Chapter 23. Unforgettable

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Audrey's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Vivian asked me as she handed me the brown leather jacket.

"I need closure, Viv," I replied. "I have to resolve any leftover feelings I have for her."

I was at Vivian's place after having gone shopping earlier that day. It was time for me anyway to add some more clothes into my closet, plus a part of me wanted to impress Julia. I wanted to show her that I was doing fine, even amazing, and I thought that I would be able to show that by wearing a very specific outfit.

"Girl, stop lying to yourself," Vivian huffed. I noticed her roll her eyes in the reflection of the mirror.

"I'm not lying! I need to see her and kill off anything I have left for her."

"Just admit it, babes. You're excited to see her after two years, and if you weren't with Scarlett, you would be rushing to see Julia as soon as you got that call from her."

I sighed and didn't respond. Because as hard as it was for me to admit it, Vivian was right. If Scarlett wasn't in my life, Julia and I would be having one of those long-distance relationships sex. The kind where you exert all those emotions and pain of not seeing the person you love for so long into fucking.

I tilted my head to the side and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, a white button down shirt, Faux leather jacket, a gold bracelet on my left wrist that Scarlett had gifted me a couple days ago, and brown winter long boots. I felt that something was missing from my outfit.

"I think you should wear this scarf." Vivian handed me a gray cashmere scarf.

I wrapped it around my neck, and the look was satisfyingly perfect. I smiled and turned around to inspect my look from all angles.

"Damn, you look like you walked straight out of a Ralph Lauren magazine," Vivian commented in admiration.

"You flatter me too much," I grinned."But thank you, Viv."

The front door rang, the loud bell unpleasantly cutting through the peaceful apartment.

"Oh, he's here!" Vivian exclaimed excitedly and bounded out of the bedroom before I had the chance to ask "who".

But as I looked back at myself in the mirror, sadness quickly creeped into me. Why was I dressing up? For what? To impress an ex who left me for Australia? And I was already dating the most amazing human being. Why was I doing this?

To get closure. To finally resolve whatever feelings you have left for Julia so that you can move on with your life. And you're not dressing up for Julia. You're doing it because you love looking good. And so that she can see how happy you've been.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes. I rubbed my face with my hands, my anxiety increasing with every second. I took a shuddering breath and willed myself to calm down.

"Audrey, this is Alessandro." I heard Vivian say. I jumped up from the bed, brushing my clothes off as Vivian entered the bedroom with a man who looked like he's just stepped off a runway.

"God-like" was perhaps an understatement. He had curly well-groomed black hair, olive-tanned skin, biceps that bulged through his long-sleeved white dress shirt, and glistening-white teeth that literally sparkled in the light as he beamed at me.

He must have been over 5'10 with the way he towered over Vivian's small 5'3 frame.

Before I could open my mouth to say hello, Alessandro walked across the room in three steps and exclaimed:

"Ciao, Audrey!" He air-kissed both my cheeks. I was practically stunned as he stepped back with an even wider grin. "Vivian has told me so much about you!"

His deep, heavy Italian accent let me know that he was most definitely from Italy, and I just hoped that he wasn't a part of a Mafia or something.

"Hi, uh..." I chuckled and glanced at Vivian, who was standing at the entrance with an innocent look on her face. "Vivian has... not told me anything about you."

"Oh!" Alessandro said as he stood next to Vivian and rubbed her back. "We've only been dating for two weeks and four days, no?"

"Yes we have, babe." Vivian giggled as Alessandro kissed her cheek.

"I'll go get dinner started, amore mio. See you later, yes?" He gave Vivian a quick peck on the lips before flashing me another one of his smiles and walked out of sight.

"Okay, before you-"

"Seriously, Viv? How could you not tell me that you have a whole boyfriend?" I interrupted as I folded my arms over my chest and glared at her. "We tell each other everything!"

"Well, with the stuff you had going on, I didn't want to disturb you with my bullshit," Vivian sighed.

"Getting a boyfriend is bullshit? I don't think so, Viv," I scoffed.

"Come on, let's not make a big deal of this," Vivian whined as she held out her hand. "Forgive and forget?"

I looked at her puppy-dog eyes and with a sigh, I shook her hand.

"Whatever," I mumbled and rolled my eyes, still hurt that she didn't tell me. "So where did you meet your Italian hunk?"

"At the art gallery," Vivian answered eagerly. "We got to talking about one of the paintings and he mentioned how his ex-boyfriend didn't appreciate his taste in art."

"Ex-boyfriend, huh?" I quizzically raised my eyebrows.

"Yep. And guess what? He's amazing at everything, especially fucking."

"Viv! Come on, spare me the gross details." I groaned while Vivian grinned at me. "I have to go anyway. I'll text you later."

"Hey." Vivian suddenly grabbed my arm. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," I reassuringly smiled. "Just have fun with your Italian hunk."

