Chapter two

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I wake from a mixture of the cold and the rapid sound of moving air. I open my eyes and see that there is someone or something coming down from the sky. I watch fearfully as it lands not far from me staring at the bodies of my parents. I stay completely still as it shakes its head and disappears into the cave. It slowly backs out bristles on its tail starting to raise.

I bury my head into my father's black hide scared of this newcomer. Their footsteps slowly come closer. I glance over to see if they are leaving only to be met with their gaze. I let out a startled cry frightened by their close presence.

"You poor thing," she says looking down sorrowfully. " What happened, dear?" The elder dragon asks.

I look away and curl tighter and closer to my father.

" Honey, you can't stay here." She says crouching down to be at my level.

I ignore her and stare at nothing. I don't want to move, I don't want anything.

" What's your name?" She asks gently. " Did your parents have time to give you a name?"

Darkflame. I think to myself.

" Come, I'll take you," she says moving forward.

When she comes too close I jump to my feet growling and baring my fangs. She backs away startled.

" Now, now little one. I may not have ever raised a Night Fury but I can give you a family." The elder dragon says.

I lay back down near the cold scales. She sighs before taking into the air using her webbed arms to take to the air.

So what's what they're for.

It's been two sunrises since the old dragon came. I still haven't eaten. The bodies of my family are too cold. They will never wake.

I stand from where I've been laying. I don't want to die. But I don't want to live without my family either.

I walk away, looking back at my parents. Wanting to see my siblings one last time. But I turn away and walk on aimlessly. Many hours pass before in too tired to continue. My stomach feels like it's eating itself making me want to cry out in pain.

I lay on my side not able to move. Where I too would die. I let myself fall into a sleep I didn't plan to wake from.

I dream of flying. Flying by myself out in the open sky. Landing in a forest filled with trees higher than I could ever imagine. And finding a nest with my Family waiting happily for me. I run over curling myself happily between my mother's paws, purring happily.

I groggily open my eyes. I look around and see that I really am in the nest. And the trees are towering high above me. I become excited and look around for my parents but see nothing. Nor smell them.  My heart drops again as I realize I really am alone.

The scent of meat makes me look over the ridge of the nest. A chunk of meat sits just out of reach of my mouth. I start to drool at the sight as I try the best I can to weakly scramble out of the nest. I crawl over to the food and start to gulp it down. The first meal over I've ever had.

Footsteps come close and I glance up growling as to continue to eat my food.  I recognize the owner of the footsteps as the purple and yellow Dragon comes into view. The older dragon had a crown of horns, walked on two legs and Her tail had many sharp pricks.

I finish my meal. Looking at the elder crouching low to the ground.

"What's your name little one?" She asks gently. I warble not looking her in the eyes.

"You can't speak yet. I should have thought of that. You've only just hatched." She says looking down at the ground.

But, I spoke to mother once.

"I'm so sorry. Your parents had been so careful. And still, they were found." She says sounds ready to cry.  " And now, now your my responsibility. Your the last" she says coming forward and grasping me in a protective way.

Had she known mother and father?

"Flameclaw was so excited to know that Blossom was with egg. He just couldn't wait to be a father. He planned so carefully. We didn't think that they could find you this early." She says while hugging me close in her webbed arms.

She looks nothing like my parents, how does she know them? She can't be one of their parents.

" Little one, I must train you quickly before they come for me. Before they find you. " she says. She picks me up in one of her clawed feet and sets me back in the nest. She climbs in after me. Curling protectively around me.

" I'm worried I'm getting too old to help," she says quietly.

I stare at this stranger in confusion. I don't understand what she is talking about and am frustrated with her questions I can't answer.

But this dragon might be my only connection to my family.

I cover my head with my arms. I want to go back to the waning scents of my parents. Even if their bodies aren't warm anymore. Their familiar scents would comfort me.

But you were almost dead because you stayed with them

(A/N well tell me what you think so far. This chapter wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. But I'll try to update again soon)

(A/N/N . . . webbed arms = wings in case you were as confused as I was - editing note 2020)

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