Sharp Enjoyment

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Well. I have nothing to say really. Thanks for nearly 500 reads? Even though it'll probably be at 500 and over by the time this is read but oh well.. STORY TIME!

Edit: Okay there is something to say here, slight gore warning in this chapter, so be wary of that, thanks. :,))

Dipper's POV

I felt cold.

My arms and legs were moveable, meaning I wasn't strapped or chained. For now. I couldn't open my eyes though. I tried to, but they stayed shut. I moved my arms about, trying to feel what I was lying on.

"He's waking up! See!" I heard a voice say, a few metres away. I groaned. It was another doctor. I disliked the doctors now, seeing as they made me angry enough to hurt my.. Sister.

My hand clenched into a fist. I needed to punch something. Now.

I managed to open my eyes. I sat up, looking around. There was nothing here. It was just white and colourless. I stood up, walking in some direction. My feet tapped along the 'ground' as I walked.

The doctors that I heard weren't even here. I felt alone. Betrayed.

I saw a figure ahead of me. A figure with long brown hair, wearing a sweater. Mabel.

I ran to her, a smile stretched across my face. Even though I looked like a crazed person, I needed to see my sister. I needed to say sorry.

I stopped.

Was she... crying?

She was. I could see a puddle of tears in front of her. She was smiling a few seconds ago. But it had changed.

She looked up at me.

"D-Dipper? G-get away from me!!" She shouted at me, stomping her foot. She glared at me, making my heart nearly shatter.

"Mabel?! It's me! I won't hurt you!" I shouted back, my voice becoming echoey again. My teeth gritted in my mouth, feeling sharper than usual.

I looked in the palm of my hand. There was a blood stained knife, rested in my palm. I let my finger run along the blood. It was fresh.

Mabel watched me, disgusted by my behaviour. I looked up at her, my eyes gleaming.

I began to walk towards her. I couldn't stop myself. This was fun.

Too much fun.

She backed up, until she hit some sort of invisible corner. She backed up against the wall, shaking in fear. I, on the other hand, was enjoying myself. My sharp teeth lay in my mouth, smiling at the fear of my sister.

"Dipper!! Please!!! This... This isn't you!!!" She shouted, trying to make me come to my senses. What senses? I lost them a long time ago.

Too late.

The voice at the back of my head was speaking to me again. Urging me to strike the knife into her stomach. I disobeyed.

Instead, I aimed for her throat.

I jabbed the knife into her neck, quickly making blood spew out, all over my face. I laughed at this, then continuing to slice the weapon at my twin.

I aimed for her eye next, poking the sharp weapon into her eye socket. Her eye fell out, sticking to the end of the knife. More and more blood spewed out of the gaping hole, spilling out onto the 'ground' underneath me.

She was dead now. I was merely playing with her corpse at this point. I sliced the knife at her chest, the shoving my hand inside the hole I had made. I dug out her thumping heart, making more blood spew onto the 'ground.'

The heart was warm, it soothed me. I dug out more of her organs as I went on, stomach, liver, kidneys, and even her bladder. I was pleased with myself. Now for the tricky part. I started at the rib cage, snapping bones into two with all the strength I had. I sat there for a while, snapping leg bones and arm bones. Eventually I reached the hardest.

The skull. It was going to be the hardest to crack, let alone break. I had to cut off more skin before I could get to it. The skin felt squishy and soft. I chuckled. I got the knife, shoving it into the skull. No luck.

I picked it up, wobbling side to side. I threw it, making it smash. Next was the big one. The brain. I scooped the brain up with my two hands, making them extra bloody.

Slice it.

I listened to the voice again. I chopped the organ into slices, making nerves break and snap. I sat there for a while, in my sister's blood. Poking and playing with the different organs.

Suddenly I woke up. The knife was gone, the blood was gone. Everything. I was strapped to another bed. Great.

I looked around again, seeing my new surroundings. There was a glass window in the wall, with a doctor standing there watching me. I felt uncomfortable. Mabel appeared at the glass and started talking to the doctor, or begging as I'd say so.

"Come on!!! Pleaseeee~!!!!" She moaned, pulling at the doctor's coat. She was pleading for something. But what? It couldn't be me.. Could it?

"No Mabel! Your brother is extremely unstable!!" I heard that doctor say, trying to get Mabel to let go. She was more gentle than that other doctor at least.

"I'll only be a minute!!!!" Mabel explained, stomping her foot. "I mean, he's looking at me while we're speaking!"

The doctor looked out the window to see me, smiling my sharper teeth at him. I gave a light wave, hoping it would turn out different this time.

The doctor fell in surprise of my newly developed canines, falling to the floor. "Only a minute!" He shouted, pressing a button that opened a door to my left. I nearly gasped when my sister came into view.

Oh god.

She was in a cast. Probably from the flames that nearly killed her earlier. Or yesterday. I'm not sure. She had a sticker on her nose, from the nose bleed the other doctor caused her.

"Hey M-Mabel." I said shakily, my voice sounding mainly normal. She was looking at me with a confused face, at the tone of my voice.

"Heya Bro Bro!" She said, as cheerfully as possible. She was well, and enthusiastic. That was good.

"Just wanted to give ya... This." She said showing me what she had brought in. My face beamed when I saw my old friend. My hat. It looked like Mabel had cleaned it, or the doctors. Who knows...?

"Thanks Mabel!" I said, taking it from her hands and placing it on my head. I felt something warm inside of me. I felt like I was me again.

"Just remember. You're Dipper." She said with a smile, leaving. The doors shut behind her almost instantly. I felt alone again. But happy. For once, I felt like myself.

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