Scars part 1

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The Ghost Crew was on a mission. They needed to steal some supplies from an Imperial base but something had to go wrong....

Now Kanan and Ezra were blocking shots from Stormtroopers while Hera was getting ready to take off. Suddenly while deflecting shots a small whimper was heard coming from the Padawan.

"Ezra ! "Kanan yelled and looked at the younger boy next to him. Ezra continued delfecting shots but he was holding his other arm tightly.

"Y-Yeah...,I'm....*pant*.... grazed by.. a blaster shot"The boy said but lied as he removed his grip on the arm, pretending like it was okay. But to that Kanan just answered in a strict tone while pointing at the ramp"Get to the Ghost you can't fight, you're hurt"

"Kanan...I said I'm...f-fine"Ezra said still panting. It was clear that he was in quite a lot of pain but was forcinh himself to ignore it 

"No your not. Ezra please, go to the ship"Kanan said looking in his Padawan's  eyes  with a lot of concern. After a few second the boy sighed as he ran off to the ramp. 

"Guys get to the ship !, I'm ready to take off"Hera said over the com-link

"Alright Spectre 2"Kanan said as Sabine and Zeb went inside the ship, The Jedi following behind them. They jumped on the ramp and Ezra helped Zeb a bit. When everyone was inside, the Ghost took off and shortly went to hyperspace..


"Well that went well"Sabine said still panting a bit as she looked at the crates they loaded

"Yea..Yeah it actually did"Zeb agreed with a small chuckle. But the two Jedi kept silent, Kanan turned to Ezra and saw him heading to the ladder. The boy usually had some sarcastic comment to add after a mission but this time he was completely silent...

"And where do you think you're going?"Kanan crossing his arms as Ezra answered "To my Cabin"

"Oh no you are going to the med-bay now"Kanan said with a mix of a worried and strict tone

"But Kanan I'm..."Ezra couldnt finnish, the world around him suddenly started blurring. He felt himself falling to the ground..

The younger boy was about to hit the ground but Kanan cought him before he hit the floor. His eyes were full of worry as he looked at the trembling boy that was barely awake in his arms. Suddenly Kanan felt something wet close to his chest. He looked closer as his eyes widened...Ezra's arm was bleeding and a lot...

"Ezra you didnt get grazed, you got shot !"Kanan yelled as he picked up his Padawan bridal style

"Ezra got shot, get Hera !"Kanan yelled again to snap Sabine and Zeb back to reality. They quickly nodded in worry and ran to the cockpit to get the Twi'lek. Kanan started rushing to the med-bay..

"M-Master.. I ...can walk"Ezra said  trying to act confident but he was obviously forcing it.

"I wont be risking anything"Kanan said with a calming voice

Ezra opened his mouth to argue but kept quiet when he saw Kanan's face. He then lowered his gaze in defeat.

Kanan smiled slightly seeing the boy not protesting. Soon they were inside of the med bay as He set Ezra down on the bunk. Soon Hera came in with a worried expression as she rushed to the raven haired boy's side.

"Shirt off"Kanan said crossing his arms

"Huh ?"Ezra said suprised. His eyes suddenly showed intense worry, It was clear something was... bothering him.

"Ezra I said shirt off, now."Kanan repeated more clearly

"...Cant Hera just stich it up if I roll up my sleve?"Ezra asked with eyes full of hope, arguing back

"No, Hera needs a better view of your arm"The older Jedi said in a strict tone as the hurt boy continued protesting

"Ezra"Kanan interrupted him and looked at him with a straight forward look

"...Fine"Ezra said in a nervous tone, his hands started shaking a bit..

The raven haired boy took the upper part of his suit off......and Kanan and Hera gasped. His entire chest including his arms was covered in various scars. At that moment Sabine and Zeb came in the med-bay...they saw Ezra's exposed upper body as they just froze in shock. Kanan and Hera were still there, they didnt know what to do or how to react. The female twi'lek pushed away her thoughts and started working on Ezra's injury, it was a priority. But Kanan couldnt focus on anything else.

"Where....."Kanan started but Ezra stopped him before he could say anything else "I lived on the streets Kanan, it has consequences."

"But....still it shouldnt be this bad..."Sabine said as she slowly got closer to the bed Ezra was on

"Its Lothal  Sabine"Ezra answered

"Why Lothal specifically ?"Zeb asked crossing his arms, he was actually quite worried for the kid. He didnt expect this.

"You see, Lothal is the worst place to be alone. It has the highest number of violent cases.."Ezra said. Sabine couldnt help her curiousity...but she also just wanted to know more about Ezra himself..

"You owe me one, after our mission last week. I got you out of the base that was falling apart and I want something in return"Sabine said. Ezra turned his head to her with a raised eyebrow "What?" he said clearly annoyed.

"I point at a scar and you tell us about it"Sabine said putting her arm half up. Ezra just sat there... he did owe her one "Fine"Ezra muttered. Sabine was taken a back a little, she expected the younger boy to refuse but she paused and sighed before pointing at a long scar on Ezra's back "This one ?". There was a moment of silence in the room.

"Can you choose another?"Ezra asked looking down "I really don't want to talk about that one"

The crew respected Ezra's answer. I mean they were being selfish at the moment. It was none of their business but still...they were curious and they wanted to help somehow. Sabine nodded and moved to another scar, it was quite small.

"A gang"Ezra said

"A Gang?"Kanan asked as Ezra looked at him in disbelief "You are in this too ??" Ezra thought but sighed, starting to explain.

"I was with a gang...despite my age they accepted me, plus the younger you are the less attention you draw. They knew I was different because I was force sensetive....They wanted to report that to the Empire after finding out and get me arrested plus get some money out of it. But I figured it out before they did any damage to me and ran from them. During my escape from one of our meetings, one of the guys in the gang had a blaster and shot me but I kept running. They tried to grab me and then.....then was the first time I used the force...I kind of force pushed them away. Thankfully I didnt reveal where I lived beforehand. After some time I found out they got arrested themselves so they left me alone"

"How ...old were you?"Zeb asked

"7. It happened the same year my parents were taken away...that scar was one of my first"Ezra said looking down at the mention of his parents

Everyone looked at their youngest member with sadness in their eyes. They knew this wasnt even the worst thing that happened to him on the streets...


Yayyyy,first chapter of my new fanfiction,let me know in the comments what do you think !

And btw this new fanfiction is NOT connected to  Path of a Grey Jedi. My fanfictions wil rarelly be connected but I will say is it connected or not. This fanfiction is not tho.

Padawan girl out.

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