[4] The First Kill

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T A R O  K I R I S A G I

Our new teacher, Miss Kirisaki, had drawn out a paper from the hat — opening it before reading silently. Her eyes slowly wandered from left to right as we stared at her nervously, sweat dripping down on our faces. Of course, we were all entirely scared of who's going to be it.

Because, whoever it was, they're the one who's going to choose their own fate along with our lives. In other words, they could be the reason we'd be dead.

After a couple of seconds, she looked up from the paper before asking all of us, her eyes steadily studying our features.

"Who's Taro Kirisagi?" she asked, her eyes boring to each and every one of us. After I heard my name being called, I slowly gulped.

Well, this is probably the time I should say that I screwed up, big time. Shocked, I raised my hand, standing up in the process while rolling up my sleeves. The eyes of my new classmates followed me as Miss Kirisaki gave me a serious look before going back to her own chair — completely uninterested about the game.

I breathed deeply before saying to no one in particular, "I pick dare."

Before I could even ask a question, I could hear a sinister laugh coming out through the speakers. The other hat was then pushed a bit towards me as I widened my eyes. Hats couldn't move themselves, right?

I then put my hand on the hat, pulling out one folded paper. I turned around, facing Jun. She looked at me, still a bit scared. If you ask me, I was scared as well. My hands trembled a bit before opening it slowly. I then saw some words written in cursive and a dare written on the top.

Pick up the baseball bat from the boys' locker room and kill one student infront of your classmates. The student you'll eliminate should be a girl. You only have fifteen minutes to this.

My eyes widened at the paper, letting it fall down on my hands. It fell on the floor as Jun gave me a worried glance. Fuck, this is not what I had signed up for. I thought that this school was normal. But after this little game I got myself into, I already know that it's not. Before I could even answer again, I then heard a clock loudly ticking and some laughters booming on the background.

"Timer starts now, Taro Kirisagi," a boy from the speakers told me as I breathed deeply. I could really imagine them widely grinning at my figure. Well, it was now or never. My life depends on this one. I then opened the door, running towards the stairs.

My footsteps were loud and the floorboards were creaking a bit, making the lady I saw before, look at me. Her head turned around 360° just to stare at me while her body remained in place. I could hear her terrifying screams as I raced downstairs, trying to find the boys' locker room.

"Fuck, where the hell is it?!" I looked everywhere, still hearing screams behind me getting louder and louder. Running, I saw a door with blood stains on it. There were hand stains and some smudge of blood running down on the door but I paid no attention to it.

I need to survive.

Judging the different design on the door, I figured that it was either the restroom or the locker room. Any of them are quite helpful.

I ran towards it, harshly pushing it open and closed it, blocking it with my body. I then heard someone banging on it and I widened my eyes at the force. Someone different had chased me here. It wasn't the lady, that's for sure.

A loud bang rang out and I was pushed a bit away from the door. Knowing that it could open it anytime, I ran back, pushing it back with all my might.

Now I know why they made it fifteen minutes. This was pure torture. It took me five minutes to run and one minute to lock myself in here. That leaves me with nine minutes.

I looked around, stopping my gaze as I saw the baseball bat a few meters away from me. I then gasped, almost falling down to the floor as a hand punched through the wall near my head. I stood up and ran, grabbing the baseball bat before smacking the one who pushed the door open.

I widened my eyes as I saw a bulky guy, looking at me with that sinister smile and glowing red eyes. In his hand was a butcher knife and a large shiny knife on the other — which was covered in fresh blood, may I remind you. I backed away, looking for any way out to escape.

It then screamed, running towards me at full speed. Seeing him coming at me, I ducked and crawled under his legs. He turned around, raising his butcher knife to get me. But, he was shocked to see that his butcher knife wasn't there. Instead, it got stuck on one of the lockers. He grunts, trying to pull it out.

While he was distracted, I made my way out of the locker room and ran upstairs. I didn't even care how loud I was running and panting. My main priority now was to get back before my time ends.

I pushed the door sidewards, my new classmates looking at me in shock. They weren't really expecting to see me alive and no scratch whatsoever. Well, my clothes got dirty but it wasn't really that bad.

Holding the baseball bat on my left hand, I approached a girl who was reading something on her phone. Her eyes were knitted a bit and she was really busy on reading the article written on the certain page.

I looked at her name tag and it made me feel even guilty. I know who this girl was. She was the one who gave me some bandages after my Martial Arts Competition at the Shiba Arena and the one who gave me a chocolate after my match.

I could already tell it was her since she had a blonde hair, pink highlights and was wearing a blue shirt and black skirt. Truth to be told, I know that she loves wearing skirts.

How? I could always see her in my Martial Arts matches.

Honoka Oshiro

As I coughed, she looked up at me — a confused look plastered on her face. Her green eyes looked at me with a hint of curiousity.

"Hmm? How can I help you?" she sweetly asked, making me doubt of ever killing her. I looked away before looking down at the floor. She doesn't deserve this.

I shook my head before looking at one girl in particular — who seems curious of what I'm about to do. I looked at her name tag before sympathetically looking at her.

Mami Jitsuko

I slowly approached her before muttering an apology. She then widened her eyes as I swing the baseball bat directly on her head, hearing a loud crack and screams echoing inside the classroom.

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