Chapter One

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Instinct tells me to get out. I have to live. I can't die in this shell.

I push upwards, bumping into the smooth surface. I press against it, the picks on my limbs distending and cracking the hard layer.

Must get out

My talons force out of the layer. I push again, getting the rest of my limb, and picks out of the shell. I claw away pieces of the shell, shoving with my whole body to shatter the weakened shell further. Air rushes into my lungs as I take my first breath. I shove my head out of the shell as shards of it fall away and drag myself out. 

I take another breath, breathing in the fresh air of the world and lay still as aromas assault my sensitive nose.

Something nudges me, and I cry out in protest. I'm nudged again and try to open my eyes. They slit open slightly to allow light to flood into my sight. I gasp at the new thing. I had only ever known the blackness of my shell. I open my eyes wider, everything blurry and unfocused. I turn to look at the thing that has nudged me and see a large dark shape in front of me. I blink again trying to focus on what's before me.

Soon the blurred form takes shape, and I'm looking straight into the deaths of large Amber eyes. A sound comes from it, I remember them, recognizing the safe rumblings from the time when I was warm and protected in my shell. Out here is cold.  This is one of my parents. I try to stand up on wobbly legs.

 After a few tries, I succeed and make my way slowly over to my parent. Another comes into my view, towering over me their eyes the color violet.

The Violet eyed one comes close to me rumbling a welcoming purr. I'm lifted into the air and set down into a nest, where settle and stare up at my parents then down at myself. I take In a surprising breath as I see myself for the first time. I have the same Dark color on myself, just like my parents. I look behind me to see these large things attached. I try to move it and jump at seeing it moving with me,

This is a part of me!

I extend the extra odd shaped limbs resulting in a large webbed wall. I squeak in question at the odd sight.

What is this for?

I glance under the webbed wall and see other little dark figures staring back at me, they were my size too. I jump up moving my wing away and quickly stumble over to these new persons. I catch their scent. They smell like my parents.

These are, siblings maybe?

I walk towards one with Dark Hazel eyes. They reach out and touch their nose to my own and I chirp. I look around and see four other ones like me.

Four siblings and me, two parents.

" Blossom, he seems so excited about being out," a male voice says. I turn back to the one who had made the sound. Parent with Amber eyes had spoken. He is my Father.

" He's a special one. " A female says. Blossom, my mother.

A loud crash from outside makes us all jump. My father rushes away. I watch as he runs outside of our cave. 

Blossom comes forward smelling of dread and fear.

I chirp questionably only to covered up by her body. My siblings cry out in protest but I stay quiet.  There are sounds of screeching outside and I can hear the sound of my father's voice cry out in pain.

" FireClaw! No!" My mother shrieks as she jumps off of us and runs to the exit. I whimper and back into the wall of the nest, causing some of the dried grass and bracken to fall on top of me, burying me in it.

Another frightening shriek echoes through the mouth of the cave followed by the sound of heavy footsteps. I freeze, not moving.  Fear erupts from my chest.

My siblings cry out for mother and Father but their calls aren't answered. The footsteps become louder until they are next to the nest. I hear one of my siblings let out a panicked squeal before it is cut off after a loud crack. The others start to cry out an alarm call before each one is cut off with a gruesome crunch.

I keep absolutely still even after I hear the heavy footsteps leave. I stay under the pile of the nest until I can't feel my own limbs anymore. Eventually, I walk out, shaking the grasses off. I see one of my siblings sleeping and run over to her. I nudge her but she doesn't move. I move over to her head and stop at seen her eyes open. The light lilac-colored eyes stared blankly at nothing. I whimper at the smell of death on her and move to one of my brothers who also is staring blankly back at me. His dead Dark Navy blue eyes send a shiver through my wings. I go check my other two siblings the one with Hazel eyes and the other with Dark forest green eyes. I whimper and back away from my siblings when I smell nothing but death. I climb out of our nest and slowly make my way over to the exit where my mother and father had left.

I walk outside and smell a metal scent. A dark red puddle covers part of the ground near my father, FireClaw. I walk over to his large head and nudge him. I think I see his Amber eyes open slightly before closing again. I chirp hopefully at him.

"Go Darkflame," FireClaw whispers weakly. " Finish what your mother and I will never be able to...I love you Darkflame." Father says before slowly closing his eyes.

I stand up on my hind legs and put my tiny paws up in his nose trying to wake him. When he doesn't stir I run over to my Mother.

"Father isn't waking up." I squeak. I push at her head with my own but she doesn't move.

I run back over to my father trying to push him awake but he doesn't give any reaction. I cry out and keep pushing at his large, scaled body. Finally, I curl up on the ground against his large shoulder and his jaw. I shut my new eyes, taking in his new but familiar scent until I drift to sleep.

Again, this chapter has been lightly edited in order to preserve my older writing style so that I may look back on it in the future in remembrance and to leave something familiar for the readers to identify. I apologize for the weak writing, but I was young. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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