64 : Second Half of the Tournament Begins

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(2 Days Later)

"Good morning KIP. Today we reach the last day of the first half of the tournament. Then we shall start the 2nd and more intensive competition of the Tri School Tournament. Best of luck to all the contestants who are clashing today." Diantha says into the microphone following which she walks off.

"So who are you matched with Sere?" Ash asks.

"Trevor." Serena replies.

"Aah. Your friend from Vaniville Town." Ash comments.

"What about you?" Serena asks.

"I am with Tierno." Ash replies.

"Well let's just get it over with shall we." Serena says with a sigh.

"Yup. Let's do that." Ash says.


(Little While Later)

"The 3 on 3 match with no substitutions between Ash and Tierno will now commence. Trainers are you ready?" Referee asks. Both trainers nod.

"In that case send out your first Pokemon." Referee shouts.

"Ludicolo. Let's go." Tierno says while tossing his poke-ball.

"Lucario stand by." Ash says while sending out his Pokemon.

"Battle Begin." Referee shouts.

"Ludicolo use Razor leaf." Tierno commands as Ludicolo dances around.

Ludicolo uses Razor leaf but Ash doesn't even respond. Lucario simply takes the Razor Leaf while treating it more like a pesky annoyance than Pokemon move.

"Hydro Pump." Tierno shouts.

"Deflect it." Ash says in a dismissive lazy tone.

Lucario brings it's hands together in form of a fist, raises it above his head and then brings it down to smash the incoming beam of Hydro Pump causing it to dissipate.

"Perhaps if your Ludicolo put more power and seriousness in its moves than dancing you might be able to put up a fight." Ash says.

"Fire Punch let's go." Tierno commands as Ludicolo charges at Lucario.

"Alright fun time is over. Put him in place with Aura sphere." Ash says. Lucario powers up an Aura Sphere then keeps it between the palms of his 2 hands. He waits patiently and lets Ludicolo get close before smashing the Aura sphere into Ludicolo's torso, sending it flying across the field to get smashed on the field while landing in front of it's trainer.

Tierno quietly return his Ludicolo back to it's Poke-ball then sends out his Blastoise.

"So it's Blastoise's turn next." Ash says.

"Blas Blas Blastoise." Blastoise says as it take battle stance after doing a few flips.

"Blastoise use Rain Dance. Then Hydro Pump full power." Tierno commands.

"Defend with Bone Rush." Ash says as Lucario forms a Bone Rush and the Bone Rush spins in Lucario's hand forming a shield which deflects the Hydro Pump.

"Use Extreme Speed with Thunder Punch followed by Hyper Beam." Ash commands. Lucario gives a roar then charges towards Blastoise.

"Blastoise withdraw." Tierno shouts in a panicked tone.

"Too weak." Ash says as the Thunder Punch smashes Blastoise's shell across the field and the Hyper Beam which upon making contact causes an explosion.

After the explosion clears Blastoise comes out of his slightly charred shell with swirls on his eyes and electric sparks emitting from it's arms. Tierno is shell shocked at Ash and Lucario who are calmly standing there without even giving the slightest of reactions. Tierno recall his Pokemon then says "I concede defeat." to the referee.

"Smart choice. Saved both of our time and also less Pokemon got injured as well." Ash says from across the field while the referee declares him the winner.

"You are too strong Ash." Tierno says while walking towards Ash.

"You know your limits. That was a good call." Ash says as he smiles and shakes Tierno's hand.

(An hour Later)

"Florges you are up." Trevor says while tossing his Poke-ball.

"Swampert greet him." Serena says while tossing her Poke-ball.

"Battle Begin." Referee announces.

"Florges use Attract let's go." Trevor commands.

"Won't work Trevor." Serena says.

Swampert get infatuated for a moment but when Serena snaps her finger it responds to the snap and breaks out of the status condition.

"What? But how can your Swampert break out of Attract so easily?" Trevor asks in a confused and impressed tone.

"For my Pokemon responding to my commands and sounds is second nature. That's how. Now what's your next move?" Serena asks.

"Use Double Team to surround it. Then use Petal Dance." Trevor commands.

"Swampert Protect." Serena says.

Trevor clenches his hands as he sees Petal Dance rendered useless.

"Alright Magical Leaf." Trevor shouts.

