63 : Battling the Coordinators

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(Next Morning)

"Oh no." Dawn and May say in a disappointed tone unison as they see the match ups for today. Dawn has been matched up with Serena and May has been paired with Ash.

"Looks like you guys are going to get eliminated this round." Brock says in a sad tone.

"I know. But we will give it our all." Dawn says while smiling to May's agreement.

"Best of luck Dawn." Paul says before giving her a kiss on the cheeks. This surprises everyone since Paul has never displayed any signs of affection in public since he had started dating Dawn.

"Why thanks Paul. I'll do my best." Dawn says while beaming and blushing a little.

"I'll be cheering you on. Remember don't make the same mistake Misty did. Stay focused for the most unpredictable move possible." Paul says.

"That's right." May says as she gives her friend an encouraging nod.

"All right. I'll see you guys later." Dawn says as she leaves for her battle.


(In the Battle Field)

"Well Dawn. How are you?" Serena asks.

"Good. What about you?" Dawn asks back.

"I am good as well. Thank you for asking. Now shall we get this battle started?" Serena asks.

"You bet. I won't go easy on you." Dawn says.

"Both trainers ready?" Referee asks to which both Serena and Dawn nod.

"Alright then. Release your first Pokemon." Referee says.

"I'll choose first. Rhyhorn let's go." Serena says as she releases Rhyhorn.

"In that case I'll go with Piplup." Dawn says as Piplup goes onto the battlefield.

"Battle begin." Referee says.

"First move takes the win. Piplup Bubble Beam." Dawn commands as Piplup fires Bubble beam.

Serena doesn't say anything as Rhyhorn gets pelted by bubble beam. After the attack is over Rhyhorn simply shakes the water of by ferociously shaking it's head.

"Misty's bath of an attack didn't do a thing yesterday so you thought a bubble bath would do better instead?" Serena says in a taunting tone. Dawn however ignores it and gives the next command.

"Piplup Hydro Pump." Dawn commands.

"I see staying focused on the task at hand. Not bad. Rhyhorn use Flash Cannon." Serena says as she sees Piplup powering up Hydro Pump.

Both Attacks meet midway but Flash Cannon comes out of the explosion towards Piplup.

"Dodge and use Whirlpool." Dawn says as Piplup creates a Whirlpool.

"Focus Blast, aim it at the bottom vortex. Follow it up with another Flash Cannon." Serena commands.

Focus Blast hits the bottom vortex of the Whirlpool causing the whirlpool to collapse on itself and sweep Piplup in a swirling current of water.

"Piplup." Dawn says in a worried tone. She breathes a sigh of relief to see Piplup alright but then she sees Rhyhorn releasing a Flash Cannon.

"Quick use Bide." Dawn commands just before Flash Cannon makes contact with Piplup.

"Risky Strategy." Serena says while smiling.

"No guts no glory." Dawn replies as she sees Piplup managing to barely hold on.

"Too bad it's all in vain finish with Horn Drill." Serena says as Rhyhorn starts stampeding toward Piplup.

"Piplup I know you can take it. Just hang in there." Dawn says in an encouraging tone.

Rhyhorn's Horn Drill makes contact and sends Piplup flying into the stadium wall.

"Piplup." Dawn shouts as she see Piplup knocked out lying inside a crater in the stadium wall.

"Piplup is unable to battle. Rhyhorn wins. Please out your next Pokemon." Referee says.

"A word of advise. Having is guts is good but your Pokemon should also have what it takes to pull of such a gutsy move." Serena says to which Dawn clenches her fist in sheer annoyance as she places Piplup next to her on the ground.

'That thing packs a punch. No wonder Misty lost despite being a water type specialist. Best to use Strength to fight Strength.' Dawn thinks to herself as she enlarges her next Poke-ball.

"Mamoswine I choose you." Dawn says causing everyone to get surprised at her choice including Serena.

"An Ice type against my rock type. Interesting choice. You may have the first move." Serena says.

"Mamoswine Take Down let's go." Dawn commands.

"Wait for it." Serena says as Mamoswine comes charging towards Rhyhorn.

"Double Team now." Serena commands moments before Mamoswine makes contact with Rhyhorn.

"Quick Hidden Power. Get rid of the fakes." Dawn commands.

"Iron Head go." Serena commands as all the fakes are taken out.

"We'll use Iron Head as well." Dawn commands to Serena's surprise.

The clash appears to be tied for the moment with neither Pokemon giving an inch.

"Not bad. To teach your Mamoswine Iron Head." Serena says.

