Chapter 4

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"Little bunny... little bunny.."

The name seemed so familiar to Hana, like an old friend, but it seemed so foreign as well, like a stranger. But she knew she had heard that from someone but who that was from was impossible to tell.

After Reinhardt had used his Enigma knowledge to completely decode the letter, Hana had taken it back into her room as she began to think about this. With Valentines day so close to her, her thinking about him was starting to become a day-to-day thing. She remembered his name, or at least the codename the commander of Overwatch had given him, and it forever will be imprinted on her memory and even on her MEKA, near the cockpit's view screen.


But she remembered that at the battle of the Overwatch HQ that he had gone MIA, no body or trace of him found anywhere there or around the world as well. Nothing had been heard of him for all this time, nothing even sent to them to confirm he was still alive.

And yet here this was... making her feel like he was back.

She then out it to the side as she looked at the letters X, Y, and Z coordinates. At the moment, Reinhardt was trying to get Winston to find out where the coordinates went to but until that was discovered, she would only wait and hope it wasn't too bad of a place.

"But is that... is that really you, Truppen?" she asked herself as she thought about him again.

Reinhardt was carving a wooden block into something when Brigette found him. She had only found him doing this once or twice and each time he had refused to show her what or even talk about it, so she had simply left him alone.

But just as she was about to walk past him to work on his armor, suddenly he said to her, "I believe I owe you an explanation of these..."

Brigette looked over from her work station as she saw what Reinhard that not only in his hands but before him. His little bench had currently four carved figurines, each looking lifelike regardless of their wood form.

As Brigette came closer to take a better look, she saw that the current figure was only just beginning and as she picked one up, she heard him say to the lady in her hands, "My wife... most gorgeous woman to ever exist in my life."

"Who was she?" asked Brigette.

"Her name was Floy... gorgeous blonde hair with emerald eyes that could pierce my heart like a tank shell.. had a temper but I loved her for it..." said Reinhardt as he remembered his wife fondly. "May her soul be blessed in Heaven."

"And this one?" asked Brigitte as she picked up the slightly smaller girl, looking like she wore armor and held a crude gun. But it was only crude because this still was a simply wooden doll.

"My  daughter... everything I asked for and then some." said Reinhardt. "Brown hair... my eyes.. and also my tendency to be chivalrous... could kick butt too."

Brigitte put the small doll down as she then went onto a figure that was a man from the looks of it as he wore armor and had a gun as well as she asked, "Is this you?"

"That is my daughters husband. He looks not as good as I do." said Reinhardt with a laugh. "An Army Ranger from he States, he was a good guy to heart.."

"Did you do what every dad did with him when he dated your daughter?" asked Brigitte.

"I don't know what you're talking about." said Reinhardt before he gave a laugh.

Finally, Brigitte picked up the smallest and most kid-like one as she asked him, "So... is this your grandkid."

"One of two..." said Reinhardt. "They youngest to be exact... the days he and his brother were born, I immediately amazed them with my feats and stories."

"Probably none of them true." said Brigitte.

Reinhardt sighed as Brigitte looked in his hands at the still barely legible carving as she asked him, "Is that for... the older brother?"

"Yes..." said Reinhardt.

"So... why are you now making his though?" asked Brigitte. "And... where are they?"

Reinhardt didn't speak as he stopped his carving and as he looked down, he then said, "It happened... in the beginning of the Omnic Crisis."

"When the Omniums began their invasion, my Son-in-law in the beginning was with everyone else, fighting tooth-and-nail against the Omniums advances... my daughter was with him all the way while I was fighting elsewhere.. leaving unfortunately the two young bows with one of their friends."

"Some time went on and then it seemed like the couple came back to move the boys away from Stuggart. likely going to Berlin."

"How do you know of that?" asked Brigitte.

"The... Oldest... you'll see soon." said Reinhardt as she slowly sat down on her nearby chair she used when she was repairing his armor.

"Anyone... on the way from Stuggart an Omnic strike force touched down near them while they were on the highway."

"In the confusion and battle... Both my daughter, her loving husband, and the youngest boy were killed in the raid."

Reinhardt was quiet as he sliced another wood chip off the carving statue.

"The Eldest... managed to hide himself from the Omnium Bastions enough for a Bundeswehr squad to find him.. but due to his age then... he asked to join as a Youth Trooper of sorts."

"The only reason the Bundeswehr allowed him, like some others, to join, was because they needed every person they could get to fight the Omnics... it wasn't desperate enough to conscript but any volunteer was wanted and needed. He joined at the age of 16 around then."

"It would be around a year of fighting in Germany, just after the Victory at Eichenwalde, that I found him."