"It's no use Trevor. Nothing in your arsenal will break through my Swampert's Defenses." Serena says as Magical Leaf gets neutralized upon meeting the Protect shield.

"I believe now it's my turn. Swampert use Sludge Wave followed by Focus Blast." Serena commands. Soon Florges is on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Florges return. You fought very well. Aerodactyl go." Trevor says while tossing his second choice.

"Let's see how you respond to a pressure situation. Rain Dance." Serena commands.

"Aerodactyl use Aerial Ace." Trevor commands.

"Swampert Stone Edge then Hydro Cannon followed by Ice Beam." Serena says. A revolving Stone Edge forms around Swampert covering it from all sides which repels Aerial Ace. While Aerodactyl is trying to recover it's balance from being deflected in mid air, it is hit by Hydro Cannon and smashed into the ground. It struggles to get up only to be blasted by an Ice beam which knocks it out. Serena is calmly standing there while Trevor is trying to digest what just happened.

"Return." Trevor says quietly while returning his Pokemon.

"I know Swampert is a very bad match up but I believe in you my friend" Trevor says as he releases his Charizard.

"A Charizard against my Swampert while being down 2 to none. Do you really think your starter can pull of a win?" Serena asks.

"I know I will lose the match. But Charizard is my strongest and my first Pokemon. That's why I want to end with Charizard. Besides it's time for my secret weapon. Charizard Mega Evolve." Trevor says as he clicks the Keystone on his camera. As soon as Charizard finishes Mega Evolving the Rain Dance stops and a heat wave spreads throughout the arena.

"Interesting you have a Charizardite Y. In that case it would be inappropriate if we held back too. After all since you are bringing everything to battle. It's only fair to respect an opponent's Mega Evolution with your own." Serena says.

"What? Your Swampert can Mega Evolve as well!" Trevor shouts in a shocked tone.

"Respond to my heart." Serena says which striking her characteristic persona pose for mega evolving her Pokemon.

"Swampert." Swampert roars after mega evolving.

(In the VIP Box)

"Incredible. So that is a Mega Swampert. I must record this data." Sycamore says while getting up and going to the computer screen and typing some commands.

"You didn't know Swampert can Mega Evolve?" Ash asks.

"Oh I know it can. But I have never got the chance to study it's Mega Evolution till now." Sycamore says as he finishes typing the commands to record the data from the battle and sits back on his chair.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"That's one bulky Pokemon." Trevor says after he finishes taking Mega Swampert's photograph.

"You ready to continue?" Serena asks.

"Yup. I'll go first. Use Flamethrower." Trevor replies.

The Flamethrower meets it mark and causes an explosion but Swampert is seen standing unscathed after the explosion subsides.

"Swampert upon Mega Evolving gains body weight and higher tolerance. I doubt whether Swampert even felt that." Serena says in a somewhat arrogant tone.

"Then try a Blast Burn." Trevor shouts as Charizard lets out a roar and smashes it's fist onto the ground. Several red hot smoking cracks begin to appear from the point where Charizard's fist made contact which start rapidly moving towards Swampert.

"Double Kick." Serena says as 2 mini craters form beneath Swampert's feet moments before it launches itself towards Charizard like a hurled projectile. Swampert delivers a fierce Double Kick to Charizard sending it flying across the field while avoiding getting hit by the Blast Burn. Charizard grunts heavily but eventually struggles to his feet.

"I must says this is one resilient Charizard. Reminds me Ash's Charizard." Serena says sounding impressed.

"I know Ash has a Charizard. Can it Mega Evolve too?" Trevor asks.

Serena gets stumped for a moment before saying "You will have to find out. But enough talk. Use Hydro Cannon."

"Dodge it while flying up." Trevor says. Charizard starts flying and avoids the Hydro Cannon barely.

"Good now use Aerial Ace." Trevor says. Charizard gives a roar and starts flying at a rapid pace towards Swampert before it vanishes.

"Good. Grab it and then slam it on the ground." Serena says to Trevor's confusion as to how Serena's Pokemon will grab his Charizard when it can't see it.

"Trevor my friend did you forget that Aerial Ace doesn't work on me." Serena says while smirking seeing Trevor's confused expression. Trevor suddenly has a flashback to the battle that Ash and Serena had against the Dragon Emperor.

