A Secret Journal part 1

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The crew just finnished a mission where they had to steal some supplies,The plan was not to get busted but they did get busted and they escaped.Everyone was really tired.


The crew was at the ramp.

"Well that actually went well"Zeb said

"Yup it actually did"Sabine said

Then Kanan felt a wave of pain through the force and it was coming from Ezra.Kanan turned around around and saw Ezra heading towards the ladder.

"Ezra,are you okay?"Kanan asked

"I'm Fine"Ezra answered

"You sure?"Kanan asked

"I'm sure"Ezra said and went to the cockpit where was Hera.

Kanan and the others took care of the crates they stole.


The door opened revealing Ezra,Ezra really hoped that the cockpit would be empty but it wasn't,Hera was in it.

"Hey Ez"Hera said

"Um Hey Hera"Ezra said really trying to hide his winces.But of course Hera noticed.

"Ezra are you alright?"Hera asked

"I'm okay"Ezra answered quickly

"Are you 100% sure?"Hera askedž

"I am"Ezra said

"Well then,you did great today at the mission"Hera said

"Thanks"Ezra answered

There was a silence but Ezra's eyes started to close.

"You look tired"Hera said

"I guess I'm a bit tired"Ezra said

"How about you go rest or take a nap"Hera suggested

"Sure"Ezra sai quickly and ggot out of the cockpit.

"That was close"Ezra said

Ezra then went to his and Zeb's cabin but Zeb was in the cabin but Ezra had plans,he needed to do something ALONE.


Zeb was lying on his bunk then Ezra came in.

"Zeb,Kanan said that you leave me alone in the cabin today and you go sleep in the med-bay"Ezra lied

"What?,No way this is my cabin"Zeb said

"Kanan said that it was an order"Ezra said

"Ugh,Fine"Zeb said and got up from his bunk

Ezra smirked.

Zeb went to the med-bay.and Ezra was alone in his cabin.

Ezra went to his bunk and opened a secret shelf under his bunk.In the shelf was a datapad.It was blue.

Ezra placed the datapad on the lower bunk and put something underneath it to keep it up.Then Ezra clicked record.

"Okay so,I haven't recorded anything for a while so finally now I am alone and I can record my video.So first the last mission,it was to steal some crates of supplies on Lothal and it was going well untill The crew and me got busted,when we were driving speeder bikes on the fileds and I forgot to say that Bucket heads were chasing us and one of them got lucky and shot me in my arm,*Ezra showed his injury*,It's fine,I'll just patch it up after I finnish with this entry soooo then the Hera came with the Ghost and we flew away,long story short that's what happened,so now a little about not mision time on the Ghost,Sabine is mostly in her Cabin painting,I sometimes paint with her and it is kinda akward to paint with girls,Trust me,the Zeb is either sleeping or chasing chop,Kanan and I are training most of the time...*Ezra sighed*....I don't think that my Jedi training is going well,Kanan must be dissapointed in me......"Ezra was recording but was interrupted

"OPEN THIS DOOR NOW KID!!!!"Zeb yelled

"Oh,Oh Zeb is here,gotta go.

Ezra Bridger out"Ezra said and pressed stop,and the entry he made was saved with his other ones.

Ezra sighed and got up and opened the door,revealing really angry Zeb.


"Mistakes happen"Ezra said and lied on his bunk.

"I swear I'll kill you tomorrow"Zeb said and lied on Zeb's bunk

"You wish.."Ezra said and went to sleep.


Ezra and Zeb were still sleeping while Hera,Kanna and Sabine were up.It was 9.00 o'clock.

"Are those two planning to wake up?"Sabine asked

"No idea"Kanan said

"Chopper go wake them up"Sabine said and Kanan and Hera rolled their eyes.

Chopper went to Ezra's and Zeb's room.Chopper shocked Zeb and Zeb woke up

"Seriously CHOPPER??"Zeb said 

Then chopper noticed an opened shelf underneath Ezra's bunk.Zeb noticed it too and opened the shelf completely.There was a datapad.On the back it said:Property of Ezra Bridger

"Should we take this to Kanan and the others?"Zeb asked

"Bleep-bloop(Yeah totally,That is Ezra's diary or whatever)

"I agree"Zeb said and went inside the cabin leaving Ezra asleep.


