Blurry Memories

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Over 60 reads on each chapter so farrr??!! W0w!! Thank you so much!!!!!! Alright I've kept you guys waiting. . . a week? OK OK. I'll type now.

Mabel's POV

My heart sank to rock bottom, as I saw my brother chained down to the metal bed. There were blood splatters on the bed, which made me even more worried and scared than when I was outside the door.

I walked across the cold tiled floor, my shoes tapping as they went. It was like the bathroom at home. Cold and alone. That's how I felt, even with my own twin in the room with me, and my uncle outside.

Dipper's eyes watched me as I walked, his cat-like pupils scratched down his eyelids. I could feel his eyes watching me on my back, making my spine shake.

After what seemed like forever, I reached the middle of the room. I kept my head down, not wanting to look up at my... 'Brother.'

"Well?" I heard his echoey voice say, a few feet away. "Aren't you going to say hello?" I could tell he was smiling after this sentence, probably maniacally.

"No.." I mumbled under my breath, breathing cold air in and out, just above my sweater. The sweater was my favourite one, my Shooting Star one. I decided to wear it earlier to make Dipper feel better. Apparently that wasn't going to help with this situation.

"Aw come on, Mabel. Don't be rude..." His voice slurred at the end of that sentence, as if he was trying to comfort me. It didn't comfort me at all. It was just plain creepy.

"I don't talk to maniacs." I mumbled, letting a single tear fall to the ground and splash. I regret saying that. But it's too late for that now. I'm not even sure if I'm talking to my brother anymore.

"Aw Mabel, that hurt." He called in a sarcastic tone. The lights above us flickered as we spoke, annoyingly.

I finally looked up after what seemed an eternity. He was staring at me as I lifted my head up, as if he knew I was going to look up. I had to, eventually. His arms had scars and scratches on them, either from the straps or himself.

"Hello Mabel." He said, smirking at me, as he drummed his fingers on the metal frame of the bed. I couldn't bear to look at him, but I had to start somewhere.

"Hello... Dipper. If it even is you I'm talking to.." I said, with quite a stern look. His face looked surprised for a few seconds, but then went back to it's 'normal' look. By normal, I mean with a smile stretched across and watching eyes.

He chuckled softly, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. "What are talking about?! It's me! Your brother, Dipper.." He sounded a bit uneasy. Stammering nearly. Perhaps I was cracking him.

As he lay chained to the bed, I observed more of his appearance. His iconic hat for starters, was gone. I looked around the room quickly to see if it was put up high on a shelf somewhere. It wasn't.

I ignored that and continued what I was doing. His hair was messy, I smiled at this. It reminded me of how he looked after he woke up after some mornings. I chuckled to myself.

I was surprised that he hadn't spoken yet, seeing as I was looking around him like some sort of airport assistant. It seemed like he enjoying his examination, as he folded his arms behind his head.

I stopped checking seeing as it was making little, or no progress at all. "Dipper. Where's your hat?" I asked simply, folding my arms. I hoped this question would be somewhat hard for him to answer, to crack him more.

"Oh that old thing!?" He scoffed, folding his arms the same as me. "The doctors took it away, thinking it was connected with my 'behaviour' somehow. Hahaha!" I took note that he quoted his fingers at the word 'behaviour.' It was almost as he knew what was going on.

"Hmm.. Alright." I nodded, as if I was taking notes. "What about your hai-" I was interrupted by my name being called, from somewhere outside. It was Stan.

I saw only the front part of his body, as someone or something was dragging him away. My face was in tears once again, as I saw my uncle screaming my name.

"MABEL!! RUN!!!!" He was shouting over and over again, until the 'thing' covered his mouth. I couldn't hear anything anymore. Except the sound of running on the tiles outside.

Dipper's POV

I could hear the footsteps coming closing and closer. Mabel was looking up at me, as if I had something to do with this. Ha! What does she know...?

"What are you looking at me for?!" I asked, nearly screaming at her. "You think that I have something to do with this?" She nodded at me, with tears in her eyes.

Something in me wanted to smile at her tears, but I stopped it.

I had to control it.

Two doctors appeared in the hallway, with needles in their hands. I shivered at the sight of them, remembering my past injections. Mabel looked at scared as me, worse. Her eyes were fixed on the needles, as the doctors noticed me, strapped on my blood-stained bed.

I waved lightly, with a devilish smile stretched across my face. My eyes gleaming yellow, almost having smiles of their own. The doctors made faces, of disgust. Then, whispered something to one another.

They turned their attention to Mabel, looking at her appearance. She was clean, as far as I could tell. No blood, no scars.. No nothing on her.


One of the doctors walked over to Mabel, and began to speak to her. The other doctor stayed in the hallway, staring at me. He was threatening me with the needle, filled to to the brim with twisted fluids. I gulped, nodding at him and staying where I was.

He was asking Mabel the usual questions. "Why are you here? What's your name?" Blah blah blah. I had to force myself to listen to their conversation.

"So, the patient here is your twin brother?" I heard the doctor ask, sounding confused. I heard the shuffling of feet, but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Yup!" I heard my sister say, as enthusiastically as possible. She was trying to play it calm, like this was the most normal thing to happen it a hospital. I chuckled lightly to myself at this, loud enough for the doctor beside me to hear.

"What are you chuckling about?" He shouted, turning around and grabbing the collar of my t-shirt. I nearly choked as he did so, barely. I didn't even know if he had the authority to do this or not, so I tried to escape.

"N-Nothing!!" I shouted, my voice becoming echoey again. I couldn't stop that, I wish I could. He was practically choking me at this point, which was the cause of my stammer.

"Let go of my brother!!" Mabel said, tugging at the sleeve of the doctor. She was pulling with all of her might, as far as I could see.

"Get off me!!" The doctor retorted back, knocking his elbow into my sister's face, causing her to fall. When she got up, her nose was bleeding. The doctor turned back around to face me, with a smirk on his face.

I was glaring at him, straight into his eyes. I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me, waiting to get out. The doctor backed up, but not because of my glare.

I looked at my hand, to see a blue flame forming in it. I nearly gasped, but stopped myself. It reminded me of Bill. My eyes were the same as Bill too...

Use it.

I listened to the voice at the back of my head for once, closing my eyes and hurling the flames at an unknown target. I opened my eyes to see who I had hit, after I heard a thump.

I hit Mabel.

The doctor on the floor quickly got up and injected me with the fluids inside the needle. My vision began to become blurry, but I could see clearly enough.

One of the doctors was at Mabel's body, inspected her wounds. I didn't notice the other doctor coming over, with chains in his hands. "Some brother you are." He huffed, as my vision faded out, leaving my body to be taken away once again.

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