"Oh no. Quick stop Charizard." Trevor shouts.

"Too late. NOW." Serena shouts.

Swampert spins on his left leg moments before Charizard appears who misses its mark due to Swampert spinning out of the way. Swampert turns around and grabs Charizard's tail. This causes it to fall on its stomach due to being forced to stop flying abruptly.

"Ssslam itttt!" Serena shouts with specific focus on the letter S of Slam and the letter T of it. Swampert gives a roar then swings Charizard by it's tail in several quick rapid circles in succession before slamming it on the ground.

"Charizard!" Trevor shouts in a worried tone.

"Surf finish it." Serena says as Swampert powers up a Surf between its palms.

"Fire Spin." Trevor shouts in desperation. Both attacks meet causing an explosion which creates a gust of wind which knocks Trevor of balance and causes him to fall to the ground.

"Charizard." Trevor shouts as he gets up and runs towards it's partner.

"Not a very hot Fire Spin. I am afraid." Serena says while walking towards her Pokemon, recalling her victorious Swampert back into her Poke-ball while Trevor is petting his unconscious reverted back Charizard.

"Here Trevor an Oran and Pecha Berry." Serena says while tossing the 2 berries to Trevor while the referee announces her as the victor.

"Thanks Serena. Your Swampert is crazy strong." Trevor says while catching the berries.

"That was not half bad. Challenge me again sometime." Serena says after shaking Trevor's hand and walking off.

(After Lunch)

"Congratulations to all the trainers who have made it to the Second Phase of the tournament. As always. Best of Luck." Sycamore says before walking of.

"Interesting it seems I have been paired with this trainer called Tyson." Serena says as she looks at the match ups on the stadium board.

"He's not half bad. He actually managed to beat me in the Hoenn league. I heard from Misty that he studies in her school." Ash says.

"Then it should be fun. At least I will have more fun that you. Good luck being stuck with Drew." Serena says while chuckling.

"Don't remind me I know." Ash says while sighing.

"Well here's something to cheer you up." Serena says before giving Ash a kiss on the lips which he returns.

"Now go." Serena says in a final way as she pushes Ash away who wants more.

Ash grumbles but he walks away leaving Serena alone who giggles at Ash's behavior.


(20 Minutes Later)

"The 4 on 4 match with no substitutions between Ash and Drew is about to begin. Please send out your first Pokemon." Referee says.

"Good to see you here in the second round. How are May and Blaziken doing?" Ash asks as he sends out his Pidgeot.

"A Pidgeot, then I am going with Flygon." Drew says while tossing his Poke-ball.

"Battle Begin." Referee shouts.

"Flygon we need to restrict Pidgeot's mobility. Use Dragon Breath." Drew commands.

"Careful. You may get exactly what you wish for. Pidgeot use Hurricane." Ash says while smirking. Drew's eyes turn to horror as the Dragon Breath's trajectory gets completely reversed and Flygon is send crashing to the ground after being hit by it's own Dragon Breath and Hurricane attack.

"Flygon get up." Drew says in a pleading way. Flygon gets airborne painfully with small episodes of losing altitude and regaining balance due to sudden bouts of paralysis of the Dragon Breath attack.

"Flamethrower." Drew commands.

"Knock it to the ground with Aerial Ace then finish with Twister." Ash says.

(In the Stands)

"I must say I am super impressed with Ash's strategy. He used Hurricane to use Drew's own Dragon Breath against him. Since Dragon type moves are powerful on Dragon Types hence it took a lot of damage along with that of the Hurricane attack." Paul says as he observes the entire battle.

"Not just that. Dragon Breath has a paralyzing effect which is proving to be another problem." Brock says in a quiet tone.

"Oh Drew." May says in a worried tone as they see Flygon being knocked out by Twister.

"Drew has his work cut out if he wants to defeat even one of Ash's Pokemon cause that's got to be the best groomed Pidgeot I have ever seen." Brock says.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"My strategy completely backfired on me." Drew mutters as he returns his Pokemon.

'If I attack head on then he will just use Hurricane to send the attack back. Need to be careful here.' Drew says as he enlarges his next Poke-ball.

"Go Masquerain." Drew says while tossing his Poke-ball.

"You may have the first move Drew." Ash says.

