Chapter 5

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The ride to the base was pretty uneventful even with the rain coming down in sheets and as both Rex and Truppen sat in silence within the small truck as it drove through mud and dirt that was on the outside of both the base and Stuggart himself, Truppen couldn't help but stare off into the area around the base as he watched the patrols, the wounded, and what few Hover vehicles the base had going to and fro from the base back out the hunt more Omnics.

Although the base wasn't very big due to the few units were here, it was certainly his only home for the moment as they passed the gates checkpoint and slowly turned towards the barracks his squad used towards the south west side, the APC behind Truppens car filled with the rest of his squad.

Once a FOB against the Omnic attack on Stuggart, many of the emplacements that once housed artillery and AA guns now were either shells or reused as barracks. The vehicle depot had been stripped down to house only a full companies worth of tanks, APC's, trucks, and even two helicopters while the barracks had also been refurbished to house a smaller garrison.

Still, with three whole units here to find and hunt down the remaining Omnics, Truppen couldn't help but wonder why the Mini-Omnium hadn't already been purged from the area.

Mini-Omniums were larger than the Bastion transports but smaller than the main Omniums they served. They were considered the tendrils of the main omnium body and helped organize and send out tides of Bastions, some they created, against the defenders of the world. Although most did not move, a few were made to act as mobile factories to send waves of Bastion transports that in turn sent hordes of Bastions and even larger Omnic Titans against those who they wished to crush.

As the APC left for the barracks meant for the Free Omnics, Rex and Truppen's truck continued towards their commanders bunker that he used as his office as the driver, another Bundeswehr truppen, said to them, "The Commander is inside and waiting for you on your report."

"Good." said Rex. "Possibly some action may happen."

"Relax, Rex." said Truppen as he made sure his equipment was stowed still. "As our commander, he may just deny us any time outside the base."

"I doubt it. You guys have nearly a 100% chance of finding and destroying all Omnics around here with minimal casualties.." said the truppen as he suddenly swung the truck before the entrance of the bunker.

"Thanks for the lift." said Rex as he and his leader got out and as both of them began to walk towards the bunker, with the rain now pelting them once again, the truck sped off in a small tide of mud as they soon passed the guards and entered the bunker.

Within, lightbulbs were the only sources of light along the walls as officers went to-and-fro to get this and that done. Truppen took off his mask and his helmet as he clipped them to his side as they both managed to make their way past the beehive of activity to the commanders office, which the guard at the door let them through without even a word.

The office was tidy, with maps and troop deployment from today scattered all along the walls. The desk in the middle, where the commander was, was a simple metal slab with a light and a million papers all across it. The Commander, a Major Fredrisch Grobus, was a man built mostly for desk life but only after a few years as a infantryman. He had a neatly trimmed brown mustache, his hair cropped short, and his last cigar smoldered in an ashtray as he saw the two enter and pointed them to the chairs before him as he said, "Sit."

Both Truppen and the Omnic sat down and as the major went over his report, he then asked them, "So, any problems?"

"No, sir. Just more Omnium Turrets in ambush mode." said Rex first.

"Casualties?" asked the major.

"None for our squad, some minor ones from the other two squads, sir." Truppen said.

"And... let me see here... any new intel?" asked Fredrisch.

Both Rex and Truppen sighed as they said, "None."

"Well then... I assume no definitive proof for a Mini Omnium? asked the Major.

The Major, much like the boys, didn't like hunting these Omnics forever as they currently were doing. He wanted them gone so he could be placed elsewhere and he knew that any evidence of a Mini-Omnium would immediately give him reason to try a full-scale assault to wipe it out.

But until then, he would not even lift a finger evenw ith how it was pretty obvious it likely was a Mini-Omnium keeping his side of Germany under a heavy interference.

But as he looked at both of them, he then said, "But... I want you two tomorrow to go and recon the area for any evidence.. and if you want, bring your heavy weaponry to it."

Both Rex and Truppen looked towards one another at this sudden permission to go out as then Truppen said, "I assume besides recon we are to eliminate all Omnics we meet?"

"Of course."

"Then tomorrow we shall go out then." said Truppen as both him and Rex stood up, saluted, and then they both left as the Major let them leave without proper protocol this one time.

As Truppen and Rex left, Rex then looked to Truppen as he said, "You're fiddling with the helmet again."

Truppen immediately stopped fiddling with the cover within the inside of his helmet. It was an odd habit, although one he rarely did now, as he was in fact fiddling with the small cover he had placed over the transmitting chip within the inside of his helmet. It was certainly a back and forth thing where he wondered wether he should take the cover off or keep it on and it always lead to him keeping it on.