"Around then, I was on a mission with Overwatch. 76 was with me, along with who would later become the dreaded Reaper... we found my grandson fighting some remaining Omnics with the shattered remains of a bow he had managed to make from scrap and an old, Swiss 20mm Anti-tank rifle... after we took the Omnics out, I immediately took my grandson and brought him to the Overwatch HQ."

"There... I watched him grow in a fine man... he made his bow something marvelous... he became stronger but certainly more faster.. his rifle became better in many ways... and his armor retained the old look for the WW2 Stosstruppen... but I think the best part was the one girl he would meet here."

"Who?" asked Brigitte.

" both of them are roughly a year apart." said Reinhardt.

"A couple between those two?" asked Brigitte.

"Oh you think that's interesting? Remember, Tracer is a married Lesbian and our scientist Mei is also married. Having those two as a couple wasn't too bad of a thing, just as long as they didn't try anything."

Brigitte shook her head. "How long did it last?"

"For the duration he was with Overwatch.. a year till we... broke up in the civil war.." said Reinhardt. "After that... I haven't heard anything from him, about him.. he was never found at the battle nor found wandering the world and his transmitter was oddly off."

"Transmitter?" asked Brigitte.

"In case we were lost or go MIA and can't get back." said Reinhardt. "But for some reason... his wasn't on... and hasn't been on for years as you know."

Both soon fell silent as Brigitte watched him continue to carve before she asked him, "So you must be really hoping it was him who sent that letter."

"I have my suspicions... but if it is... I will surely not ever be the same... he was truly someone that I loved with all my heart." said Reinhardt.

And with that said, another wood chip joins the pile on the floor.

"A.T.H.E.N.A. status report on the coordinates." said Winston.

Normally the coordinates would have snapped up immediately but something was apparently blocking the AI's sight on the coordinates location or at least the general location that seemed to simply be Europe so far. Now, to Winston, that was a big issue since that meant that something was not only acknowledging she existed but also knew how to block her.

Although, the only other explanation would be an Omnium but those had all been destroyed during the Omnic Crisis.

Still, as he watched A.T.H.E.N.A. try and unblock this apparent anti-GPS situation, he then looked back to the roster that he had brought up for both reference and to use in the ongoing search to find the other members of Overwatch. Too many of them were missing while the Blackwatch heroes had already assembled with one another and with so few base personnel ever, Winston was ever in need of finding the rest of Overwatch.

As Winston walked over to a nearby desk that had a few banana's and some peanut butter jars that were still unopened and as he came to them, he opened a jar up as he stripped open a banana of its peel and dipped it into the peanut butter and began to eat.

It was actually very unlike Reinhardt to ask Winston for favors, the man being far too chivalrous for it. If anything or anyone to ask for favors, its Lucio with him always trying to get more speakers into his room at the boys barracks.

But when Reinhardt had come marching in, still wearing his combat armor, and asked Winston to use his AI to locate the coordinates, Winston had immediately had a red flag go off and so he had asked Reinhardt why he should waste some precious energy to do this.

Reinhardt simply said, "Because I need to know.."

And so, in respect for the older knight, Winston had done the favor.

But as he watched A.T.H.E.N.A. try her best to look into the coordinates location, he then asked her, "Do you think its something Omnium related?"

"If I am correct, Omniums had a extensive network that could blackout large power grids around the world during their invasion as they threw out a powerful interference for both communication and satellites to mask their presence."

"However, all known Omnium and their Mini-Omniums have been destroyed or at least deactivated." said A.T.H.E.N.A. as she then asked, "But why would someone reactivate even a mini-Omnium?"

"Hmmm... the dilemma must be solved... and soon.." said Winston.

"Until then.. monitor all tracking beacons on everyone else around the world." said Winston said. "And make sure that no one else pulls a Truppen and deactivates their beacon as well."

"As for that, Winston, how did he do that?" asked A.T.H.E.N.A. to Winston.

Winston stopped eating his banana as he then thought about it before he then said, "Well.. his was implanted on his helmet... he always had it on 24/7 so I figured he would just not notice it... but it was in the form of a chip on the helmets inside... it possible he may have found it.."

"But aren't those suppose to always be on, though? You made them yourself.." said A.T.H.E.N.A.

"I'm.... not sure..." said Winston. "So... we should also look into that..."

For a moment, both creator and creation simply were quiet as Winston munched on his peanut butter and banana's.

Hana Song slowly looked at her bunny charm on her light gun as she then looked at the charm in her lap. It was a Stahlhelme with the protection plate on it, all painted black. She had found it in one of her dairies, as a bookmark.

"Truppen... you stupid, silly SS... but you're my silly, stupid SS..."

Hana smiled as she then attached it to her light guns handle as she then played around with it before she said, "Well.. time for you watch over me as I go back to shooting again... and I hope I see you soon."

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