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Meeting Begins...

Max - Oh come on Snowball I was almost done with that download!

Snowball - I'm sorry but I wanna call a timeout really quick.

Daisy - This is about the situation between me and Mel isn't?

Snowball - I'm afraid so. As much as I do think it was Mel, there's also a part of me that wonders if he was right.

Max - Yeah... I feel the same way-

Buddy - I'm skipping, you all killed my friend!

Buddy has voted.

Ozone has voted.

Ozone - Yes, screw you buttheads.

Gidget - Ozone, you have no room to talk, you followed me like a creep!

Gidget has voted.

Snowball - Guys, focus.

Daisy - Hey, I did not kill Chloe, okay? Tiberius was there, he saw what-

Tiberius - What are you talking about?

Max - Huh?

Snowball - What?

Tiberius - I wasn't there.

Daisy - What are you doing?

Gidget - Wait, hold up. What exactly happened at electrical?

Daisy - Hold up, someone is texting me. I think it's my pizza delivery. Keep talking.

Buddy - Yeah, I wanna hear the story as to why my best friend got voted out. You're the one who called out red sus.

Tiberius - Yes I did because Mel was lying. I was not in electrical. I was close, in lower engine. But I never saw anything, I never heard anything. Nothing. I haven't the slightest clue what all went down in electrical. I didn't even know who all was there until the body was reported. I believe Mel, if he was the imposter, was trying to get someone on his side but unfortunately for him I'm not stupid. It was either him or Daisy.

Max - Hm... you make an interesting case.

Max has voted.

Snowball - Now hold the phone, Daisy what happened in electrical?

Daisy - Huh?

Snowball - Did you hear all that?

Daisy - Yep.

Snowball - What do you have to say?

Gidget - How do you plead?

Daisy - I... I plead guilty.

Buddy - What?

Ozone - Ooh, things just got interesting~

Daisy - Tiberius is right, he wasn't there. It was me and Mel and Chloe. I killed her but Mel screwed up when he tried roping Tiberius in. I apologize for my actions.

Snowball - Wow... this is the most dramatic round of Among Us I have ever played so far...

Snowball has voted.

Daisy has voted.

Tiberius has voted.

Duke - What did I miss?

Max - What the heck?! Where were you?!

Duke - Grabbing snacks genius.

Time has run out.


Daisy - Max, Snowball, Daisy, Tiberius

Ozone - Gidget

Skip - Buddy, Ozone

Didn't Vote - Duke

Duke - Woah, wait hold up what did I miss?!

Buddy - The trial of the century.

Snowball - Sorry Daisy.

Daisy - No I'm sorry, you're all screwed. My partner shall get all of you. Bye bye!

Snowball - Wait what?!

Daisy was ejected.

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