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Everyone in the med-bay was shocked,but mostly sad. Ezra quickly caught on the silence in the room and broke it "What?"Ezra said rising his arm half up.

Then Sabine pointed on another scar that was on the boy's chest. It was a little scar but looked very deep.

"I was 9. Started to really get into pickpocketing and stealing. Most of my'' missions''  were succesful but one was not and it brought some big consequences....."Ezra paused

"What happened?"The mandalorian asked

" I was getting cocky and wanted to steal from some pretty popular seller. He had so many different types of fruit and overall stuff so I waited for him to be distracted so I can steal some things without him noticing but......he saw me....After a few moments I realized that I was caught. I started running....most of the sellers wouldn't chase me but this one did and had a...knife in his hands.....I triped and he came close to me and stabbed me.....I pushed his arm away as a few people restrained him. Took that chance to escape"Ezra said, he seemed unfazed by this.

" can someone do something like that to a kid?"Kanan asked

"I dunno, I guess he was just very angry"Ezra guessed, he was very calm about it though

"That one"Sabine said pointing at a scar that was strange shape and was clearly very very looked like the skin was burned as well and didnt heal up properly..

There was a long pause...Just as Sabine was going to say that he doesnt have to talk about it, Ezra muttered "...Okay..",  He looked anxiously at Kanan though.

"I was 11. I needed food or credits fast.....none of the sellers would get their eyes of me so I couldn't steal without getting caught. I was walking on the streets one day and saw some bucketheads transporting crates.....but behind them... was a dark figure, a man I guessed. Well I thought so I didn't see his face,he was wearing a black armor suit and a helmet......I felt cold at that moment. But I quickly brushed it off and looked at where the troopers were going. They put the crates in some ship and one trooper said:the swords are going to be transported to an imperial star destroyer in an hour......Lord Vader"Ezra said and paused when he saw Kanan's face. The older man was so shocked that his mouth was half open and he was getting ready to say something but Ezra quickly started talking again.

"I had no idea who was I facing but when the troopers left, I noticed the ship wasnt taking off. I ran to the crates and opened them to see what's inside them,When I opened one of them I saw.......lightsabers,there were so many,some of them were broken some looked like they are still working and some had blood on them....I touched one of the lightsabers that was dirty silver and I had like a flashback...but it wasn't was from some other jedi using that saber. I saw one trooper, I think it was a clone from the helmet, he shot that Jedi. It was a woman. She had two braids which the  ends were attached to her head...and next to her was a teenage boy,he had brown hair and green eyes. I think it was her padawan. When the trooper shot that Jedi her Padawan wanted to help her but she screamed ''run'' at her padawan as he lost conciousnes...I'm guessing thats how she died. The padawan ran away with tears in his eyes.. thats when the flashback ended..."Ezra wanted to say something but was interrupted by Kanan.

"That....that padawan"Kanan said looking down

"What?"Ezra asked confused, looking up at his Master

"You had a force flash. It is when.....something bad happens to a jedi and the last thing that they had in their hand will show the force-sensitive that touched that thing a flash-back of their last moments.....and you saw....the death of my......Master" Kanan said, it was clear he was trying his best to hold in the tears. Then suddenly someone took his sleeve, holding it "Im sorry Kanan" Ezra muttered looking down while holding his Master's sleeve. His apology was sincere and so honest. Kanan smiled as he bent down and hugged the younger boy. Ezra was taken a back but hugged Kanan back. The rest of the crew were feeling so many warm emotions seeing those two bond.

Suddenly Kanan felt a sharp pain through the force coming from Ezra. Kanan pulled away as he looked at the boy in concern "You okay ?". Ezra chuckeled and said "Y-Yeah Im fine".

"Umm..Ezra you won't mind if I stich you up again,will you?"Hera asked as the boy turned to her.

"His thread broke when he moved, I'll have to stich it again.."Hera said looking a little angrily at the two. But Ezra just said "Im sorry, go ahead its okay". 

"You sure?"Kanan asked

"I am, I'm used to it"Ezra said as Hera once again started to work on Ezra's injury.

"But how did you get the scar?"Zeb asked Ezra. There was another long pause...

"...When the flashback ended someone was standing behind me..I felt cold. Well freezing... I turned around and saw Vader."Ezra said

"Wait, you knew that Vader existed ??"Sabine asked

"Yes but I didn't know that he was a sith or a threat to me. I mean I know that the Empire is bad but I didn't know what he did"Ezra said and countinued "When I saw him I started to back away. I was scared, I really thought that I was going to die. He came closer and activaded his lighsaber and.....stabbed me with it...."Ezra said looking at Kanan nervously.

"What ?? You got stabbed by Vader before ?! Why didnt you tell me ??"Kanan asked rising his voice, but not in great concern.

"It never came up...and I didn't want you guys to know about...all this "Ezra said reffering to his scars

"Anyway when he stabbed me... He told me that the force is strong with me... that we will meet again before I blacked out. After....umm well,I don't know how many hours after, I woke up thinking what had happened was just a dream but when i tried to get up i felt pain...It wasnt a dream obviously. I somehow stood up, noticing I was still in the ship. Thankfully there were no troopers around which was..strange. I ignored it though. As i was about to leave I noticed that... next to me was the lighsaber I touched ....I picked it up and went to my tower to treat the wound."Ezra said 

"Done"Hera announced, finnishing the stitches.

"Thanks"Ezra said and started to get up but Kanan stopped him

"Where are you  going?,your not healed yet..."Kanan said but was interrupted

"To return something to you"Ezra said

Kanan rised his eyebrow. Ezra went to his Cabin to get the lighsaber he kept from that time. He figured that this was a perfect time to return it to Kanan. It is Kanan's Master's after all. Ezra got back to the med-bay,and handed the Master Depa Billaba's lightsaber to Kanan. When the older man recognised the lightsaber his Padawan was holding...he was in complete shock...but there was also a sense or relief in him. 

"I'm sorry for not giving you the lighsaber sooner"Ezra said and he felt someone hugging him.It was Kanan.

"Ezra, you have nothing to apologize, you didn't know that this was my Master's. And you have no idea how happy I am right now. I didn't have anything left from her and now I do. Thank you Ezra"Kanan said while hugging the younger boy. Ezra was embaressed but also very happy as he smiled.

After a few minutes the crew was in the common room because Ezra insisted to not be in the med-bay. While the crew was there, they were talking and sharing their own experiences so that the youngest member doesnt feel alone...Ezra never felt happier. He felt like he has a new familiy.


Man,my fingers hurt from all the writing,but it was worth it.Hope you enjoyed this chapter and leave a comment down below and tell me what you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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