Fourth Dare

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Kaylee: *runs from White Woz since she pranked him in water and feather*

White Woz: *runs after Kaylee* Get back here brat!

Kaylee: NO! *runs and hides*

White Woz: *stops and looks around* Where is she?

Sougo: *laying on the couch* Who?

White Woz: Kaylee

Sougo: Don't know *sees him and laughs* She pranked ya

White Woz Hai

Sougo: She always does that if someone annoyed her or overslept

White Woz: *groans and mumbles as he left the room*

Kaylee: *peak out of her hiding place* Is he gone?

Sougo: Yeah

Kaylee: Good. I got another dare for Geiz.

Sougo: Again?!

Kaylee: Hai

Sougo: I'm going to get him

Kaylee: *nods*

Sougo: *leaves*

Kaylee: *waits*

Sougo and Geiz: *walks back*

Geiz: Sougo *eye twitched* told me that I have another dare

Kaylee: Yep except Sougo is helping you out

Sougo and Geiz: Eh?!

Kaylee: Hai. *reads* This is from proto-brave "Geiz, I dare you to play fortnite and let Sougo help you." *looks up confuse* Wait, what is a fortnite?

Sougo and Geiz: *shrugs*

Kaylee: *went to look up about fortnite on the computer* Huh?

Sougo and Geiz: Nani?

Kaylee: From what I see... *show them the video*

Sougo and Geiz: That is fortnite?!

Kaylee: Yeah...

Sougo and Geiz: *went to play fortnite but get so confused in the game before understand and plays for hours*

Kaylee: *blinks* O...k... *shrugs and leaves before White Woz appears*

Black Woz: Well that dare is interesting. We won't see my lord and Geiz for a while. Miss Kaylee has gone into hiding from my counterpart.

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