"Alright then. Masquerain use Aerial Ace." Drew commands to Ash's surprise.

"Teaching it Aerial Ace. Not bad. For that is quite rare for a Masquerain. But no matter Pidgeot use Foresight." Ash says.

"It knows Foresight!" Drew says in surprise as Masquerain misses its mark.

"Use Double Team." Ash commands.

"Quick use Gust to get rid of the fakes." Drew commands.

"Brave Bird." Ash says as a flame coats Pidgeot's body which turns to a red aura which then turns to a sparkling blue aura which envelopes Pidgeot as it nosedives towards Masquerain.

"Quick Protect." Drew says.

"Bad move." Ash says as Protect shatters on contact with Brave Bird and then another explosion occurs when Pidgeot makes contact with Masquerain in mid air. Immediately Masquerain is sent hurtling towards the ground with the speed of a bullet. The moment it hits the ground right in front of Drew another explosion takes place forcing Drew to use his arm to cover his eyes. After the explosion subsides Drew looks to see Masquerain knocked out in front of him in the center of a crater in the ground.

"Masquerain return." Drew says in a shaky voice.

'One Move. That's all it took to knock it out.' Drew thinks to himself as he bring out his next Poke-ball.

"Pidgeot return." Ash says while returning his Pidgeot.

"Roserade you are up." Drew says.

"In that case Heracross let's go." Ash says while tossing a poke-ball.

"Challenger Ash Ketchum you have used the maximum amount off unknown Pokemon permitted in this battle. You may only use your known Pokemon should you wish to make a change in the last battle." Referee tells Ash who nods to acknowledge.

"Let's take this to the next level. Respond to my heart." Ash says as he strikes his Mega Evolution persona pose.

Drew's eyes widen in fear. 'First a type disadvantage now mega evolution. How can I win?' he thinks to himself.

"Pin Missile." Ash shouts which bring Drew out of his daze.

"D-dd-dodge it." Drew stutters.

"Alright. Aerial Ace." Ash commands to Drew's surprise.

"Aerial Ace. But how?" Drew shouts as Roserade is hit by Aerial Ace.

"Megahorn. Hold it down." Ash says as Heracross uses Megahorn to pin Roserade to the ground.

"Quick use Venoshock." Drew shouts.

"Too late. Hyper Beam." Ash commands. An explosion occurs which upon settling reveals a knocked out Roserade.

(In the VIP Box)

"Like master. Like student." Cynthia says to which Diantha nods.

"What do you mean ? I don't understand." Delia says.

"Remember our battle with Dragon Emperor?" Diantha asks.

"Who doesn't. What of it?" Delia enquirers.

"In that match he rammed up the pressure from 0 to 100 on us within a matter of seconds. Here Ash is doing the same with Drew. By displaying dominance in the 1st two battles then using a Pokemon with type advantage and Mega Evolution Ash has literally taken all of Drew confidence away. Look how Drew is stuttering." Diantha says as Grace and Delia turn their attention to the screen.

"I see what you mean. That's why like master like student." Delia replies.

(Back on the Battlefield)

"So we come to the last bought. The only thing which will ensure you can put up a fight will be whether you have a Mega Evolved Pokemon or not? So who will it be or like Tierno you will do the smart thing and accept an honorable defeat with Grace." Ash says while smirking. Drew is deep in thought.

'I have a Pokemon which can Mega Evolve but he knows it's a terrible match up with Ash's Heracross. What should I do?' Drew thinks to himself when he hears a voice calling from the stand. He turns around to see may shouting "Do your best regardless of the outcome." On hearing that Drew smile comes back to his face and he flicks his hair back in his characteristic style.

"I see. Looks like May is doing wonders on you. I am happy for you two but if you don't send a Pokemon out soon the referee will not be happy with you." Ash says causing Drew to look at the referee who is pissed that Drew hasn't sent his Pokemon out yet.

"Sorry. Absol you are up." Drew says while tossing his last Pokemon.

"Interesting it seem you have an Absolite. Well go on put it to use." Ash says.

"Absol respond to my heart. Beyond evolution Mega Evolve." Drew says as Absol mega evolves.

"Alright then time to kick it up a notch. Heracross use Bulk Up." Ash commands.

"Then we shall use Swords Dance." Drew says.

