and as she slowly opened it, she then smiled before going into awe-inspired open jaw as she slowly took out the gorgeous necklace. It was mainly made from Ruby's with what looked like silver or very shiny iron crafted gracefully making each sparking ruby into several hearts.

"Where did you get this?" asked Hana.

"I gave it to my wife when we were married... she would want to give it to you if she was around and even my daughter, Truppen's mother, would say to give it to you as well." said Reinhardt.

"But... why now?" asked Hana as she slowly put the necklace back into its little box.

"Because... having it sit in some random cubby only diminishes its looks... so, I hope you find a reason to wear it at some point... because I know its going to make you look like an angel." said Reinhardt with a small smile.

Hana put the box down as she got up and as she walked over to Reinhardt, she then hugged him as she said, "You are the most amazing Granvater I have ever met..."

"I know I am... and your Deutsch is rusty, work on it." said Reinhardt as he then picked the box up and gave it to her before he said, "Now, lets keep this somewhere safe as to not ruin it or lose it."

As Hana soon took off with the gift, Brigitte then asked from nearby, "Did you really give that priceless thing from your family to her just because it looked better on her?"

"No..." Reinhardt smiled. "But Truppen would have loved to see her with it... Especially since they only got that one dance before the Civil War."

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