55 : Dragon Emperor Returns

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(9 Months Later)

Everything in KIP is proceeding as always. Except Diantha, Cynthia, Sabrina and Lance all the other champions, gym leaders, elite four and frontier brains have returned to their respective regions. All in all it is a normal day in KIP. For 9 months there has not been any word or news of Ash, Serena or the Dragon Emperor. Grace, Cynthia, Delia, Diantha, Sycamore, Oak and a few more people are drinking coffee and having a chat about various things.

"So Prof. I read the paper you published on the dynamics of Rhyhorn and their riders. As a professional Rhyhorn race I must say it was quite interesting." Grace says after sipping her coffee.

"I agree. I heard several people praise it as well. Do give me a copy as well. I would like to read it as well." Cynthia says while smiling sweetly.

"Why thank you." Oak says while giving a chuckle.

"Hello everyone." Lance says as he and Sabrina come into the room as well.


"So Lance and Sabrina did you find anything about them?" Diantha asks in a monotonous tone since she knows what the answer is going to be.

"Nothing as usual. I still don't get it. How can the 3 of them disappear? We have searched all the regions. There has not been a sign of them anywhere." Lance replies in an irritated tone.

"To tell you the truth I really don't give a damn anymore. I think they will appear before us only if that Dragon Emperor wants them to come before us." Cynthia replies while yawning.

"Still. It's very weird. It's like they vanished into thin air." Sabrina says who is assisting Lance and Looker in their investigation.

"I for one don't care anymore as well. That Dragon Emperor gives me headache. Can we please change the topic." Diantha replies in an annoyed tone.

"Now now that's not very nice." A voice says causing everyone to stiffen up and get cautious.

"That voice it can't be." Diantha says as she scans the room with her eyes.

"if you are looking for me I suggest you look up." The voice says as everyone looks up. They get the shock of their life when they see Dragon Emperor resting on the windowsill close to the roof. His eyes are closed, his hands crossed and a calm smile on his face.

"You. How did you get in here without anyone knowing?" Lance shouts as everyone eyes Dragon Emperor with an intense expression.

The Dragon Emperor opens his eye, looks at them, smirks, winks at them and then vanishes to the shock of everyone. A second later he appears on the couch in front of them causing everyone to jump.

"I see. You teleported. No wonder you managed to get in." Lance grumbles as Dragon Emperor helps himself to a cup of coffee as well and then toasts to Lance.

"Your hindsight is 20/20." Dragon Emperor says as Lance gets irritated.

"What are you doing here. Furthermore where are Ash and Serena?" Diantha asks as Dragon Emperor sips his coffee.

"Good Coffee. Might I suggest adding a dash of vanilla extract. It will create a good contrast with the strong coffee." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Glad you like the coffee. Where are Ash and Serena and what are you doing here?" Cynthia asks in a threatening tone.

"Like the attitude. Good to see you still have the fiery spirit in you." Dragon Emperor remarks before smiling to himself.

"Dragon Emperor please tell me where are my Ash and Serena?" Grace and Delia ask in unison.

"I have not seen Ash and Serena for the last 3 months." Dragon Emperor replies.

"What?" Everyone shouts in unison.

"Where are they?" Grace shouts.

"Are they alive?" Delia shouts.

"Are they together?" Oak asks.

"Calm down. They are training by themselves in the wild. Ash has been training with his Pokemon on Mount Silver while Serena has been training on Mount Moon." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Mount Silver and Mount Moon have some of the most harsh, extreme and dangerous environments possible on this planet. What were you thinking sending them there. From extreme weather to extremely wild and aggressive Pokemon. Anything can happen to them. How could you send them there?" Oak shouts.

"I have timed their training so that they will be training in the harshest environment possible. This will go a long way in teaching them the value of life, trust, determination and also show them how harsh life can be. After all it is time for the 2 little birds to come out of their nest and take flight." Dragon Emperor replies.

"But to send them alone?" Diantha asks in a flabbergasted tone.

