Seperated Comfort

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And have a nice break from school. (At the time of me writing this)

Mabel's P.O.V

"What am I going to do, Waddles?" I sighed, sitting on my bed, scratching my pet pig behind his ear. I miss him..

It's been another week since I've seen Dipper. Giving him his hat was something nice to remember, but it made it a bit worse. I looked over at his empty bed, seeing his notes scrawled on paper and stuck on the wall. His hat used to be there. Until I gave it to him.

It was a tough decision. Give it to him, making him remember himself, making me more lonely and depressed at home. Or leave it here, making me feel safe, but making him grow more insane by the day.

The day's seemed to be longer than usual without Dipper around. I was fed up. I hopped off my bed, making my way to Dipper's empty bed.  Where is it...

"Aha!" I exclaimed to myself, holding up the journal for everyone in the room to see. The only person there was Waddles. Well he's a pig, but it counts. He oinked in response, running downstairs to Stan.

I smiled, opening the journal. I needed to look in here to see if there's anything that can help me with Dipper. Probably not. But It's worth the chance.

Dipper's POV

"Are you sure it was right to let him keep the hat?"

"Of course, personally I think he's improved since his sister gave him the hat."

The conversation outside was interesting. I leaned closer to the door to hear better.

"Let's see how he's doing." One of the doctors said, opening the door, causing me to fall with a yelp. I looked up in fear, knowing they'd be suspicious of why I was at the door in the first place.

"What were you doing at the door?!" The other doctor asked me, walking into my room. "W-well I..." I stammered, barely able to speak, let alone make up an excuse. The doctor who had opened the door didn't have time for this. He picked me up by the neck of my shirt, making my face turn a dark blue.

Through the pain I could read his nametag. 'Andrew.' God. Do all doctors here have the most common names in the world? He carried me back to my bed, dropping me onto the bouncy mattress.

I looked at the other doctor, who was walking over to sit beside me. 'Nathan.' Again... Really? Andrew sat to my left, while Nathan sat to my right. I felt almost squashed I between them. I was so small compared to them.

"So, how are you feeling Dipper?" Nathan asked, quite kindly. "Fine, I guess." I grumbled back. "I mean I nearly did just get choked." I nudged a bit to Andrew, probably making him feel guilty.

"Uh. Sorry about that- I-" Andrew began to speak but I interrupted. "Just forget about it." I moaned, turning away, facing the wall. I hated my eyes. They were evil and demonic. All they do is scare people.

"What's wrong?" Nathan questioned me, concerned about my feelings. "I just wish everything was back the way it was before." I sighed, turning around to face the doctor with my yellow eyes. They were glowing a bit.

"I know." He comforted me, opening his arms out for a hug. I didn't hesitate, leaping into his arms. It felt soft and warm. He was the kindest doctor I've ever met.

Mabel's POV

I've been sitting here for hours looking at this stupid journal. 12 paper cuts and counting. I knew this would be a waste of time.

I flipped to the next page, knowing that nothing would be helpful. I stopped. Bill?

It was the Bill Cipher page. It had all the secrets I needed to know about Bill. Of course Bill pushed Dipper off the roof! No wonder his eyes were yellow like Bill's!

And the journal knew all the answers. So did the author..

"GREAT UNCLE FORD!!!!!!!!" I called, racing down the stairs to find the six-figured author.


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