"Thanks." Dawn replies.

"But." Serena says before pausing.

"But what?" Dawn asks.

"Just not good enough. Stop fooling around Rhyhorn. Put that Mamoswine in it's place." Serena says as Rhyhorn gives a loud cry while using sheer force to toss Mamoswine in the air, much to everyone's shock, causing it to crash into the battlefield a little far away from Rhyhorn's position.

"Mamoswine get up." Dawn says in a pleading way as Mamoswine struggles to it's feet.

"Icicle crash." Dawn commands after Mamoswine gets up.

"Stone Edge. Take it out." Serena commands. The Stone Edge overpowers Icicle Crash without any problem and sends Mamoswine flying once again, this time causing it to faint.

"Mamoswine return. You did very well." Dawn says with a sigh as she recalls her Pokemon.

"You return as well Rhyhorn." Serena says.

"Alright Quilava let's go." Dawn says.

"Swampert let's go." Serena says as she tosses her second Pokemon.

"Battle Begin." Referee says.

(In the Stands)

"This is bad. Swampert is the worst choice for a fire type like Quilava." Brock says in a worried tone.

"Indeed. Well, we all knew including her that she was going to lose. At least she put up a good fight." Paul says.

(Back in the Battlefield)

"Quilava use Flamethrower." Dawn says.

"Swat it away with Water Gun." Serena says in a dismissive tone.

"Use Smokescreen to get away." Dawn says.

"Interesting strategy." Serena says as the Water Gun misses.

"Alright use Leer." Dawn commands as the Smoke Screen clears. Serena doesn't respond.

"Alright now use Flame Wheel." Dawn says a Quilava uses Flame Wheel.

"Catch it then use Mud Shot." Serena says. Dawn smirks as she thinks Serena has taken the bait.

"Use Eruption from point blank range." Dawn shouts as Swampert catches Quilava.

"What!" Serena says as she gets caught by surprise and an explosion takes place sending Swampert sliding back. Serena smiles on seeing that.

"Not bad. You actually caught me of guard. Most impressive but I shouldn't expect anything less from a top class co-coordinator."Serena says in an impressed tone. 

"Why thanks. Ash has taught me a thing or too on our journey through Sinnoh." Dawn replies. 

Serena smiles and says "Of course he has. It's his nature. But here, let me return the favor. A surprise answered with a surprise. Use Scald." 

"What!" Dawn's eyes widen as she shouts while watching Quilava being sent flying by Scald. She gets even more surprised when her fire type Pokemon gets a burn effect after it gets up.

"Alright Swampert let's wrap this up with Dynamic punch." Serena commands.

"Quick, Quilava use Double Kick." Dawn counters.

"Much to fragile, I am afraid." Serena says as Swampert's Dynamic punch hits Quilava in mid air and smashes it into the ground.

"Quilava!" Dawn shouts in worried tone.

"Qui Qui." Quilava says weakly before standing up while almost collapsing again. Suddenly a red aura engulfs Quilava as it gives a roar.

"Interesting. It would appear that Quilava's Blaze has been activated." Serena says. The very next moment both Serena and Dawn observe a white red light engulf Quilava completely.

"What's this?" Dawn says in a shocked tone.

"Could it be?" Serena says as she sees Quilava's shining body become more larger.

"Typhlosion." The Pokemon roars after completing it's evolution.

"Wow, I don't believe it. You evolved." Dawn shouts in an ecstatic tone.

"Most impressive indeed. Shall we get back to the battle?" Serena says with a more interested tone.

"You bet. Typhlosion use." Dawn says only to be interrupted by Typhlosion's roar.

Typhlosion opens it's mouth and a ball of yellow energy forms which shoots out at Swampert in the form of a beam. The beam crashes into Swampert, sending it flying.

"Typhlosion you learned Solar Beam on evolving. That's excellent." Dawn shouts in an ecstatic tone.

"Nothing like a little luck in a crunch time. Swampert time to get serious." Serena says to which Swampert gives a battle cry and enters battle stance.

"Typhlosion use Solar Beam once more." Dawn commands.

"Swampert dodge with Dig then use Hydro Cannon from close range." Serena counters.

"Typhlosion!" Dawn cries in a concerned voice as she sees Typhlosion blasted by an effective move at close range.

"Finish with Surf." Serena says in a final way.

"Quick Flamethrower." Dawn shouts in a desperate tone.

Both moves collide with both Pokemon being at close range. The explosion engulfs both Pokemon. When the explosion clears Typhlosion is seen fainted on the ground with Swampert standing over it in a victorious posture.