"Who said they are alone? My Noivern has gone with Ash and my Dragonite with Serena. Two of my most responsible and powerful Pokemon are with them day and night. You don't need to lecture me about the duties and responsibilities of a teacher. I am quite familiar with them." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Lance we need to get them. Right now even on Mount Silver the environment is very harsh. Contact your elite four and have them escorted here immediately." Diantha says.

"Right." Lance says as he takes out his phone.

"Don't bother. For both Ash and Serena are on their way here right now. They should be arriving in 10 minutes or so. Follow me." Dragon Emperor says as he sets down his finished cup of coffee and walks out of the room with everyone else following suit.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Well where are they?" Diantha asks in an impatient tone.

"Patience is a trait which you still have to imbibe in yourselves." Dragon Emperor replies.

"We have been waiting for the past 10 minutes. There is no sign of them." Cynthia says.

Dragon Emperor however says nothing. Another 5 minutes go by. Lance is about to open his mouth when suddenly they all hear ferocious roars in the distance.

"They are here." Dragon Emperor says as 4 flying Pokemon appear in the distance. Upon getting closer they see a Dragonite and Noivern flying in front of a Charizard and Salamence.

"Ash Serena." Grace and Delia shout in an ecstatic tone as they run towards the landing Pokemon. Everyone runs after them with the exception of Dragon Emperor who merely chuckles and calmly walks towards them.

"Sweethearts how are you." Grace and Delia say as they tackle a dirty Ash and Serena into a bone crushing bear hug.

"Mom we missed you so much." Ash and Serena reply with tears in their eyes and a smile on their face.

After separating the moms conduct a thorough examination of their children's bodies for any sign of injuries or cuts of any kind.

"We were so worried when we found out you went to Mt. Silver and Mt. Moon for your training all by yourselves. What were you thinking?" Grace and Delia shout in unison.

"Don't worry we are perfectly alright. Just need a shower and day's sleep." Ash and Serena reply.

"I know you are sweethearts." Grace and Delia says before going for a second tearful hug.

"Good to see you Ash and Serena. Well hit the shower first. For you two are dirty and ragged beyond belief. Good thing you left your spare clothes here. Get fresh and cleaned up. Then we shall have food and then you can sleep to your heart's content in your room." Diantha says. Ash and Serena's eyes twinkle at the idea of being able to sleep on a comfortable feather bed after spending 3 months in hellish conditions without each other's company.

"Take your time. We shall talk tomorrow." Dragon Emperor says causing Ash and Serena to become attentive and sharp immediately.

"Thank you Dragon Emperor. We will see you tomorrow." Ash and Serena say in an obedient tone as they run off towards their dorm room.

"Before you go. Drop your Pokemon at the Pokemon health center. They haven't seen one in 3 months. They could use a check up. I will see you tomorrow." Dragon Emperor says as he returns Noivern and Dragonite to their Poke-ball.

"We'll see each other tomorrow." Dragon Emperor says to the others as he turns around while brandishing his cloak and teleports away.

"Well that happened." Sycamore says.

"Yup it happened." Lance says as everyone starts walking off as well.

(10 hours Later)

<Mild Lemon starts>  

"Ash wake up." Serena says as she violently shakes her boyfriend.

"Sere it's 3 in the morning. Go back to bed." Ash says in a groggy confused tone.

"I haven't had sex in 3 months. Please take me." Serena says. Ash opens his eyes to see a naked Serena in front him spreading her legs in a teasing manner. Serena takes each of Ash's hands and puts them on one of her breasts each. She then pulls his face into a fierce kiss causing Ash to snap out of his sleepiness and start groping her desperately.

"There were times when I used to dream of having sex with you." Ash says as kisses Serena furiously only separating for air.

"Take them off." Serena shouts in a desperate and angry tone as she starts yanking Ash's shirt violently.

"Relax. I am taking them off." Ash says as he takes of his clothes.

"Fuck me." Serena says in a commanding voice as she lays down on the bed with her legs spread open.

"What about protection?" Ash says as he goes on top of her.

"I took a pill. Stop talking and put it in." Serena says in an desperate tone.

"Whatever the Queen orders." Ash says as he thrusts causing Serena shriek in pleasure.

"Don't you dare pause." Serena says as she grabs fistful of Ash's hair pulling Ash's face on top of her's.

