2 : The Eventful Morning

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(In the night after dinner)

Ash is sitting in the living room all by himself. He merely juggles Pikachu's Poke-ball in his right hand from time to time, to pass time. Upon seeing Ash looking so sad and reserved, Delia comes over to him.

"Hey sweetie," Delia sweetly says as she sits next to him.

"Hey mom," Ash mumbles in a beat down tone before putting his head in Delia's lap.

"Honey. What's wrong? Pikachu and the others have been asleep for almost twenty minutes. Yet you're wide awake. I have never seen you so low and quiet. Is everything alright?" Delia asks in a gentle concerned tone as she gently strokes Ash's head.

"Nothing mom," Ash replies in an equally soft tone while his head shifts restlessly in Delia's lap.

"Are you upset about Unova's performance?" Delia questions.

"Not so much. But to a certain extent, yes." Ash replies before sitting upright. Despite not wanting to, Delia's mention of Unova starts stirring up unwanted thoughts in his mind. It's almost as if some old wounds which had sealed have reopened.

"Then why are you so sad? Even during dinner, you were unusually quiet," Delia asks as she remembers when Ash was playing with his food for almost half of his dinner time and when he was eating he was silent as the grave.

"It's just that..." Ash says before his voice trails of into uncomfortable silence.

"Just what? Tell me," Delia says while placing a reassuring hand on Ash's shoulder. Ash wants to tell her but decides to change his mind at the last moment, thinking that the time is not right yet. Furthermore, he doesn't need another person to have a breakdown right this very instant.

"It's just that I am tired, of losing wherever I go. I need. I need guidance. I need help." Ash says as he sits back upright. 

Ash then quickly drinks some water to soothe his throat which has gone dry faster than usual. Delia gently squeezes his shoulders to calm him down.

"Well, Professor Oak is coming tomorrow to have a proper chat with you. So he should be able to help you. Also, if you want I can call some of your friends. I a sure talking with them should make you feel better." Delia replies with a broad warm smile on her face.

"No. No. This. This is something I need to do on my own. I need to stop being a child and start winning battles on my calibre rather than relying on a few strong Pokemon and luck." Ash replies almost instantly.

The serious look on Ash's face immediately worries Delia. She wants to ask him further but stops herself knowing that this is not the right time for this discussion.

Delia asks "Anything you need? Water, maybe some alone time?"

"I could use an Aspirin," Ash finally answers as a familiar throbbing sensation resumes in his forehead.

"I'll get you the Nidorina Aspirin. But tell me are you having a headache?" Delia asks as she instinctively puts a hand of Ash's forehead to check for fever.

"Yup, but no fever. Also, a sleeping pill would do me good as well. I think I desperately need a good night's sleep, considering all I have been through," Ash replies. His quiet tone worries Delia but she reminds herself that now it is more important that he gets a good night's sleep first.

"Well, go to your room. I'll get you your medicine there and we'll call it a night. We'll talk first thing in the morning if you're not up for it right now," Delia says while getting up.

"Thanks, mom. You're the best." Ash replies in a meek tone as he pulls his unwilling body up. 

He quietly walks over to his bedroom while stumbling in a few places along the way.

(Next Morning in the Ketchum Residence Dining Hall)

"Hmm. I see your dilemma young man. A most complex situation this is. We need to think this through carefully." Professor Oak comments after hearing Ash's thoughts on his loss in the Unova league.

"Professor, I know going on journeys and battling is the path to becoming a Pokemon master. But I can't help but wonder if I need something else as well. After so many losses it just feels like something... I don't know? Something is lacking." Ash says before pausing for a few moments, "I always manage to scupper at the final stretch." Ash answers in a slightly frustrated tone with a small sigh. 

Ash's clenched fists catch Oak's attention who raises his eyebrow, for a second, before going back towards finding a solution to Ash's dilemma.

"Honey, whatever you achieve, I shall always be proud of you. You know that, right?" Delia asks as she looks at Ash in an affirming manner.