"Not a very hot flamethrower, I am afraid." Serena says as she return Swampert.

"Thanks Typhlosion you did your very best." Dawn says as she return Typhlosion.

"Typhlosion is unable to battle. Serena wins." Referee says.

"That was quite the battle. I was most impressed with your Typhlosion's tenacity." Serena says as she puts on a warm smile and extends her hand out for Dawn to shake it.

"Thanks Serena. But you're very strong. Still it was a fun battle." Dawn says as she shakes Serena's hand.

(A little while later)

"Alright May let's see how good you are." Ash says.

"I won't let you win without a fight you know. Besides I do have a secret weapon to use against you." May says to Ash's confusion.

"Secret weapon. What do you mean?" Ash asks.

"You'll see later." May says.

"Both trainers ready?" Referee asks to which Ash and May nod.

"Send out your first Pokemon." Referee says.

"Pikachu let's do this." Ash says as Pikachu takes battle stance.

"In that case you are up Glaceon." May says while tossing her Poke-ball.

"Battle Begin." Referee shouts.

"You may have the first move May." Ash shouts.

"Glaceon use Ice Beam." May commands.

"Agility." Ash counters.

May clenches her fist in frustration as Pikachu doges every attack.

"Alright now. Thunderbolt." Ash commands.

"Block it with Blizzard." May counters.

"Bad move." Ash says when Thunderbolt cuts through the Blizzard and lands on Glaceon causing an explosion, sending it flying.

"Glaceon!" May shouts in a concerned tone.

"Did you forget my Pikachu is at a much higher level than other Pikachus. Type Advantage except ground typing means nothing to it." Ash says to May's annoyance.

"Glaceon get up and use Ice Beam on the battle field." May commands.

Ash does nothing and patiently waits for the move to be completed.

"I believe it's my turn. Use Volt Tackle." Ash says.

"Glaceon Giga Impact." May counters.

Everyone gets shocked when they see Ash's Pikachu leave a trail of charred ground while it's rushing towards May's Glaceon which is using Giga Impact. An explosion occurs which sends bolts of lighting from the explosion to the sky and back. After the explosion has cleared Pikachu is standing completely fine while May's Glaceon is fainted on the ground with sparks still emanating from it's body.

"What power." May murmurs as she recalls Glaceon to her Poke-ball.

"Pikachu you return as well buddy." Ash says.

"Delcatty I choose you." May says.

"Interesting. It seem Skitty evolved. Let's go Infernape." Ash says while tossing his Poke-ball.

"Delcatty use Rain Dance." May commands.

Ash's Infernape doesn't even give the slightest of reactions when it starts raining.

"Not bad. What else?" Ash says.

"Here I'll show you. I'll take a page out of your book this time. Delcatty use Thunder." May says which causes Ash to have a flashback to his battle with Seibold. Infernape winces in pain as it is hit by the Thunder attack.

"Shake it of. Snap out of it." Ash says in a commanding tone hearing which Infernape gives a loud cry and shakes the Thunder of.

"Not bad May. You managed to damage Infernape. That's creditable. But play time is over. Infernape use Bulk Up." Ash commands.

"Delcatty Water Pulse." May commands.

"Swat it away with Fire Spin." Ash commands. Fire Spin cuts through water pulse and send Delcatty flying.

"Delcatty. Get up. I know you can do it." May says.

"Fire Punch both hands then use Close Combat." Ash says.

Delcatty gets attacked a few times then Infernape gets heart in it's eyes.

"Of course. It's ability is cute charm. It slipped my mind." Ash says.

"Yes it. Use Thunder once more." May commands.

"Flare Blitz." Ash says. Infernape in it's infatuated state does Flare Blitz. While being surrounded by strong flames it snaps out of it's infatuation. Infernape crashes into Delcatty with Flare Blitz and knocks it out.

"Not bad May. I had forgotten about Delcatty's cute charm ability. Of course nothing I couldn't handle." Ash replies.

"Blaziken. You are up." May says while tossing her last Pokemon.

"In that case let's make this a fighting type duel shall we. Lucario go." Ash says while sending out his last Pokemon.

"Time for my secret weapon to take the stage." May says.

"Really?" Ash says.

"Blaziken Mega Evolve." May says to Ash's surprise as Blaziken mega evolves.

"I see. So you found a Blazikenite. Where, May I ask?" Ash asks.

"In Hoenn before coming to KIP my dad gave me the Blazikenite as a gift for getting into KIP. He had been looking for one for quite some time." May replies.