"Alright Heracross use Brick Break. Let's go." Ash commands.

"Absol Light Screen followed by Double Team." Drew commands.

"Not bad. Pin Missile." Ash counters.

"Absol." Drew shouts as it gets hit by a Pin Missile.

"Now use Focus Blast." Ash commands.

"Flamethrower." Drew counters. Both Attacks meet and cause an explosion neutralizing one another out.

"Absol Future Sight." Drew commands.

"Seismic Toss." Ash commands. Heracross spreads it's wings and then flies off towards Absol.

"Quick Attack keep moving." Drew shouts desperately.

"I see. Switch to Aerial Ace." Ash says.

"Oh no." Drew says since he know the attack is going to hit Absol no matter what Drew tries.

"Now use Brick Break." Ash commands after Absol has been hit and it has stopped using Quick Attack.

Absol winces in pain after being hit by Brick Break.

"Alright Heracross move away and use Iron Defense." Ash says to Drew's surprise.

"Why are you using Iron Defense now?" Drew asks moments before the Future Sight hits.

"Alright. Finish with Revenge." Ash commands.

"Dark Pulse." Drew counters. An explosion takes place revealing a knocked out Absol reverted to its original state.

"You did well Absol. Take a good rest." Drew says as he returns Absol.

"That was good battle. Challenge me again should you want to do so." Ash says while walking of.

(1 hour Later)

"Here's to a good battle." Tyson says.

"Of course." Serena replies.

"Trainers send out your first Pokemon." Referee commands.

"I'll choose first. Go Rhyhorn." Serena says.

"Predictable. Go Hariyama." Tyson says.

"Battle Begin." Referee shouts.

"Alright Hariyama use Arm Thrust." Tyson commands as Hariyama rushes towards Rhyhorn.

"Use Dig." Serena says to Tyson's surprise.

"I didn't think Rhyhorn could use Dig." Tyson says in an impressed tone.

"Normally they can't till they reach their next evolutionary stage. But I have had some help in order to train it to do so." Serena replies.

"That's quite impressive but in doing so you have only trapped yourself. Earthquake now." Tyson says. Hariyama uses Earthquake but nothing happens.

"That would have worked had Rhyhorn not been a Ground type." Serena says.

"Where is it going to attack from?" Tyson says.

"That you will have to figure out. Iron Head go." Serena commands.

Rhyhorn comes out of the ground with a huge amount of force which knock Hariyama of balance. Tyson clenches his fist as he sees Rhyhorn burrowing again. He gets even more frustrated when he sees Hariyama hit again this time from a different direction.

"Come on think. There is got to be a way to beat it. Of course that's it. Hariyama use Double Team." Tyson shouts.

"Impressive. Now that definitely deserves marks." Serena says as Rhyhorn comes back up.

"Alright Hariyama use Force Palm." Tyson commands.

"Rhyhorn Giga Impact." Serena says moments before Hariyama closes the gap between itself and Rhyhorn. An explosion takes place which sends a fainted Hariyama flying out of the field.

"What power!" Tyson mutters to himself as Serena recalls her Rhyhorn.

'I know what Pokemon is perfect for Rhyhorn.' Tyson thinks to himself as he enlarges his 2nd poke-ball. However he stops when he hears Serena's next command.

"Rhyhorn return." Serena says as she return Rhyhorn.

"Let's go Decidueye." Serena says while sending her next Pokemon.

"What's that Pokemon?" Tyson says as he scans Decidueye in the Pokedex.

'Interesting a Grass and Ghost type. With Sceptile's speed it shouldn't be that much of a problem.' Tyson thinks to himself.

"Go Sceptile." He says while tossing his Pokemon.

"Sceptile use Leaf Blade." Tyson commands.

"Not bad. We shall reply in kind." Serena says. Both Pokemon trade blow after blow with neither giving an inch. But slowly Serena's more trained Pokemon starts to get the upper hand in the fight and starts pounding Sceptile with Leaf Blade swipes one after the other.

"Detect." Tyson counters.

"Impressive. Fly away and then use Synthesis." Serena says.

"Alright drop Detect and use Dragon Pulse." Tyson commands.

"Dodge it." Serena says as Decidueye dodges the attack effortlessly.