He had placed it there when the Overwatch base went into chaos, figuring the enemies he faced would likely use the system within to track and then kill him so he found a way to block the signal from the satellites and then fled the base as it exploded.

He knew that with these days going on that he should no longer have it but he feared the enemy that had attacked the base were still around and looking for them and so he simply kept it on.

"So... thinking we should bring about half or maybe a fourth of our max ammo? asked Truppen to Rex.

Rex knew instantly how much ammo they would actually bring for their heavier weapons as he then said, "I'm thinking along the lines of taking two rockets a piece... and you can bring however much ammo you want."

"Gee thanks... I'll bring three mags of 20mm." said Truppen as they appeared on the outside

As the rain began to pelt them once again, the pair slowly began to make their way to their barracks The barracks once had been an extensive network of both covered trenches and bunkers that had managed to hold off a few waves of Omnium Bastions and even a single Omnium Titan during the initial battle of Stuggart.

Now, the Free Omnic Squads used to as their barracks, with the humans having normal bunks amongst the dugouts and the Omnics having charging stations. Although most of the Omnics had no need for charging stations, the long patrols and days had even put a strain on the robots and so stations for them to recharge their batteries and allow them to wind down in a way were created in the barracks.

As Rex and Truppen slowly walked down the concrete steps that lead into the barracks, they passed other Bundeswehr soldats part of the Free Omnics as well as some of the Omnics truppen. They walked through the twisting and winging corridor that was the trenches as they passed sentries and idle truppen and then they reached a door that was within the side of the trench and as Rex put his palm to it while Truppen watched, the data scanner soon read the encrypted file that was Rex's brain as then the door opened and as both of them entered, the rain that was sorta pelting them outside even with a netting over the trenches soon was gone as they entered a very cramp dugout.

There was a total of 6 bunks for Truppen and the Omnics while there was charging station for the groups remaining 6 Bastion units. Also within the small dugout was an ammo box where they kept the much needed ammo the group used while in another corner there was a bench with two items on it that belonged to Truppen.

One was his trusty officer saber that he had managed to modify to have a plasma blade. It had been with him since he had been in charge of Rex's unit, although now that unit was down to just this squad. But as Truppen picked up the saber and slowly unsheathed a part of its blade, it blade suddenly lit up blue as h smiled and then sheathed it as he then strapped it onto his side.

The next item on the table was a more old but not modified item. It was a smaller version of the Shield Generator that Reinhardt, Truppen's grandfather, used in combat. Although it didn't create as large of a shield as his grandvaters, it did make a shield big enough to use as a riot shield of sorts. But unlike his grandvaters shield, his own shield generator couldn't hold up to a ton of damage so he used it to simply allowed him and one other to get from one cover to another.

But as he picked the old machine up, a gift from both his grandvater and that old Dwarf Tjorborn, he simply smiled as he fitted it onto his left arm and then buckled it on.

Meanwhile, Rex was getting the rest of the others aroused or at least somewhat functional as he began to pass out some launchers and sticky grenades. The launchers had been modified to fire rockets that came in 10-rocket clips and also were made to be able to shoot almost point-blank if necessary.

But as that happened, Truppen walked over to his waiting weapon as it sat on its butte in a corner, the gunmetal gleaming faintly in the small LED lights within the dugout.

The 20mm Swiss Anti-Tank rifle was suppose to be a relic but since it had been redesigned by Tjorborn to be able to do better against Onnic Titans, the relic had become something to be feared even in modern times. Its magazine was placed on top, unlike most Anti-Material rifles, and thus the sight was put on the side of the barrel. It could hold 20 rounds of Omnic Piercing destruction and was something to be feared by any Omnic using a shield.

And as he slipped the large rifle over his back, his cloak now completely pinned down by the immense weapon almost as big as he was, he began to take several magazines and shove them into his ammo pockets as he then said, "Alright... looks like we're ready for tomorrow.. good night to you all."

The Omnics, or those who were up, and Rex all nodded as then Truppen went over to a switch and turned the lights off.

The underground facility was pretty dark save the NVG's he wore. All around him, engineers working with NVG's alongside black, Talon guards that stood vigilant filled the place up. In the center of the facility, with cables going all over to connect it to the world, the Mini-Omnium was still only functioning at 45% capacity even with everything they had done.

Still, it was producing a line of Bastion units to send out and a single Titan was also in the process to join some others that had been made.

"Sir..." said a guard who approached him. "We almost have it at 50%."

"Good." said Reaper. "As soon as it is ready, send everything out. We must secure this thing for future use and we cannot have any interruptions!"

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