"I have missed this." Ash says as he starts pounding her with lust while kissing her incessantly.

(4 hours Later)

"Even though we have had sex 4 times already I still want more." Serena says in a complaining way.

"Me too babe but you have milked my balls dry. Besides I am still very tired. I am sure you are too. Let's just sleep naked together. I promise we will make up for the last 3 months in all the days we are in KIP" Ash says as he kisses Serena.

"I will hold you to that." Serena says as she closes the light as well and falls asleep on her boyfriend.

<Mild Lemon ends>  

(5 hours Later)

"Hey Ash and Serena. Now you guys look like normal human beings. Slept well?" Grace asks the duo.

"Yes mom we slept well. Almost 15 hours. But only Arceus knows we needed it." Serena says as she helps herself to a chilli burger with bacon and fries.

"Your appetites has definitely increased." Delia says as Serena demolishes her 2nd burger and picks up a 3rd while Ash picks up his 5th burger.

"When you don't get cooked food for 3 month in the wilderness that tends to happen." Ash says with a mouthful of bacon and fries.

"That's bad table manners." Serena says as she elbows Ash.

"Sorry." Ash mumbles after gulping down the food in his mouth to take another bite.

"Still it's good to see you both are alright and normal. But tell me what on earth possessed you to actually go there. It could have been dangerous. From snowstorms to dangerous Pokemon to avalanches. I understand Dragon Emperor told you to go there but still you could have told him not to do that." Grace says.

"First and foremost we don't disobey anything he tells us to do. Secondly we were not ordered to go there we chose to go there so that we could become stronger." Serena says to the shock of everyone.

"You chose to go there? Why?" Grace asks in a shocked expression.

"Because of something he said when we were travelling through the Sinnoh region." Ash replies.

"What did he say that will cause the 2 of you to lose your minds and do something so reckless with your lives?" Diantha asks in an exasperated tone.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now the 2 of you will be travelling the road between who you think you are and who you can become. The key is to allow yourselves to make the journey which will decide which side of the road you are on." Serena says as reminisces the Dragon Emperor's words.

There is silence in the room. No one says anything. Finally Oak breaks the silence and says "That is very deep indeed."

"We thought so too. We both talked about it. We decided to do this to become stronger." Ash says in a quiet tone.


Suddenly clapping can be heard in the distance. Everyone turns around to hear footsteps approaching. They all see the Dragon Emperor walking towards them with a rare smile on his face.

"Well done. It seems the decision to send you to your destinations was the right one after all. Despite you not ready for it. Very well done indeed." Dragon Emperor says in a smooth soft voice.

"Thank you. Had it not been for your training we would never had made it so far." Serena says as she and Ash give him a short curt bow. Everyone else is surprised at the level of loyalty and obedience displayed by Ash and Serena towards the Dragon Emperor.

"Stay here with your friends and family. You have earned this break. I will come and fetch you when I need you. Till then enjoy. But Ash my instructions still stand. Is that understood?" Dragon Emperor says to which Ash nods causing lance to raise an eyebrow.

"Well I will be leaving now. But before I go I shall leave you with another thought. Interested?" Dragon Emperor asks. Ash and Serena nod.

"Listen carefully then." Dragon Emperor says.

"Go ahead." Ash says.

"For most people chaos is a gaping pit waiting to swallow them all. But for people who know how to manipulate a situation to their advantage chaos can be a ladder." Dragon Emperor says before pausing.

"Go on." Serena says as the champions and professors eye the Dragon Emperor in a suspicious way.

"There are those who try to climb this ladder. They fail and never get the chance to climb it again. The fall breaks them. Then again there are those who are given a chance to climb but they refuse. They cling to material possessions like championship titles and gym badges. Mere illusions. Nothing more nothing less. Only the ladder is real. The climb all there is." Dragon Emperor says before brandishing his cloak and teleporting away only to leave an ominous tense environment in the room.

No one says anything. Some are confused at what the Dragon Emperor said. Some are trying to digest his words. Some are looking at Ash and Serena while Ash and Serena appear to be engrossed in deep thought.

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