"I know mom. But I need to stop being an ignorant foolish child." Ash replies in a cold tone which further catches Oak and Delia by surprise.

They glance at each other in a clueless manner while the only thing that goes through Ash's mind are the words immature, reckless and stupid. Ash tries his level best to suppress those words which are repeatedly echoing in his mind, from the letter.

He takes a deep breath and then continues, "I need to push myself beyond my limits if I need to become better. I need to be tougher on myself and on my Pokemon. In Unova, I didn't even use any of my veteran Pokemon. Which was an 'extraordinarily' stupid thing to do." while stressing on the volume of the last sentence.

Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder to indicate that he agrees with Ash on this and will stand with him till the end. Oak nods on hearing this.

"Ash, I will need some time to think about a possible solution. We will talk in the evening OK? I must return to the lab now," Oak replies while standing up.

"Don't worry professor. I will come along too. I didn't spend enough time with my Pokemon due to me being tired yesterday," Ash asks before pausing, "By the way, where is Gary? I didn't see him yesterday."

"Gary is in ..."Oak says as his voice trails off and his eyes begin to widen.

"Oh my god, that's it. Why didn't I think of this earlier? Ash, this is perfect. You need to attend a Pokemon school," Oak cries out. 

Ash stands up on hearing this. Even Pikachu's ears straighten up as this new idea piques his interest too.

"A Pokemon school? But why?" Ash inquires.

"Ash, what you lack is formal education. This is one of the main reasons as to why you lose in the league matches. When you go up against an opponent in the league, I have noticed quite often that you end up playing into their hands due to your incomplete knowledge of their Pokemon among other things. Though you sometimes win with sheer eureka moments and luck. But if Unova is any lesson, you also tend to lose quite heavily. Luck only takes you so far young man," Oak says in a solemn tone.

"And how exactly will a school help?" Ash asks as Pikachu jumps on his shoulder and perches himself there.

"A formal education will complete that void, that emptiness, the thing that is lacking in your plan. Remember, a Pokemon master without education is like a sword without a whetstone to sharpen it. This will be the best course of action for you," Professor Oak lectures while everyone hangs on to every syllable he's uttering.

After finishing, Ash goes into deep thought with everyone looking at him in a concerned manner. Finally, he breaks the tense atmosphere of the house.

"A Pokemon school. Hmm, sounds interesting. OK, we will do it." Ash says while nodding.

 Following this, he extends his hand to Pikachu who fist bumps him back to show his approval. Ash smiles which Pikachu reciprocates.

"Pika Pika Pikachu," Pikachu responds as he jumps in an ecstatic tone.

"That's the spirit, Ash. So, have you decided which school to go to?" Oak enquirers.

On hearing this Ash falls into a mental dilemma as he doesn't have any clue as to which school he should go to. Neither does he know about the options which are available to him.

"I don't know, professor. I have never given it any serious thought. There must be some schools in Kanto, I know because I ran into one back when I was journeying around Kanto for badges," Ash answers.

"There are some schools in Kanto. But for an aspiring trainer like you, they will not suffice. You should go where Gary is going. The Kalos Institute of Pokemon," Oak replies.

The name catches Ash and Pikachu by surprise as they are completely clueless about this place. Before Ash can ask anything Delia cuts in. 

"But professor, I don't think we will be able to afford the tuition fees. It is the most prestigious and therefore the most expensive Pokemon institution in the world. Besides, the entrance exam itself is very tough. People prepare for it for years before giving the test and still, they end up rejected. Even if Ash is somehow able to clear the cutoff, how will we pay for the tuition?" Delia asks in a sad tone.

"Don't worry, Delia. Ash has 44 badges in his possession. The more badges the applicant has, the lesser is the cutoff for both admissions and the admissions with scholarships. Also, I will be teaching in KIP this semester. So I will write him a recommendation as well. Now, all we need to do is get a few more recommendations that will tilt Ash's chance of getting a scholarship in his favour. But the question which arises is who do we approach for the recommendations?" Oak says while adorning a serious expression on his face. 