Zeb and chopper came in.

"Weren't you supposed to wake up Ezra as well chopper"Kanan asked


"We found something,it's Ezra's diary datapad or something"Zeb said and handed over the datapad to Kanan.

"Should we see it?"Sabine asked

"Well it wouldn't be nice to invade his privacy"Kanan said

"Bleep-bloop(Yeah,but one video won't hurt)"

"Hmm"Kanan was still deciding

"Come on Kanan"Zeb said

"Fine"Kanan said and placed the datapad on the table and looked at the gallery at the datapad,there were videos,Kanan decided to pick the first video that Ezra ever made.  

Kanan clicked play and the video started playing.

There was a 4 year old boy,with electric blue eyes and blue hair.

"Hi,My Name is Ezwa Brider and I now(Know) that my talking isn't glood(Good),but I wonted(Wanted) to rekord(Record) Dis(This) video bekase(Because) my mommy bought me dis(This) dataplad(datapad) and daddy says that I kan(Can) rekord(Record) anything I wont(want),so today was okayl(Okay),my mommy and daddy are talking right know(Now),and I tlink(Think) that they are talking abot(About) some hope,I don't now(Know),but yeah today was okay,I played with charlie,oh by the way,Charlie is my Loth-cat plushie,my mommy malde(Made) it far(For) me,I love it,Charlie is my onli(Only) friend bekase(Because) I don't relly(Really) have any real frends(Friends),so I'm mostly at home,Okayls(Okay) this is my firt(first) video."

Ezwa Brider out.

And the video ended.

"That was ADORABLE!"Sabine said

"I mus agree"Kanan said

"Wow Ezra was so cute when he was 4"Hera said

Zeb rolled his eyes.

"Bleep-bloop(Someone is jealus)"

"No I'm not!"Zeb said

"Shall we watch another one?"Hera asked

"Well..."Kanan said

"Come on Kanan,we are not doing anything bad"Sabine said

"Okay"Kanna said and played another video.

There was a which looked like a 6 year old Ezra.

"Okay so it's been a while since I recorded a video but my parents were really buys with their broadcats that they put me to sleep before I can record anything,but now my parents are out and I'm alone with my babysiter Emma,she is really nice to me,She is 17 years old,and she lets me play in my room alone when ever I want so I took some time to make another video,Okay my parenst started their broadcats one year ago,and me and charlie can rarely go out,but it's fine,me and charile like to play inside as well*Ezra smiled*,But I started to notice something about my mommy and daddy,they look scared whenever they finnsih their broadcast,that's strange,why would they be scared....

"Ezra lunch is ready!"Emma said from the kitchen

"Coming!,Gotta go,Emma is calling

Ezra Bridger out"

Then the video ended.

"I guess then was the time when Ezra's parents started to be scared becaus eof their broadcats"Hera said

"I guess so but they were brave so they countinued"Kanan said

Then Kanan felt that Ezra woke up.Kanan quickly grabbed the datapad and hid it in the shelf in the couch.

"Act natural"Kanan said and the crew nodded.

The the door opened revealing Ezra.

"Good Morning guys"Ezra said

"Good morning Ez"Kanan said

"'ll go make dinner"Hera said 

"Dinner?"Ezra asked rising an eyebrow

"Um breakfast"Hera said and went to the kitchen.

"Me and shop(chop) will go make something out of Metal before breakfast"Zeb said and Zeb and chopper went out of the common room.

Kanan mentally face palmed.

"Okay..."Ezra said

"So what's up"Ezra said

"Nothing, you?"Kanan said

"Same"Ezra said

"Guys! Lunch is ready!"Hera said

"Seriously Hera?"Kanan mentally said


Ezra went to his cabin while the crew stayed in the common room.

"Nice try acting natural"Kanan said

"What are we going to do with the datapad"Sabine asked

"We'll see"Kanan said

To be countinued.....


Okay guys another chapter DONE,lt me know in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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