Chapter three

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I wake from my sleep disturbed by movement and a rush of cool air. I look up and see that the old spiky-tailed dragon had stood up to get out of the nest. I growl in annoyance curling up, covering myself up with one of my webbed arms.

"Now little one. It's time to rise. You must learn to survive in this harsh world. Especially for you." She adds.

I don't acknowledge what she says and instead, close my eyes. I hear a sharp exhale of air before I'm shoved out of the nest. I thump to the ground in surprise, looking up at the purple colored dragon with wide eyes.

"Come," She says with a sharp tone.

I'm taken aback by her sharp tone. Then she turns away, walking out into the forest. I stay there on the ground for a few seconds before scampering after her. She glances back at me with an approving nod. 

 I follow her amazed by some of the things I find in the forest. I chased what the elder called Butterflies, and played with sweet-smelling plants called flowers. There were small furry creatures that would dart away from us. I would try to scamper after them, but they were much too fast for my small, short legs.

I sat angrily when one of the furries when down a hole before my claws could tear into it.

"All in time little one. One day you will take down animals many times their size." She says gently. I stand up and scamper after her, running between her two legs, jumping at any moving thing.

I run forward looking back at an angry striped flying bug and squeal in alarm when I suddenly hit a big hard wall and am flung backward into the undergrowth. There I am exposed to this scary striped buzzing bug.

"Oh, small one. Come here" The purple dragon says smacking away the bug with her tail. " Leave the striped ones alone. Your scales are not yet thick enough to block a bee's stinger." I tilt my head in confusion with the new words.

What are scales? Why do the bees sting? What is a sting?

She seems to pick up on my confusion. "You are covered in scales. Your scales are black like the night sky because you are a Fury. Someday, they will be thick like armor, and fireproof like mine." She says before nudging me to my feet.

I climb out of the undergrowth and see that we have stopped in a clearing. I look over at my new guardian in question.

"You must learn to speak, fight, and fly. We need to start as soon as possible because I'm afraid my time is limited." She says. I just blink, not quite understanding why she wouldn't have time. The sun has only just risen.

New Guardian sat and stared at me for a long minute before speaking again. " You will first learn to say Blossom and Fireclaw. In honor of your parents. But first I will tell you what a Blossom is. Come here" She walks over to a group of red flowers. " See this little flower here. It hasn't yet opened its petals. It is called a new blossom, and the small flowers on trees and bushes are blossoms too.... now repeat after me, Blossom." She says slowly.

"Blllossom." I repeat feeling the language fell weird vibrating out of my throat. It was different than using my simple squeaks and chirps.

"And FireClaw. This is fire," She says opening her mouth. A large hot stream of orange and red light comes out of her open jaws and I jump back in surprise. She stops the fire coming from her mouth. "And these are claws," she says touching the small picks on the ends of my toes, also pointing at the ones on her own feet.

"Fire, Cllaws. FireCllaw." I say without her needing to tell me to.

"Very good young one. Never forget these names. " She says.

Sometime in the future, I would someday forget these names. I would forget the meaning of them and what they represented. But at this age. They were the most valuable things I would ever possess.


" Galla!" I call out. My purple guardian had been gone when I woke. It has been only four sunrises since I first woke here. I still knew little words, and still couldn't really communicate with her. But in time. I would learn. Her name I knew how to use very well. She always came running when I said it.

I jump up struggling to climb out of the nest. I fall into a large clump of ferns before I shake myself out and run to jump up onto a stump where I could see better. I waited several minutes before calling out again.

" Gaaaallllllaaaa!" I called out loudly through the surrounding trees.

I prick my ears at seeing movement before she came into view flying in. "Good Thor, Child. I was just off hunting," She says dropping a very large furry onto the ground. I run over to it sniffing at its fluff.

"It's called a deer,"

"Deer," I repeat. It's a habit now to repeat every new word I hear.

"They are prey. They live out in the forests. when you hunt them you have to be very careful that they don't see you because they have very good hearing and will flee if they know you are there." She says. " They live in groups called herds."

I rumble in acknowledgment waiting for her to give me my meal.

I will hunt these someday. Someday, they will be easy kills for me when im full grown and a powerful Night Fury.

(A/N, tell me how it is so far. Ill try update again soon. The little guy likes to emphasize his L's XD)

(A/N 2021, My bad. College got in the way and I forgot this existed. Again, just a reminder that this is not being rewritten. I am just doing grammar edits to preserve the writing that I wrote when I was younger.  Mind that it isn't great, but I don't want to change it.)

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