Third Dare

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White Woz: *walks in and looks around* Good. That brat is not here *grabs the paper for truth or dare show and reads* Nani?!

Black Woz: *appears* What are you doing? You know you are not suppose to touch that paper

White Woz: Don't care

Black Woz: *growls*

Sougo and Geiz: *walks up to them* What's going on here?

Black Woz: My lord, myself is reading paper that Miss Kaylee usually read

White Woz: Am not!

Black Woz: Yes you are

Sougo: Ok that is enough you two.

Black Woz and White Woz: *cross their arms and looks away*

Geiz: *felt something hits his head and turn to see the small airplane paper so he open it and read out loud* 'Geiz and whoever is in the room. I have to leave to meet up with someone for couple days. I am leaving Black Woz in charge of my paper that has all the truth and dare from the viewers. White Woz you better behave or I will punished you when I get back. From, Kaylee'

Black Woz: *smirks* Hand it over to me

White Woz: *pale not wanting to get punished by Kaylee* *handed the paper to Black Woz*

Black Woz: Since Miss Kaylee is not here. I will read the next dare. I believe I know who this is.

Sougo and Geiz: Who?

Black Woz: LupinPurple and she put the dare down. "Sougo and Geiz I dare you to run around like chickens and say that I am the best"

Sougo and Geiz: No

Black Woz: You got to do it

Sougo and Geiz: *refuse*

Kaylee: *walks in to see what is going on* Black Woz what is going on here?

Black Woz: *tells her*

Kaylee: Oh! You both better do it or my aunt will hurt you both

Sougo and Geiz: *pale and nods* Wait why are you here?

Kaylee: Good. Oh I just got back to check on you guys.

Sougo and Geiz: Ok *runs around like a chicken* Jessica is the best

Kaylee: *giggles into laughs* Good one Auntie

White Woz: And cut. See you next time

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