1 : Return of the Prodigal Son

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<Author's Note Starts>

Before you start reading go and read the previous chapter titled "A few words by the author". That is very important. For it contains important details and things to keep in mind while you read the book. If you have already read then without further ado please start the story.

<Author's Note Ends>

(Ash's Flashback)

"Lucario. Use Aura Sphere!" Cameron commands. Lucario gives a roar as it powers up a blue Aura Sphere in between its palms.

"Counter with Electro Ball!" I shout.

"Pika Pikaaa!!" My buddy shouts as he spins head over tails in mid-air and fires an Electro-ball towards Lucario. Everyone watches as the Electro Ball and Aura Sphere cross each other before landing on their respective targets.

Two explosions go off with neither me or Cameron being able to see the outcome of the clash. After a while, the smoke clears, which reveals an injured Lucario barely able to keep itself upright along with my Pikachu who is fainted on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Pikachu!!" I shout in a concerned tone as I run over to my partner.

The referee announces, "Pikachu is unable to battle. The match goes to Cameron, who will now go on to join the semifinals of this year's Unova League." as I pick up my unconscious starter.

(Ash's Flashback and Point of View ends)

Ash sits in silence as he reminisces the match. He is on a bus which is going from Viridian City to Pewter City. It is almost 6 o'clock in the morning, but sleep just doesn't find him. His companions Alexa and Pikachu, however, are fast asleep, blissfully unaware of what he is going through.

"Damn. Why do I never make it to the finals? Despite all that training, hardship, experiences and challenges. I just seem to fall short all the time. Maybe something. Something is lacking. I need advice." Ash says to himself. Frustration is clearly radiating from his voice. 

He takes a deep breath to calm himself and then turns left, only to see Alexa & Pikachu who are sound asleep.

On seeing them asleep Ash puts his hand in his pocket and takes out something which he has kept secret from everyone. Something, which even Pikachu doesn't know about. Ash starts reading the letter for the thousandth time. He starts tearing up from the inside as he reads the letter. The words which are written in the letter start playing in his mind like a tape recording. Eventually, it is too much to take as Ash folds the letter and puts it back to where he retrieved it from.

"Well, better get some shut-eye myself. Unova's performance was depressing if not embarrassing. This letter on top of that doesn't help either." Ash thinks to himself before closing his eyes.

(Meanwhile in another region)

"Serena! Wake up. It is almost 11:00. Don't make me send Fletchling up," Grace yells at the top of her voice.

A sleepy Serena wakes up with a groan. She musters all the strength she can and then uses it to drag her unwilling body off the bed.

"Oh great! As if being Kalos Queen is not tiring enough? Now, I am not even allowed to sleep late on a weekend." Serena complains as she saunters down the stairs for breakfast.

"Excuse me, your highness! Kalos Queen or not. You are first and foremost my daughter so you will wake up whenever I tell you to wake up. Besides, in a few days, you will join the Kalos Institute of Pokemon. So you need to get used to waking up even earlier than this." Grace replies as Serena goes to the bathroom in order to freshen up.

"Yeah, right," Serena replies in a sarcastic tone while walks out of the bathroom.

Grace gives her daughter a sharp look as Serena takes her seat in the breakfast.

"Very funny," Grace says which causes Serena to roll her eyes.

The very next moment they both share a quiet chuckle for a few moments before Grace goes back to preparing breakfast while Serena checks her Poke-pad for latest news headlines.

"Mom, why are you smiling?" Serena inquires when she sees Grace beaming from end to end as she puts Serena's breakfast in front of her.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's not every day that my little girl becomes the Kalos Queen and manages to get into KIP. It is the first and foremost Pokemon institute in the world you know," Grace replies as she sits down as well while sipping her coffee.

"Mom. I am the Kalos Queen." Serena says while pointing to herself, "There was no way they were going to reject my application," Serena says as a faint smirk works its way on her face.

Grace smiles before bending forward in order to give Serena a small kiss on her forehead.

"I know. But for me, you'll always be my little straw hat daughter first," Grace says before pausing, "It's just that I am so proud of what you have achieved. I had my doubts in the beginning. I didn't think you had it in you to become a performer, let alone a Kalos Queen. But you proved me wrong and that's what matters at the end of the day. Your father would have been very proud of his princess if he were alive," Grace says as her happy tone trails off.

Serena seeing her mother becoming emotional gently goes over and pulls her into a hug, which she gladly returns.

"I hope so. I always remember him before every performance. At least, I try to. However brief and short his memories might be." Serena replies in an equally emotional tone.

"And you should. It's always important to keep in touch with your roots you know," Grace replies in a firm, yet gentle tone.

"I know," Serena replies while smiling back as she remains in Grace's embrace while savouring every moment of it.

"Oh my god!! Is that the time?" Serena shouts with a start as she glances at the clock, before separating.

"Why? What happened?" Grace asks in light of her daughter's outburst.

"OK. Mom I have to go now. I am late." Serena says in a frantic tone as she grabs her purse.

"Go where?" Grace asks in a puzzled tone since Serena has nothing in her calendar for today.

"Mom. Shauna, Trevor and Tierno told me that they would be waiting at Lumiose city for our monthly shopping spree. I have to be there at 12." Serena replies in a somewhat panicked tone.

"Monthly shopping spree. Typical Serena. Forgetting important things. Good thing you have me to wake you up every day. Perhaps I should have Fletchlin, permanently stay in your room. That way you will not have any problem waking up on time every day," Grace jokes.

