56 : A Morning of Announcements

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(Next Morning in the KIP Stadium)

"Good Morning everyone." Diantha says into the microphone after coming on the stage before pausing for a moment.

"Today we have 2 special announcements to make. First of all it gives me great pleasure to tell all of you that starting from today evening for a period of 3 days our prestigious institution will be a home for not only you but some very special guests from the Pokemon school in the Alola region. Several students and elders will be visiting our prestigious institution in order to promote and strengthen inter-region Pokemon culture and bonds." Diantha says.

(In the VIP Box)

"The Alola region!" Malva exclaims in surprise.

"Yes the Alola region. A region famous for different type of Pokemon and Z moves and much more." Oak says.

"Do tell more." Grace says.

"Well the delegates who are coming to visit all are associated with the Pokemon school whose headmaster is my cousin Samson Oak. It will be a good thing to see him after all these years but I do hope he has culled that irritating habit of his to imitate Pokemon." Oak replies.

Both Delia and Grace nod to each other but they look at Ash and Serena and get surprised to see them not looking excited at this news.

"What's the matter Ash Serena? Something wrong?" Delia asks in a worried tone.

"What? Nothing like that. Everything is fine." Serena replies.

"Then why are you not excited to hear about this news. Does it not excite you?" Delia asks causing both Ash and Serena to get awkward.

"Well we both have learnt how rein in our emotions and not express them without any specific need to express them." Ash replies after a moment of thought.

Both Delia and Grace don't look convinced but they decide to ignore it.

(Back on the Stage)

"As KIP students I expect the highest level of behaviour and every courtesy accorded to our guests. Over the days they are here there will be guest lectures about the Alola region, Alolan Pokemon, Alolan culture and most importantly Z moves." Diantha says as some murmurs can be heard in the crowd.

"Furthermore I have a second announcement to make. In a week's time the Tri-School Pokemon Tournament will begin. For those who don't know. The Tri-School Pokemon Tournament began 20 years ago when the 3 top Pokemon Institutions were created ,namely the Kalos Institute of Pokemon, Opelucid Unova Pokemon Academy and the Kanto School of Pokemon, the competition was created where trainers from these 3 institutions will clash in Pokemon battles every 5 years where the winner will be given the Tri-School Pokemon Tournament Trophy." Diantha says as the murmuring becomes more and more intense.

"What's more important is that anyone can participate. But the competition will be tough. The rules will be decided once the representatives of the schools meet. Even though this is not a Pokemon league but be warned. The competition will still be equally tough if not more. You mettle will be tested, your ability to adapt to the situation seen and your ability as a trainer exhibited in front of the entire world. Whoever wishes to compete will need to register at Prof. Sycamore's laboratory within 5 days time. Once all the participants are confirmed then the rules and the format of the matches will be told accordingly. Thank you for your attention and now it is time for you to get back to your classes." Diantha says before walking away.

(In the Stands)

"I don't know with Ash and Serena here does any of us stand a chance?" Paul asks as everyone goes silent.

"Well no harm in competing. Just because we may be defeated that doesn't mean we should back out without even trying." Dawn says to which everyone nods.

"Yup you are right. Besides it will be a good experience for all of us." Gary says to the agreement of everyone.

"Alright. Let's start training as hard as possible." Paul says as everyone gets up, cheers and moves for their respective classes.

(In the VIP Box)

"Well now that's most interesting. Seems like good opportunity to get some battles under our belt. What do you say Serena?" Ash asks Serena while chuckling.

"You know what. I was thinking the same. This will be fun. Let's enter." Serena says as she fist bumps Ash.

'Good good. In this competition we shall see just how powerful you two have become and what this Dragon Emperor has taught you both.' Lance thinks to himself while smiling.

"Looks like this plan of yours to prepone the tournament by 1 month was a success." Cynthia says as she sees Ash and Serena leave with Grace and Delia.

"Only if it works. Remember my last plan didn't work. Let's hope this time we get to see what Ash and Serena have become." Lance says before getting up as well.

(1 hour Later)

Ash and Serena are sitting in a secluded spot in one of the gardens of KIP. It's a spot where people don't come due to it's secluded nature. Serena is sitting on Ash's lap with her feet stretched out. Ash on the other hand has both of his hands wrapped around his Serena and his head nuzzles Serena's luscious honey blonde hair.

"You know when I was all by myself on Mt. Silver I used to miss you so much that I used to hug a picture of you and me every night before going to sleep." Ash says as he kisses Serena's cheek causing Serena to giggle in delight.

