[21] Way Out

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A K I R A  H I R O

I looked back to Mami, the girl who got wacked by a baseball bat. I knitted my eyebrows as I saw her head leaning on the wall, completely unconscious or sleeping at the meantime.

No, she wasn't in a coma or something like that. She just woke up earlier and then went right back to sleep after she got her food and checked her head to see if there was any internal bleeding or not.

Luckily, there wasn't.

I wasn't really a doctor. I guess you could say that I was the best student in Medical Studies back at my academy. Since the hard blow that Taro gave her, I could assume that she would experience a mild concussion or either painful headaches once or twice a day.

As I inspected her more carefully, she wasn't breathing at all. Sure, she might look like she's fine. But, she wasn't. I then stood up, rushing to her as I earned a few confused glances from the other students. I soon tried to find a pulse on her wrist just to feel that there weren't any.

"Akira, what's wrong?" Fujimiya-san asked me as I stood up, not looking at her. I then turned around, my head hung low.

"She's dead." I heard a few gasps from them as I walked back towards my seat. Miwa, the girl beside her, quickly moved away in disgust.

"Yuck, I shouldn't have sat next to her." I then glared at her as she ignored it, standing up and dusting off her skirt. She then walked towards Fujiko, who seems to be rolling her eyes at Miwa before letting her sit beside her.

I chuckled at Fujiko's reaction, seeing that I would've done the same as her. Miwa just seems to be the only girl here who acts like a total...I'm not even going to say it.

I'm an educated person and I'd like to keep it that way.

I then glanced at Akio, who seems to be smiling my way. I just nod at him, giving a small smile. I wasn't the happy or optimistic person. You probably had guessed that already.

"Fujiko, can you believe it? I sat next to dead person! A dead person!" she exclaimed as Fujiko scoffed and rolled her eyes again as she moves away from Miwa.

"Huh, I guess she died because she sat next to a female dog," she said as Miwa gave cold glare in return. Before she could even answer back, Hidou then appeared inside our classroom.

His pale skin glows a bit as he fixed his uniform, looking around the room while doing so. He then shakes his head as he saw Mami's body before approaching her, kneeling down to look at her much better. His finger then went under her chin as he stares at her.

"Poor girl, she was pretty one too." He then turned around, looking at me with mischievous eyes. I hung my head low, fixing my glasses as I hid my face.

"Akira," he called me as I didn't budge, not looking up to meet his gaze. Then, a hand brushed into my arm, making me jerk away from him.

"Follow me; I have to show you something." I quickly stood up, dusting off my pants as I gave him a suspicious look. He just ignored it and then nod, walking out of the room. I could see Akio and Jun shaking their heads.

I know that it was a bad idea to trust Hidou.

How do I know him? Let's just say that I've been in this academy before. We were trapped along some other students. There was just a storm and some of our classmates went insane, killing the others. Including Hidou. We both know what happened to this school more than anyone.

After all, he was the student body president.

I then followed Hidou outside, just to see him smiling at me in the end of the corridor. He then mentioned me to follow him before turning to his right – which is my left by the way. I sighed as I then saw him entering a random room.

Strange, that wasn't really there before.
I know all the doors and the rooms of this school. There's no way that this one could've been here. I knitted my eyebrows as I eyed it suspiciously. It was full of red marks that made me widen my eyes.


At first, I thought it was a talisman. Seems that it wasn't after inspecting it. Sorry Hidou, I don't want to die today.

I then turned around to walk back to my classroom just as I heard someone screaming inside the room. It wasn't a ghost though. I then went back just to see the door opened and Hidou holding a girl in his arms.

"Remember her?" Hidou asked as he grinned widely at me. His smile never left as he saw me glaring at him.

That damn bastard.

"A-Akira," she sputtered out, blood still stained on her clothes. I then went inside, grabbing her out of Hidou's grasp before pulling her close.

"I'm here Nanami. I'm here," I said as I glared at Hidou but quickly widened my eyes when I saw that he wasn't there. I then lay Nanami on the floor and saw that the door was closed shut.

As I turned around slowly, I saw two young boys smiling widely at me.

"Chio and Mino..." I trailed off as they disappeared, leaving me and Nanami on the room. I then saw Nanami coughing a lot of blood as she looked at me with a painful expression plastered on her face.

Tears rolled down my eyes and tried to open the door again, finding out that it was sealed shut. I looked around, finding nothing useful to pry the door open.

I knew the twins would come back for us. Not to help us, but to see us suffering. I then kneeled next to Nanami as she grabbed my hand and carressed it.

"Aishiteru," she said as she closed her eyes. I then kissed her forehead as I held her close, feeling that she won't be opening her eyes anymore.

"I love you too," I said, feeling Chio and Mino's presence inside the room with me.

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