[20] Enemies From The Start

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A K I O  D A I C H I

I stopped talking, seeing how Jun wasn't paying attention. Her trembling figure made me worried the first time she made her way inside the classroom. Her hands were shaking, her eyes were wide and she wasn't even talking. She just stood there, muttering some words that I couldn't even understand at the first time I heard her.

Until she said the name Minho.

I'm not going to lie anymore. I don't like him the first time I saw him. He gave me this weird vibe that I shouldn't be talking to him. Well, gut feeling that is.

I could literally see the stares he throws at Jun, looking at her while I was distracted. He would give her this look that could already tell that he had moved on from Yuka.

The smiles that could literally make anyone decode that he likes her. And to think that he would always glance at me, trying to see if I was far too distracted to ever see him like that.

Distracted? Yeah, right.

I wasn't distracted. I was just observant. I would always watch him on my peripheral view, just to see him staring at her with a smile. When Jun turns to look at him, I would see him acting like he was looking at the floor or at the ceiling.

But Jun wasn't that dumb.

Sure, she might get a mental block at some times, freezing at the point she sees a monster before running away from it. But only if it was from the monsters outside the hallways. Not a real person.

She might be a little curious at some times but, considering her being a photojournalist back in the day, I knew that she had some suspicions on Minho. She would always glance at him, trying to catch him in the act. I knew that it was her plan since she told me that she often see Minho staring at her. And sometimes smiling at her.

And that made me smile, a little.

I then heard a loud thud as we all jumped a little bit from the sound. No, nobody was thrown to the floor. This time, it was a bit different.

"A-Akio..." she trailed off as I then snapped out of my trance, seeing a huge pool of blood underneath the door. I then helped Jun up and put her behind me. Luckily, there weren't any smashed pieces of head or anything that would've made me gagged.

But I wished that I hadn't spoke too soon.

The door soon opened, making us almost puke at the sight and smell outside. Minho's head was there, just like Kitsame's. But today, it wasn't the creepy old lady who tore the head from his body. No, it was someone else.

Before I could even approach it, I then heard someone laughing manically. Someone then stepped in, making me back away and grab the knife I had on my long sleeves.

There stood Xhion, blood splattered on his face — wearing a creepy grin that made everyone stand up and widen their eyes. Jun, on the other hand, suddenly backed away from him.

He then widen his grin as he gripped the knife tightly on his hand.

"Oh, Jun. There you are, my little mouse." With a knife on his hand, he tried to approach her. Zima gripped the bat tightly before rushing beside me as I twirled my knife and pointed it at him, making him stop on his tracks.

"Stay away from her," I said as Zima nods at my remark, still gripping the baseball bat to scare Xhion a bit. Though, he didn't budge. He just laughed before shaking his head at the attempt of her intimidating him.

"Oh, trying to protect your little girlfriend, aren't you?" he stated as he took a step forward. I didn't even move one bit, not even scared of stabbing him if I want to. I know that I might break a rule. But, I couldn't let him get Jun, can I?

As he took another step forward, I then saw Akira standing up. He dusted off his uniform, taking out two small daggers. Xhion then gave him a smirk as if he was mocking him.

"Akira, Akira, Akira. When can you understand that — " Xhion's statement was quickly cut off by one dagger on his chest. He then sputtered out some blood as he still stood strong, trying to gain back his standing position.

Akira, on the other hand, looked at him with a grim expression. He took some steps forward at him as he stops midway to smile. He then grabbed his other dagger, trying to aim bit on Xhion's head.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" he asked as Xhion glared at him, trying to approach him with a dagger still on his chest. Suddenly, Akira threw his weapon at his head — landing perfectly on the center.

"That's the same feeling I had when you burned down my house and killed my mother," he coldly said as I then saw Xhion shaking a bit before falling down on the floor, dead.

I glanced at Akira, who was taking the dagger out before wiping it with a handkerchief. Noticing my glance, he looked at me with a poker face.

"Don't tell me that I broke a rule. I know that I already did. I broke a few rules before." I then knitted my eyebrows as he hides his daggers once again.

"I thought that maybe I could help someone out since I couldn't possibly survive this hell," he replied as he gave me a small smile. Looking over to Jun, he gave her a grin back at me.

"So, I thought of helping you and your girlfriend." I then blinked twice, still hearing the word girlfriend on the sentence. What is wrong with these people? Can't they see that we're not a couple.

He then chuckled when he saw my reaction before giving me a pat on the shoulder. After that, he went back to sit next to Fujimiya-san. Zima then gave me a smile that I knew too well to even be confused.

"We're here for the both of you," Zima said before going back to sit. I then walked back to Jun as she puts her arms around me, making me stumble back for a bit.

"Please don't act like you're a hero next time. I don't want you getting hurt because of me," she said as I pulled her close. Putting my chin on her head, I then smiled.

"Atleast I'm your hero," I said before closing my eyes.

Message from Hidou Akki:
She will be devastated when she finds out that he'll be dead because of her

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