[5] How Did It Come To This?

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J U N  K A I Y O

I widened my eyes, looking at the girl who just got hit by a baseball bat. I then heard a loud thud as her body fell on the floor, not moving one bit. Her eyes were closed so it was really hard to know if she's dead or still alive. Some students stood up, shaking her a bit to wake her. She didn't budge though.

When I saw her still breathing, I finally calmed down. Okay good, she's just unconscious. It wasn't really normal to see a guy hitting a girl with a baseball bat, you know? Unless it's a movie.

The only thing that bothers me was that this was real life. Not any horror movie.

Akio, who was watching the scene beside me, sighed in relief. He then glanced at Taro, who was looking at the girl with the bat still on his hands. Akio stood up, approaching him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he yelled in frustration, getting Taro's attention. I could feel his cold glare boring back to Akio as he grasped the baseball bat tighter than before.

He approached him, making Akio suspicious. I could see him getting the knife out of his long sleeves, backing away a bit from Taro. I looked at my old friend to see him smirking, taking another step forward.

Knowing what he was thinking, I stood up and pulled Akio back as Taro swung the bat at him. I widened my eyes as how close it was in hitting his face. Akio then stumbled a bit beside me as Taro's cold glare was still plastered on his face.

"I don't want to die." He then raised the bat high enough and looked at the girl who was at the floor, unconscious. With no hesitation, I pushed him away — making him stumble a bit before perfectly standing.

"What the hell, Jun? That paper told me to eliminate a girl." He glared at me as I stood my ground to argue.

"So what? You're actually going to kill her?" I said, looking back at the poor girl on the floor. She was still unconscious so she couldn't really hear us talking about her.

Taro then took a step forward to me, grabbing my arm forcefully. I tried to pull away but his grip had tighten, leaving a red mark.

"I know that they will kill me if I didn't do it. So, I'm doing it to save myself!" he yelled at me while Akio glared at him and looking in disbelief. I then gasped as Akio punched Taro directly on the face. He then stumbled a bit, accidentally letting my arm go. After he explained his reason and gained back his composure, he didn't leave his gaze at me.

Instead, he smirked.

He stood back up as I looked at him, nervously. "T-Taro, what the hell are you doing?"

I gulped as he approached me, holding the bat tightly with both of his hands. He then smiled, looking at his weapon before back at me.

"If you won't let me kill her, I'll kill you." He then swung his bat as I then blocked my face with my arms, closing my eyes — waiting for the hard impact.

Nothing happened.

I slowly removed the arms that was blocking my view just to see a guy holding the baseball bat with his other hand and a box cutter sticking on Taro's chest. He was wearing a dirty white long sleeves, navy blue pants, a black wristband and a crucifix on his neck.

His back was turned so I couldn't really see his face. Taro looked at him, glaring as he sputtered out some blood on the floor. Kneeling in pain, he glared at all of us before falling down, probably dead.

"Are you alright?" the guy asked me, making me snap out of my trance. He then turned around, looking at me with a sympathetic look.

"Y-You killed him..." I trailed off as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Would rather want him alive just to kill you on that spot?" he asked me as I shook my head in disagreement. He then nodded before grabbing the box cutter out of Taro. He wiped it to clean the blood off before putting it on his pocket.

Akio looked at him suspiciously, getting his knife from his long sleeves. The guy must've noticed since he looked at him for a bit before shaking his head.

"No need to get all protective on your girlfriend, alright? I'm just here to help her," he said, playfully raising both of his arms in surrender.

I could see the baffled expression on Akio's face as the guy said the word girlfriend to him. Actually, I was surprised too. I wasn't really his girlfriend. I'm just his new classmate in this really creepy academy.

"Actually, I'm not..." I trailed off as the guy smiled, putting his right infront of me to shake. I just knitted my eyebrows before looking back at him.

"Minho Akagame, from Jitomu Academy," he introduced himself as I hesitately grabbed his hand and shook it. He sweetly smiled at me, earning a little scoff from Akio.

"I'm Jun Kaiyo and this is Akio," I said, pointing at Akio before smiling back at him. I then saw Akio looking away from the both of us as he mumbled some things I couldn't hear. But of course, I heard one of her remarks.

"She's not my girlfriend," Akio mumbled as Minho looked at him, grinning. I could see that he was quite intrigued by Akio's display of expression.

By expression, I meant the loud scoff Minho heard from him.

"I know," he said as a girl approached us. She shyly looked at me before smiling a bit. Minho, on the other hand, grinned.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce her. This is Yuka Umi. She's also from my academy," Minho said as Yuka smiled at me before bowing. I also bowed, showing respect.

After my little chit chat with Yuka, Akio told me to check my DSLR. But before I could even look at my camera, I saw Minho blushing a bit when Yuka grabbed his hand, shaking a bit in fear. I smiled, knowing that they love each other but they're too shy to admit it.

Of course, our little happy time just had to be ruined.

Someone spoke once again from the speakers. But this time, another voice cuts in. It was another guy who had a deep voice and he had a much more scarier tone than the last one.

"Minho Akagame, you have violated our rule," he spoke as Minho looked unfazed. He didn't even show a hint of fear when the guy spoke his name. He just looked at the speaker before shrugging.

"For that, you're the next one to play." No one spoke after that and I could actually imagine the game masters waiting for his response. Yes, I just called them that.

"I choose dare." I gulped as Minho waved his hand at me, telling me not to worry. Akio, on the other hand, didn't really show any interest on him. I guess he was still mad about what Minho said about us earlier.

I then heard some laughter booming once again as Minho glared at the speakers, acting like there was a camera looking right at him.

"Very well. Pick one folded paper from the hat." Minho then approached to the table, getting a folded paper, opening it before reading. I could see his face slowly changing into anger as he crumpled the paper in his hands.

His hands trembled a bit, tears quickly brimming on his eyes. He then looked back at the paper before wiping off his tears.

He then looks at Yuka before looking down. I could see tears falling on his cheeks as he tried hiding it with his hands. Yuka then looked at him, a confused look on her face.

Akio then got the message as he grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the scene. I then turned around just to see Minho taking Yuki's hand before opening the door — leaving the room full of confused glances.

But I already knew what was going to happen.

And it wasn't going to be pretty.

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