Everyone starts thinking on hearing that. An eerie silence engulfs the room as everyone brainstorms themselves intensely.

"Well, Ash has beaten the champion of the Orange Islands. Why not get a recommendation from Drake?" Delia suggests.

"The Orange Islands are more of a holiday destination spot. The league there is not officially recognized. Of course, we can get a recommendation. But I don't think that will impress Diantha much. We need to do a little better," Oak replies after putting his thumb and index finger under his chin.

"Who is Diantha, Professor? Also, is Kalos a new region?" Ash asks in a curious tone.

"Oh right. I forgot you don't know. Diantha is a world famous movie star and the champion of the Kalos region. She also happens to be the owner of Kalos Institute of Pokemon. In fact, she's famous for reviewing each and every candidate's application, personally, despite her other responsibilities and busy schedules. Therefore, to get a scholarship we must get it from someone who Diantha knows about," Oak replies while pausing for a few moments, "Or even better, someone who she will respect."

On hearing this, everyone puts on their thinking caps and they all resume raking their brains in order to come up with some answer.

"I know! What about Brandon, the pyramid king?" Ash suddenly shouts. On hearing that, Oak's face instantly lights up like a Poke-Xmas tree.

"Aha. Well done, my boy. Yes, that will be perfect indeed. The battle pyramid is very well known for being tough. To top it off, Brandon has been known to refuse recommendations in the past. Since you have set the record for the youngest person of your age to conquer the Battle pyramid in the shortest time, and been offered the position of Frontier brain on top of that, he might agree." Oak says in an excited tone.

Everyone, including Pikachu, nods in agreement while smiling to themselves. Even Oak seems pleased with Ash's choice.

"OK, Ash here is the plan. The last entrance test for KIP will be conducted in about two week's time in Viridian City. So you will start studying immediately. Come with me to my lab. We will contact Brandon from there." Oak says as he gets his keys from the dining table.

(Meanwhile in Vaniville town)

"Hey, babe. How was your day?" Serena says on her Poke-pad which happens to be in the conference call mode.

"It was fine. How about you?" Calem replies with a bored look.

"Nothing much. Went shopping and had lunch with Shauna, Trevor and Tierno," she replies.

"What? I have told you, time and again, not to hang around with Tierno a hundred times. Still, you don't listen," Calem starts to shouting in an annoyed tone.

"Oh! Come on Calem. He has a slight crush on me. Who doesn't? I am the Kalos queen," Serena answers with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Yeah, but you don't hang around with them. I want you to take Tierno out of your friend circle," Calem scoffs. 

He is clearly annoyed by the whole situation. This pisses Serena off.

"I will do no such thing Calem. He is my childhood friend and we shall remain friends. Since you have annoyed me yet again. I am going back to sleep." Serena snaps back while disconnecting the call on Calem's annoyed face. 

She tosses the Poke-pad aside and falls back on the bed with a thud. She hears Calem calling her, again and again, but doesn't bother answering back. Unknown to Serena, Grace has been listening to the entire conversation from outside the door. She doesn't disturb Serena but quietly goes away.

"Are you kidding me? If the stress of being a Kalos Queen wasn't enough, now I have to deal with this nonsense. These repeated squabbles are getting on my nerves," Serena groans in frustration before turns and she bashes her head into the pillow. Then, after a while, her eyelids become heavy and begin to close as sleep and exhaustion find and envelop her.

(In Professor Oak's laboratory)

"Ash, don't worry I will give you the recommendation right now," Drake responds with a smile.

"Thanks, Drake. I owe you one. Just send it to Professor Oak's lab alright?" Ash requests as he smiles back.

"Will do Ash. Will do. Signing off and best of luck for your entrance exam. KIP entrance is no pushover." Drake replies.

"Thanks, dude. Much appreciated." Ash answers while Drake disconnects the call.