Ash smiles then he casts a look at Mega Blaziken.

"Something is wrong." Ash says.

"What do you mean?" May replies.

"Your Blaziken is acting strangely. Something is off about it. Is this the first time you are using Mega Evolution?" Ash asks.

"Yes. Why?" May replies.

"You should forfeit the match May. Your Blaziken and you are not yet ready to use Mega Evolution. It will go on a rampage as the battle progresses." Ash replies.

"I won't. How do I know you are not saying that just so that you can win easily?" May asks.

"You know I won't do that. But if it does go on a rampage I trust that you will have the foresight to recall it back." Ash says.

"Fine I will. Now Blaziken use Flamethrower." May commands.

"Dodge it." Ash says as Lucario skillfully moves out of the way.

"Get moving. Use Blaze Kick." May commands.

"Lucario counter with the same." Ash commands.

Soon both Pokemon are send back sliding after clashing by using their Blaze Kicks.

"Blaziken Flare Blitz." May commands.

"Lucario Aura Sphere double team." Ash counters.

"Use Fire Pledge take them all out." May commands.

Soon Lucario is wincing in pain.

"All right keep up the pressure. Us Fire Punch." May commands.

"Lucario we need to finish this. Use Metal Sound followed by Thunder Punch both hands then Close Combat." Ash commands.

Soon Blaziken is sent flying after taking several Thunder Punches in quick succession.

"Blaziken get up." May says in a fierce tone.

Blaziken gets up and May looks happy. But Ash gets worried when he takes a close look at Blaziken's eyes.

"Oh no." Ash mutters to himself.

Blaziken gives a roar and starts shooting random flamethrowers in different directions.

"Blaziken what's going on? Get a hold of yourself." May shouts. Blaziken turns and stares at May. May gets shocked when she sees Blaziken's eyes have changed colors. Blaziken then launches a flamethrower at May who avoids it by jumping out of the line of fire at the last second. May however trips and then falls on her head and then faints.

"Hey. Here." Ash shouts in order to get Blaziken's attention from the fainted May. The ploy works as Blaziken now faces Ash and Lucario.

"Lucario we need to stop it. Are you ready?" Ash asks to which Lucario gives a nod.

"Very well." Ash says as he strikes his characteristic persona pose for mega evolution. Everyone watches as Lucario mega evolves.

"Blaziken." Blaziken shouts as it rushes towards Lucario with a Fire Punch. Lucario simply puts his left hand palm to black the Fire Punch.

Everyone gets shocked when they see the Fire Punch stopped in it's tracks.

"Alright Lucario give it a toss." Ash commands. Lucario closes his left fist on Blaziken's fist. He then pulls Blaziken by his fist, twirls it in the air and then sends it flying only to land and then tumble for quite a while before coming to a stop.

"Blaziken." Blaziken shouts with even more rage.

"I didn't want to do this. But I guess we have no choice. Lucario Aura Sphere rapid fire." Ash commands.

Lucario shoots Aura spheres one after the other. All of them meet their marks and cause an explosion. When the dust settles Blaziken is knocked out in it's original reverted form.

"You did well Lucario. Get a good rest." Ash calls as Lucario reverts back into it's original form and then gets sucked into it's Poke-ball.

"Blaziken can't battle anymore. Ash Ketchum wins." Referee announces.

Ash runs over to May. He recalls Blaziken back into it's Poke-ball. Then waits for Brock and Drew and the others to arrive. Drew takes May to the health center while Ash takes Blaziken to the Pokemon Center.

(Later in the Evening)

"Hey Lillie, Mrs. Lusamine. How are all of you doing?" Ash asks.

"We are fine thank you for asking." Lillie replies.

"Well you seem to be in a happier mood. I thought after yesterday you would be." Serena says before being cut off.

"upset. I thought I would be. But I was feeling more light and better. Your teachers revealings made the 3 of us confront our problems and as a result we had the first family dinner in 8 years. I have never been more happier." Lillie says as tears come to her eyes and she smiles.

"Oh my girl." Lusamine says as she pulls Lillie into a warm embrace.

"Well good to see things are better. We just came to check up on you. Our teacher can be." Ash says before pausing for a moment.

"Well a handful. He can be a handful." Ash says as he completes his sentence.

"That he can be. But do thank him from our side once when you get him contact with him." Lusamine says.

"We'll be sure to pass the message on. We'll leave you to enjoy your newfound bliss." Ash says as he takes Serena's arms and leaves.

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