"You know there were days when I used to do the same. I used to stare at your photo for hours. It was what kept me going in that hellish place." Serena says as she strokes Ash's chin.

Out of the corner of his eye Ash sees a bush move a little.

"Did you see that?" Serena whispers.

"Yup one of Lance's G Men is tailing us. Even here. Frankly speaking now it's irritating. Can't get a moment of privacy anywhere." Ash mouths back in a complaining tone.

"What should we do?" Serena says while trying to appear calm.

"Pikachu do me a favour. Circle around to that bush and zap whoever is behind that bush for us please." Ash says to which Pikachu gives a curt nod and runs off. A minute later a huge cry is heard followed by an electrifying noise which results in a man falling out of his bush hideout covered in soot.

"Thanks Pikachu. I will make you Poke-puffs when we return to the apartment. Now run off and ensure that nobody else is watching us." Serena says to which Pikachu gives a thumbs up and runs off.

"Wait a moment. I have an idea. Lucario come out." Ash says while tossing a Poke-ball.

"Lucario use your Aura to sense whether someone else is watching us or not. If so ensure that you and Pikachu take care of it. If someone is looking for us just bring them to us. If someone is watching us then just ensure that they don't do so. Can you do that buddy?" Ash asks to which Lucario nods and runs off to join Pikachu.

"Now that was rather clever Ashy." Serena says before giving Ash a peck on the cheeks.

"Well we rarely get any alone time so how could I not do that." Ash says before kissing Serena on the lips which she reciprocates.

(Meanwhile in Diantha's Office)

"Where did Ash and Serena disappear? Lance?" Diantha asks Lance.

"I don't know Diantha. One of my men was tailing them but he hasn't checked in since the last 10 minutes." Lance says in a worried tone. He takes out his radio and flicks a switch.

"Well has the agent checked in?" Lance asks in an impatient tone.

"No sir. We are sending another agent to his last checked in spot." A voice replies.

"I have a better idea. Send one of those small drones we have developed. That will be more discrete." Lance says.

"Roger that sir." The voice replies.

(10 Minutes Later)

"Well we are getting reading on infrared sensors so the video shall come up on the screen in 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1." Lance says as the footage comes on the screen.

Everyone get embarrassed to see Ash and Serena wrapped around each other, making out without a care in the world. Serena is giggling in delight as Ash is tickling and kissing her at the same time.

"U mm. I think that's enough investigation for today. We should give the love birds their privacy." Diantha says to which Lance agrees and switches the footage off in an embarrassed manner.

"Best if we keep this to ourselves. I don't want Ash and Serena thinking that we are creeps." Cynthia says to which Diantha and Lance agree.

(Back in the Garden)

"Well let's go on a lunch in Lumiose City. Why not go with our moms?" Ash asks.

"Well that sounds like a good idea? But why Lumiose city why not go somewhere else and have lunch? It will be a good change. Every time we go out to eat we end up going to Lumiose City." Serena says.

"Now things are getting interesting. I'll bite. What are you thinking?" Ash asks in a interested tone.

"Do you remember where my Master Class was held?" Serena says.

"I do. Why?" Ash asks.

"Well there was a lovely restaurant there where we could have food while sitting at a place which overlooks this pristine lush green beautiful valley. Even the sun set is very beautiful. What do you say?" Serena asks.

"To that I say perfect." Ash says before kissing Serena one more time.

"OK. First let me call our moms and see if they are free to do that." Serena says after separating for air.

"Go on." Ash says as Serena takes out her phone.

"Hey mom. Can you talk?" Serena says after the line finally connects.

"Hey sweetheart what happened?" Grace says.

"Well mom Ash and I were thinking that ... " Serena says as she tells Grace about her and Ash's plan.

"Well since I am free I don't see what's the problem. Also don't worry about Delia she is free as well. We will see you in exactly an hour and a half from now. Don't worry about permission from Diantha. You leave that to me and Delia. Just take care of the transportation details of the flight details. OK. See you sweethearts at the airport." Grace replies.

"OK mom that sounds fantastic. Love you bye." Serena says before cutting the call.

"Well let's go back to the apartment. Get dressed. Take all the necessary items. Make all the arrangements and be on our way." Serena says.

"OK. Let's go." Ash says while lifting Serena in bridal style.

"Ash. you always know how to make me smile and laugh." Serena says sweetly while blushing.

"Of course. If I can't make you smile then what good am I as your boyfriend." Ash says before allowing Serena to stand on her feet.

"Shall we go?" Serena replies.

"Ladies first." Ash says as he gestures his hand for Serena to go first.

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