"Well, that's one down and one to go," Ash says as he turns to Prof. Oak who nods back in response.

"Alright, Tracey patch us through to the Battle pyramid now. Time has come to see an old acquaintance of ours." Professor Oak says.

"OK, patching you through now," Tracey replies before giving Oak a thumbs up. 

A few moments later, Brandon's face comes on the screen. He still has the same presence as before, commanding as a king should be.

"Ash! Professor Oak! It has been far too long," Brandon greets them in a surprisingly pleasant tone.

"Indeed, Brandon. Indeed," Oak answers back.

"So, how are you both doing?" Brandon asks in his usual commanding tone.

"We both are doing well, thank you. How are you doing?" Ash cuts in.

"I am fine. So tell me, young man. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Brandon inquirers.

"Brandon, the thing is that I, kind of, need a favour from you," Ash asks in an unsure tone.

"Favour? What kind of favour are we talking here?" Brandon asks in a mildly surprised tone.

"Well, the thing is. I am applying to the Kalos Institute of Pokemon this year." Ash explains with Brandon maintaining an impassive expression along with his crossed hands.

Ash takes a deep breath to reinforce himself and then asks "So, can you write me a recommendation?" in a hopeful tone.

Brandon immediately closes his eyes. It is obvious to Professor Oak and Ash that he's weighing his options. Both Ash and Professor Oak, start becoming more and more nervous and sweaty, as more and more seconds pass. Furthermore, the serious expression, which shows no sign of relaxing, on Brandon's face doesn't help either. Suddenly Brandon opens his eyes and it dawns on Ash that the moment of truth has arrived.

"Well, normally I don't recommend anyone. But since I admire your battling style and your passion for Pokemon, so just this once I will make an exception. Also, Ash, don't worry if you don't get in. My offer for a becoming a frontier brain is still open," Brandon replies as his facial expression softens and both Ash and Prof. Oak breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, very much, Brandon. This will go a long way in securing Ash's chance in KIP. However, just keep in mind, that when you are writing the recommendation please mention that you were impressed with Ash to the extent that you offered him the chance to be a frontier brain despite his young age. That highlighted fact should really tilt the scales in Ash's favour," Oak requests.

"Of course Professor. Don't worry Ash. I will write the recommendation and send it over to the professor's lab immediately," Brandon replies with a rare smile before signing off.

"Phew. That was intense," Ash says as both he and the Professor drop into the sofa while sweating profusely.

"Well, Ash you better get going. I will handle your application and registration. Here take this book. Study the first three chapter thoroughly. Ideally, you should study the entire book but we don't have the time since your exam is in two week's time. You have four days to finish three chapters. Meanwhile, I will analyze the previous year papers of KIP entrance test and determine which other topics you should do with Tracey's help. We shall plan the strategy to crack the paper effectively at your house in four days' time," Professor Oak says while handing Ash an enormously thick book.

"OK, and thanks, Professor. I'll see you in four days. Goodbye," Ash says while sweat dropping at the weight of the book that he is carrying in his hands. 

Ash and Pikachu immediately turn around to leave the laboratory. After they have left, Oak silently stands in the room for a while. Then he turns to the phone present in his lab and dials Delia's number.

"Ketchum residence. Who is speaking?" a familiar bubbly voice answers from the other end.

"Delia. It's me, Oak," Oak replies.

"Yes, professor, what happened? Is everything alright?" she asks with a concerned tone while thinking things didn't go as anticipated.

"Nothing to worry about. Everything is fine. We got the recommendations. The easy part is over. Now, the hard part begins. I have given Ash a book to study. Now we both know, Ash has never been one for a mentally tedious activity like studying. So you must monitor him, day and night, to make sure he studies hard. We both know how important this is for his future," Oak says while Delia listens to every word with rapt attention.

"I will and thanks for the heads up Professor," Delia replies in an understanding tone.

"Very well. Good night, Delia." Oak wishes her.

"Same to you Professor, same to you," Delia says before the line goes silent.

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