A Secret Journal part 2

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"What are we going to do with the datapad?"Sabine asked

"We'll see"Kanna said

"Maybe..."Hera started

"Maybe what?"Kanan asked

"I can send Ezra to buy some suppiles so he won't be on the Ghost for some time so we can..."Hera was interrupted

"Watch more videos"Zeb said

Hera nodded.

Kanan sighed

"Are you sure?"Kanan asked 

"I am"Hera said

"And besides it's not like we are doing something bad"Sabine said

"Bleep(I agree)"

"Okay I'll go tell Ezra to go on a supply run"Kanan said and got up from the couch and went to Zeb's and Ezra's cabin


The door opened revealing Kanan at the entrance.Ezra was lookng around for something.

"Oh no"Kanan mentally said

"Hey Ezra"Kanna said

Ezra then turned around and saw that Kanan was in his room.

"Oh Kanan...hey..hi..umm"Ezra said nervously

"He must be looking for the datapad"Kanan said mentally

"Umm Kanan?"Ezra said

"Oh...um Hera told me to tell you to go on a supply run,Get the list from her"Kanan said

"Okay"Ezra answered and went to the common room and Kanna followed him.


Kanan and Ezra entered.

"Hey guys,um Hera you want me to go on a supply run?"Ezra said

"Yeah,here's the list"Hera said and gave Ezra the list

"Wow,we need a lot of things"Ezra said

"Okay I'll be back soon"Ezra said and went to out of the common room.(Btw the Ghost is on Lothal)

"Okay,Chopper go check if he went to the city"Kanan said and chopper went to the ramp and  saw Ezra on the grassy fileds of Lothal.He was walking towards the city.

Chopper went back to the common room.

"Bleeo-bloop(Ezra is off)"

"Okay"Kanan said and took Ezra's Journal out of the shelf that was underneath the chouch.

Kanan placed the Datapad just like before.

"Okay shall we watch it?"Kanan asked

The crew nodded.Kanan clicked on the video that was next to the last one.

The video started playing.

There was a 6 year old Ezra but a bit older.

"Okay so,I haven't recorded in a while but I have a reason....my mum and dad were really busy with the broadcasts and my mum started to teach me school stuff when I was 5,I don't know why but my mum says that it's important if anything happens...honestly I don't even know what that means but when I have free time I found something that is really interesting to me and that is writing songs and music for the songs,I'm still not really good at it but I made one song.*Ezra showed a paper with notes and lyrics*,Cool right?,It's actually going well but I've been composing music on my little piano but all the songs that I will be writing will be played on the guitar,Right now my parents are out getting some stuff from some Fulcrum guy,While my parents are out I'm home alone,Yayy.

"Ezra!"Mira Bridger said

"Mum and dad came back,gotta go

Ezra Bridger out"

The video ended.

"I didn't know that Ezra had a music talent"Hera and Sabine said

"When Ezra said that his mum started to teach him school stuff when he was 5...does that mean that Ezra's parenst were preparing their son if something happened to them"Kanan said

"I guess so,Almost no kid is learning school stuff  when they are 5 years old"Hera said

"I agree"Kanan said

"And I didn't know that Ashoka knew Ezra's parents"Kanan said

"Well looks like Ashoka did know them,She probably gave them what they needed for their broadcasts"Hera said

"I agree"Kanan said

"Shall we watch another one?"Sabine asked

The crew nodded.

Kanan played the next video.

"Hi,sooo I'm like super excited right now,my 7th birthday is in two days and my parents found out that I've been writing music soo*Ezra showed a guitar*,They bought me A GUITAR,I'm soo happy,I already started composing one song on it and it's easier now,so anyway.....let's talk about...something....my parents were acting weird and scared since yesterday when they finnished their broadcast,This Morning they looked worried,I asked my mum what's wrong and she answered that everything is fine,but I don't belive that,and-*Ezra turned his head to the door*"

Talking was heard.

Ezra grabbed the datapad and went out of his room and he arrived to the living room and hid behind The corner.Mira and Ephraim were talking.Ezra put his datapad down but Ezra's parents were still seen on the recording.

"What if they tracked ous when we were doing our last broadcast"Mira said and started to cry

Ephraim hugged her.

"Shh...It's okay,if they did track us we HAVE to keep Ezra safe no matter what"Ephraim said

Mira nodded.But Mira and Ephraim didn't know that Ezra was listening to their conversation.

Then Ezra picked up his datapad and ran to his room.Ezra placed the datapad how it was before.

"I'm confused,maybe...maybe The Empire tracked my parents while they were doing their last broadcast,what if...what if The Empire kills them*Ezra started to breath fast*,What if I stay alone forever..."Ezra said and the video ended

The video ended.

"Ezra recorded this two days before his Parents were taken away.."Hera said in tears

"Ezra's parents started to get worried because they thought that the Empire tracked them,but why didn't they seek help?"Sabine said

"They did,they seeked help from Tseebo to rise Ezra if something happened to them"Kanan said

"Shall we watch another one?"Zeb asked

The crew nodded and Kanna played the next video.

"Okay,my parents checked if they were tracked and they weren't tracked so that's good,really good,but anyway my birthday is tomorrow and I'm soo excited,I won't invite anyone..well I don't have anyone to invite excapt my parents,so on my birhtday party there will only me and my parents and I like it that way,I do feel lonely sometimes but I get over it,and....um....my parents talked to Tseebo last night......I didn't hear what they said but something about the force and Tseebo rising me...my dad said thatt I'm force something but I don't know....and Tseebo is a friend of my parents,he is cool.He sometimes plays with me when he comes to my house,it's really fun,but honestly  now that I'm getting older I'm not really interested in playing with toys anymore now I liked to spend my time writing songs and composing music"

"Ezra,Lunch is ready"Mira said from downstairs

"Coming!,I have to go eat

Ezra Bridger out"

The video ended.

"This must be when Ezra's parents told Tseebo to take care of Ezra if something happenes to them"Sabine said

"Yeah"Hera said

"I guess Ezra's parents knew that Ezra was force-sensetive so that0s why they wanted Ezra to have extra protection"Kanan said

The crew nodded.

"If you ask me,Ezra should be back soon,The kid was born here so he knows where everything is and he will finnish the supply run fast"Zeb said

"I agree"Kanan said and put the datapad in the shelf underneath the couch in the common room.

"OKay and When Ezra comes TRY to act a bit more natural them BEFORE"Kanan said

The rest of the crew laughed nervously.

The the door opened revealing Ezra with his backpack.

"Hey,I bought everything that was on the list"Ezra said and he took a meiluran from his backpack.(I don't know how to write it but the fruit that Ezra and Zeb were looking for in Fighter flight episode)

Ezra sat on the couch.

Kanan noticed the meiluran in Ezra's hands and Ezra was eating it.

"That was not on the list"Knana said pointing at the meiluran in Ezra's hand and Kanan crossed his arms.

"That's just a little extra"Ezra said

"Don't tell me you stole it"Kanan said

"Maybe"Ezra answered

Kanan sighed and shook his head and went to the common room to meditate.Before Kanan left the common room he said

"Oh and Ezra,Today,at the ramp at 5,Jedi training,lightsaber dueling"Kanan said and went to his cabin.

The rest of the crew were at the ramp getting the suppiles on the right place.

After Ezra ate his meiluran he went to his and Zeb's cabin to look for his ''missing'' datapad....

To be countinued.....


Okay  so another chapter done,let me know in the commenst what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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