Truth be told, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Later That Day

The Little Ripper café. Julia and I used to hang out at this café several times a week. But ever since she moved away, I've avoided going to this place, because everything about it reminded me of her. The Aussie feel was poisoned with the memory of Julia.

Walking up to the café immediately brought nostalgia to my mind. I could smell the delicious coffee even from a hundred feet away. The delectable aroma of lamb meat and spinach - feta pies drifted into my mind.

And that's when I saw her.

The café had several tables outside the establishment, and Julia and I would choose to sit outdoors unless the weather didn't allow it,

And sitting at our usual table was Julia. I didn't see her face, but there was no mistaking those fiery red tresses of hair that looked even more beautiful than they did before. Her back was turned towards me, and I had no trouble recognizing her neck that peeked out from between the strands of her hair. The same neck which I had spent nights and days tracing every inch with my lips.

My heart immediately began to beat faster, each thump echoing in my ear. My breath quickened, and all the memories of me and Julia came flooding into my mind.

This was a mistake. What the hell was I thinking? Perhaps it wasn't too late if I just left like I was never even h-

Before I could finish that thought, Julia turned around and her face lit up with a smile when she saw me. It was too late to turn back now. I took a deep breath and resumed walking towards the café.

"Audrey!" Julia exclaimed as she met me almost halfway.

Before I could say anything, she embraced me into a hug. Her sweet scent of roses and vanilla flooded my nostrils and entered my mind like a drug. I returned the hug in surprise, and I felt her squeeze me a bit tighter before releasing me.

"Julia..." I finally managed to say as I looked at her.

"Come on, lets sit down, yes?" Julia replied as she flashed another one of her blinding smiles.

All I could do was nod as I followed her back to the table, our table, and sat down in the chair that she pulled out for me.

As if on cue, the waitress brought out and placed on our table two mini pavlovas, two lamb meat pies, one coffee and one flat white topped with matcha and walnut crumbles.

Once the waitress left, I looked at Julia in surprise.

"You... still remember my favorite meal at this place..."

"Of course. Nothing is forgettable about you." Julia replied with a smile.

I felt my stupid face flush, and I could sense that my cheeks were pink-red. Everything that Julia said had that effect on me, and apparently it never died away.

"So... how have you been?" I asked slowly and took a sip of my latte.

"I've been okay..." Julia replied, absent-mindedly stirring her coffee. "Actually, no. I've not been doing okay. I've missed you, babydoll."

Her blunt answer didn't surprise me, but it did cause me to tense up.

"You... have?"

"Yes. When I moved away, I thought I could... move on, you know? But I couldn't. Every day felt incomplete without you, and when I received your letter, I knew that I had to see you as soon as I could." Julia bit her lip and looked off in the distance. She slowly returned her gaze towards me. "And here I am."

"So why did you stop communicating with me then?" I demanded, "If that's how you have felt all these months?"

"Because I thought that if I ceased talking to you, it would be less painful," Julia replied with a sigh. "And it was... for a while. After I sent you my own letter, I felt like I had an idea of where my life was going and how to live it. But eventually, the pain increased and finally an opportunity came when I could see you again."

"What letter?" I asked. I didn't remember any letter. Moreover, I didn't even receive anything from her after my own email.

"The email that I sent you the day after I received yours." Julia answered with confusion. "I told you that we should stop talking because I thought it would be best for the both of us."

"Well, I didn't receive anything from you! Do you know how hurt I was when I didn't hear back from you?" Anger began to creep into my system but I managed to keep it down.

"I swear, babydoll. I sent you an email. I... I don't know why you didn't receive it," Julia furrowed her eyebrows.

She reached her hand across the table to touch mine, but I withdrew from her touch. I saw pain flicker across her face for a second as she smiled weakly.

"Whatever," I sniffled and wiped off the tear that slid down my face.

"How have you been?" Julia gazed into my eyes. "You look... happy."

"I've been pretty good. Lately, at least. And yes, I am happy." I licked my lips and returned her stare.

"You're in love, aren't you?" Julia replied, a smile tugging at her mouth as she tilted her head.

"Why would you say that?" I scoffed.

"That... sparkle in your eye, " Julia bit her lip and smiled. "I know it all too well. It means you're in love with someone who makes you happy."

I wasn't sure what to say. This... visit wasn't going as I thought it would. For the last two years, I've replayed in my mind so many versions of how this reunion would go, if it ever happened, and the real life version did not match any one of the hypothetical ones.

"You're right," I finally said. "I am in love."

Julia's smile widened, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Of course someone as priceless as you won't be left undiscovered for long," she muttered with a hint of sadness and disappointment in her voice. "Who is this lucky person?"

"Scarlett," I said after taking a five-second pause. "And she's amazing."

"I don't doubt it." Julia clicked her tongue and chuckled a little. "I was hoping to come here and... rekindle things with you because your absence in my life was unbearable, but I'm surprised to find that I'm... actually happy that you found someone deserving of your love."