"Now use U turn." Serena commands to Tyson's surprise.

"Now go Delphox." Serena says as Decidueye switches with Delphox.

"Alright Delphox use Fire Blast." Serena commands.

"Quick use Detect." Tyson commands.

"Disable." Serena says in a cool tone which completely catches Tyson of guard.

"Finish with Fire Blast." Serena says. An explosion occurs which on settling reveals a fainted Sceptile.

'I need to play this cleverly. I may be two down but she has revealed 3 Pokemon already. I was going to go with Metagross but with the Fire Type Delphox it's better to go with a ground type like Donphan." Tyson thinks to himself while returning his Sceptile.

"Donphan stand by for battle." Tyson says.

"I will go first. Trick Room." Serena says.

"What?" Tyson exclaim as he has never had Trick Room used against him before.

"Welcome to the world of Trick Room Tyson." Serena says while smirking.

"What's Trick Room?" Tyson asks.

"I could tell you but where's the fun in that? Delphox use Focus Punch." Serena says.

"Roll out." Tyson says as Serena thinks 'Perfect'. Tyson gets shocked at how quickly Delphox is moving and how slow Donphan has become.

"Donphan." he shouts as Donphan is sent flying.

"Now use Swift." Serena commands.

"Donphan Defense Curl." Tyson says as he open the Pokedex to check what Trick Room Does.

"Alright in that case use Sunny Day." Serena commands. The suns starts shining brighter meanwhile Tyson gets shocked when he learns what Trick Room does.

"Donphan use Stone Edge." Tyson commands.

"Use Lock On followed by Solar Beam." Serena commands. Tyson watches in horror as the Solar Beam blast the Stone Edge pillars apart and blasts Donphan.

"Donphan no." Tyson shouts.

"Finish it with another Solar Beam." Serena commands.

"Come on Donphan give me your best Hyper Beam." Tyson commands trying to stay cool under the pressure. Both beams collide but Solar Beam overpowers the Hyper beam after a while and knocks Donphan out.

"Donphan return. You did your best." Tyson says with a sigh.

"So we come to the final battle. Who is going to go next?" Serena asks.

"Meowth old buddy it's all up to you." Tyson says as his Meowth walks onto the arena.

"Your Meowth. I thought he would be next. Show me what you have got." Serena says.

"Meowth Thunderbolt." Tyson commands.

"Come on. You can do better. Magical Leaf." Serena says.

"So Magical leaf acts as a defense against Electric attacks. Neat. The question is how strong can you be." Tyson says in a frustrated tone while calculating his next move.

"Use Rain Dance." Tyson commands.

"How clever." Serena says in a sarcastic tone as her Delphox seems unaffected by the the rain.

"Meowth Quick Attack lets go." Tyson shouts.

"Counter with Flame Charge." Serena says.

"How good can you be? Having a counter to my every attack?" Tyson says in a desperate tone as Meowth and Delphox both go sliding back after colliding with Meowth having a small burn on his right hand.

"Well when you are the best you don't tend to excel for these things come naturally like second nature." Serena says.

"That's very arrogant." Tyson says in an aggressive tone.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. In real life only the winner gets to call themselves the best. For they are winners. Use Focus Punch." Serena says.

"Counter with Night Slash." Tyson says as he attempts to find some way to beat at least Serena's Delphox. Suddenly he notices Delphox's branch and an idea comes into his mind.

"Quick use Fury swipes and knock that branch out of it's hands." Tyson commands.

"Enough fooling around. Use Psychic to hold it in the air." Serena says.

"Oh no." Tyson shouts as he sees Meowth completely immobilized in mid air by Delphox's Psychic.

"Hypnosis." Serena commands in a smooth silky voice. Tyson doesn't say anything for he knows which move Serena is going to use next.

"Dream Eater." Serena commands in a final tone. A shadow of Delphox moves out of it's body and strikes Meowth in mid air causing it to instantly faint and fall on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Excellent job Delphox. Take a good rest." Serena says as she recall Delphox into its Poke-ball.

"I lost so badly." Tyson says in disbelief as he is on his knees in front of his fainted partner.

"So what? Get back up on your feet and try again." Serena says as she tosses a Pecha and Oran berry to Tyson.

Tyson sighs, picks up his partner, bows his head before Serena and takes his leave.

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