"Very funny!" Serena replies in a casual tone while she gathers what she needs in her purse. 

Then she quickly changes her outfit and puts on her disguise. Following this, she gives her mom a quick goodbye kiss before bolting out the front door.

"OK, stay safe. Bye, have fun. See you later," Grace shouts while waving her daughter goodbye from the window of the house.

"I will! See you later. Bye," Serena shouts back as she jumps into her personal Limousine which is patiently awaiting her untimely arrival.

Harry, the driver, asks "Now that you're here, late as expected. Where to Serena?"

"Lumiose city and punch it, Harry. I need to reach Valerie's store within 20 minutes. We have no time to waste." Serena replies in a frantic tone as she takes out her phone to message Shauna that she has left the house and is hurtling towards them as they chat.

"Don't worry Serena. We will be there in no time. I will get you there in no time," Harry replies as he gives her a wink. Serena smiles back at Harry as the car speeds off.

(Back in Kanto on the road from Pewter City to Pallet Town)

 The duo, consisting of Ash and Alexa, are walking back towards Pallet Town while taking in the sights which the road has to offer. Alexa decides that the silence is getting depressing so she decides to break it.

"So Ash, tell me do you always take this route back to Pallet town?" Alexa enquires with her Helioptile perched on her right shoulder.

"Yup," he replies while yawning.

Alexa recalls that Ash has been looking tired quite a bit for the past several days and decides to inquire further, "Sleepy, I see. Any reason behind that?" she remarks while smiling.

"Oh! Yeah. What to do when sleep just doesn't find you?" Ash replies in a sheepish tone following which, he violently shakes his head sideways to rid the sleepiness from his head. 

However, he suddenly stops in his tracks as he spots something familiar. This causes Ash to break into a grin.

"What is it, Ash?" Alexa asks.

"There it is! Pallet town!!" Ash suddenly shouts in an emphatic manner. 

Pikachu immediately jumps off Ash's shoulder while Ash is pointing to the town just over the hill with his finger.

"Let's go. Come on!" he says while bolting off at full speed with Pikachu running along with him.

"Eager as always I see," Alexa smiles before she starts to run as well.

(A little while later)

"Mom. I am home. Hey there Mister Mime," Ash shouts after opening the door of his home.

"Mime Mime Mister Mime," Mr Mime says in a happy tone as he approaches Ash.

Ash's face lights up when he sees his mother coming out of the kitchen. Involuntarily, his body starts moving towards her.

"Ash! Sweetheart. You are home. I missed you so much." Delia says as she runs to her son and they both tackle each other in a bone-crushing hug. 

Ash, who had been feeling cold and lonely till now, now feels warm, fuzzy and cosy inside, now that he's back with his mom. It's almost as if his mother's embrace has taken all of his burdens away. While the mother-son duo is sharing an emotional reunion, Alexa walks in as well.

"I missed you too, mom. More than you can imagine," Ash replies in an emotional tone before they both share a laugh.

When Delia separates, she is wearing a mischievous grin on her face. Ash immediately begins dreading his premonition of what is to come given his mother's past behaviour.

Before he can say or do anything it is too late,  Delia asks "Have you been changing your underwear regularly?" in her mischievous tone. Both Alexa and Delia erupt with laughter while a red-faced Ash faces the floor. 

Ash bears a snarl of utter embarrassment on his face while Pikachu, Alexa, Helioptile and Delia continue to share a hearty laugh.

"Mom!! I have told you a thousand times. Not to say that to me in front of my friends!" Ash yells with his closed eyes as his face goes red like a Tamato berry.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Delia says before turning to Alexa, "Hi, I am Delia. Ash's mother. Don't mind my son. He can be dense at times." she says with a smile as she extends her hand to Alexa.

"Not at all. Hello Delia. I am Alexa, a journalist, from the Kalos region. I wouldn't be much of a journalist if I couldn't have figured that out," Alexa replies as she shakes Delia's hand.

"Why do I even try?" Ash sighs as Pikachu rolls on the floor with laughter.

"So, you're from the Kalos region? I haven't been there in a long while. I love Kalosian fashion trends and styles." Delia says as some old memories resurface in her mind.

"Mom, I am going to Professor Oak's lab to visit my other Pokemon," Ash says as he starts walking out the door with his trusty starter right behind him.

"OK, but try to come back before sunset," Delia shouts as Ash runs off. 

While she is happy that Ash is back but in the back of her mind something seems to be more off with him than usual.

"I will," Ash shouts back as he disappears over the hill.

As soon as he is out of sight, Ash comes to a stop. The smile that he had on his face, vanishes the instant he comes to a stop. Pikachu gives Ash a confused glance.

"Pika?" Pikachu asks as he looks at Ash's face with a curious look on his face.

Ash on seeing Pikachu giving him a concerned look decides to lay all the doubts plaguing his starter's brain to rest, "Oh, nothing buddy. Why don't you run along to Prof. Oak's laboratory and meet all your friends? I'll be there shortly." Pikachu looks at Ash for a few moments then gives Ash a smile before scurrying away.

The moment Pikachu is out of sight, Ash takes out the letter from his pocket. Despite not wanting to read it, he still reads it again. Tears come to his eyes as each and every word strikes a chord in his heart. Every word he reads strikes a nerve in his body.

The phrases 'my son', 'irresponsible', 'sorry for not being there', 'take care of Delia', 'your father Red' etc reverberate in his mind. Ash folds the letter back into his pocket. He takes a few deep breaths, wipes his tears then continues onwards towards Professor Oak's laboratory.

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