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"What did she mean by that?!" Duke exclaimed. Shrugging his shoulders as he leaned back on the trash bags, Ozone grumbled, "Don't know, don't care. Goodbye everyone and have fun surviving." With that, Ozone escorted himself down to storage.

"I hate wires..." Ozone muttered under his breath. But he had to do them, regardless of how he felt. As much as he hated the others, he did want to win. So he finished up the wires in storage and moved up to admin, noticing the camera was on.

While he was fixing the wires, Ozone's mind wandered. What did Daisy mean? Did they still need to get the other imposter? Who could it be? The hairless cat knew it wasn't Snowball, he had seen him do a med scan earlier. Done with wires, he moved to his next task in reactor while realizing the camera was off.

Perhaps it was Duke? No, couldn't be. Ozone knew the fat dog was not capable of killing others. Maybe it was either Max or Gidget? The cat shuddered at the idea of it being the fluffy white dog. He entered the reactor and began working on the manifolds while he kept thinking. Could it be possible Buddy was the imposter again? No, there would be more deaths. That only left-

"There you are fleabag..."

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