"You... are?" I asked, confused. This time, Julia's smile reached her eyes.

"Yes. If you're happy, I'm happy." Julia took a sip of her coffee and licked her lips before continuing. "Your happiness is more important than whatever selfish goal I have."

I couldn't form any words. I was stunned. I didn't know what the hell was going on.

"Miss?" Julia loudly said and waved over the waitress that had previously brought us our food.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Can we have the food wrapped up to-go, and the check please?" Julia told her with a warm smile.

"Sure thing, ma'am! I'll be right back!"

Once the waitress left, Julia quickly drank the rest of her coffee and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Is... something wrong?" I asked with concern.

"Oh, no," Julia lightly chuckled. " I have an important meeting tomorrow, and I need to prepare for it."


A meeting? What meeting?

After the waitress brought over the check and packed up our leftovers, I felt Julia's hand touch mine that was on the table. I jolted at the sudden rush of electricity that sped its way through my arm and into the rest of my body.

"I do hope we can stay friends," Julia said as she clasped my hand. "And perhaps I can... meet this Scarlett."

"So you can get rid of her?" I scoffed jokingly.

Julia laughed, and the sound vibrated through my mind.

"Not at all," she smiled. "Unless she hurts you."

It was my turn to laugh a little.

"Well, perhaps one day you can meet her." I replied as we both got up and prepared to leave.

"Did you come here in a car?" Julia suddenly asked.

"Yes." I raised my eyebrow at her quizzically.

"Let me walk to your car." She picked up both our leftover bags.

I didn't object as we walked in silence towards my car. Once we approached it, Julia handed me my baggie and before I could say goodbye, she grabbed my arm.

She swiftly turned me towards her and I stumbled against the door of my car, her face dangerously close to mine. It didn't matter that we were near a busy sidewalk in public. The whole world around us seemed to disappear and become non-existent as she gazed into my eyes with those deep oceanic eyes in which I could drown in forever.

She brushed away the loose hair from my eyes and traced her fingers along my face. My breath caught in my throat, and I could barely breathe as she brought her face even closer to mine. Her lips were mere inches away, and the urge to kiss her was overwhelming.

Her sizzling hot breath, sweet ambrosial scent, and the sound of each inhale and exhale she took invited inappropriate memories into my mind. Flashbacks played like a film in my brain. I sensed myself growing hotter with every second and my legs felt ready to give out.

And then she kissed my cheek, and with a smile, said:

"See you later, babydoll."

She stepped back and walked away without glancing back once. I watched her until she disappeared into the crowd, and it took me a while to recover from the moment. I took a shuddering breath as I ignored the random stares in my direction from the passing people.

After about thirty seconds, I was able to drag myself into the car. I didn't feel good, not mentally, not emotionally, and not even physically. I needed space, a place away from everyone to contemplate my emotions and thoughts.

I drove away to one of the few secluded spots near the beach, which was approximately a ten minute drive. Once I parked my car and turned off the engine, I leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes.

Thoughts came flooding into my mind as I sat there, each breath coming out of me with a shudder. What the fuck was I thinking? Did I really believe that this meeting with my ex would fucking resolve anything? How could I be this stupid? What the actual hell?

And that's when I screamed.

I screamed out in rage, the sound deafening in the closed car, but I didn't care. I screamed at myself, at life, at the world, at Julia, at everything. I released my anger, my pain, all my emotions through each scream that escaped my mouth as tears flooded down my face in torrents. Each drop contained the months of suffering, frustration, and pain that have been imprisoned inside my body. I continued to scream even as my voice grew hoarse and my lungs burned with scorching heat.

I ran my hands through my hair and threw my head back as my screams were joined by sobs that caused my whole body to shake uncontrollably. My wails filled the car as I struggled to breathe. I felt like I was dying, my air supply running out as I gasped for breath.

I slammed the palm of my hand against the wheel, causing the car to honk into the dusk but I didn't care if anyone heard it. I was filled with despair and rage, mainly at myself for being a stupid fuck. I stomped the floor of my car with both my legs, pressing my back into my seat as I continued to scream and cry into the deadly silence of the incoming darkness.

With each shuddering breath that I took, the more pressure I felt on my lungs. I couldn't breathe and my vision began to dim as the world around me grew darker. The salty taste of tears mixed with snot crept into my mouth. Each molecule of the moisture was consumed with pain and despair, like poison on my tongue.

Then suddenly, both Scarlett and Julia's voices filled my mind.

"Breathe, babydoll", "Breathe for me, baby", "Take deep breaths. Breathe, baby, breathe with me. Like this."

I gasped as I deeply inhaled, the sweet air filling my lungs as the voices instructed me to breathe. I gradually recovered from my screaming/crying fit as my heartrate calmed down and my breathing returned to normal. I wiped away the snot and wet tears from my face with my arm sleeve.

I took another long, trembling deep breath as the realization hit me.

I loved both Scarlett and Julia, and I couldn't live without either one of them.

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