How To Train Your Dragon Species 1

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There's are NOT!!!! Adoptables, but if you want me to draw you a dragon, just ask.

Name: The Wave-favoring, Watercloak.
Class: Tidal.
Diet: Fish (including Eels), chicken, and ham. (If trained.)
Animal Equivalent: Fox, Manta Ray.
Fire type: condensed water, and slippery slime.
Abilities: grappling, water blast, weakening flying dragons with water to wings, water beams, slippery skin, and slippery slime blobs.
Colors: blue, teal, black, purple, and green.
Habitat: beaches, swamps, jungles, and underwater caves.
Trainable?: Yes

Name: The Mighty Mudhound.
Class: Boulder.
Diet: Ore, birds, berries, honey, and fish.
Animal Equivalent: Salamander, Dogs.
Fire type: magnesium implosions.
Abilities: Producing a substance similar to Gronkle Iron, secreting a natural flame retardant muddy substance, shooting out implosive magma, and a tough underbelly.
Colors: yellow, green, brown, tan, orange, and white.
Habitat: marshlands and jungles.
Trainable?: Yes

Name: The Notorious Nightshroud.
Class: Fear.
Diet: berries, fish, and sheep.
Animal equivalent: Cobra.
Fire type: A oil-like torrent, and deadly venom.
Abilities: changing color, a resistance to poison, flying with its hood, swimming upside down, retractable fangs, and moving 360% around by twisting its body around.
Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black.
Habitat: highlands, jungles, caves, deserts, and mountains.
Trainable?: Yes.

Name: The Thundering Thurhorn.
Class: stoker.
Diet: herbs, berries, and pinecones.
Animal Equivalent: Goat/Ram.
Fire type: Lightning.
Abilities: conducting electricity, transferring electricity into its tusk and claws and horns, and walking with no sound.
Colors: white and purple, white and blue, white and yellow.
Habitat: frozen wastelands, taigas, mountains, and highlands.
Trainable?: No, not by normal means.

Name: The Secretive Smokelurker.
Class: Fear.
Diet: mice, rabbits, and berries.
Animal Equivalent: Snakes.
Fire type: venom and suffocating smoke.
Abilities: Producing a suffocating smoke that it's immune too, storing its oxygen in mandibles near its mouth for later, a slippery and smooth body to slick through cracks, and a string upper body strength and prehensile tail for climbing.
Colors: black and blue, and orange and white..
Habitat: caves and deserts.
Trainable?: Yes, but can't be ridden.

Name: The Titanic Gitouga.
Class: Tidal.
Diet: seaweed, sand, and mollusk.
Animal Equivalent: Sea turtles.
Fire type: imploding bubbles and crushing currents.
Abilities: blasting air strong enough to create  water currents that crush attackers, producing implosive bubbles, a line of backwards facing (horrifying) teeth for capturing mollusk, and a sixth sense of detecting attacker's and good nearby.
Colors: Teal, green, brown, and yellow.
Habitat: beaches and oceans.
Trainable?: Yes.

Name: The Energetic Everlings.
Class: mystery.
Diet: bugs, berries, sweets, and light.
Animal Equivalent: PUPPIES!!! ÒwÓ
Fire type: light beams.
Abilities: absorbing light with its metallic tongue and wings; seeing things on ultraviolet levels, seemingly never aging hence their name, and producing a chemical that makes them
Appear even cuter. (Like real life dogs apparently.)
Colors: ALL OF THEM!!!! (Taste the rainbow!)
Habitat: anywhere near people.
Trainable?: Yes, but can't be ridden.

Name: The Toxic Needleshell.
Class: Tidal.
Diet: kelp, dragon-root, and  poisonous critters.
Animal Equivalent: sea slug.
Fire type: poison blobs.
Abilities: a 100% immunity to any toxin even dragon-root, extendable spikes attached to its natural shell, producing a shell that sheds first before its skin, and producing different concoctions of poison for different dragons.
Colors: purple, pink, green, orange, red, yellow, and blue.
Habitat: oceans, and underwater caves.
Trainable?: Yes.

Name: The Visceral Vicefang.
Class: Sharp.
Diet: any form of meat.
Animal Equivalent: Tiger.
Fire type: none.
Abilities: a pain nullifying agent in its adrenaline glands, blades wings, heat bison, and retractable claws on its paws and tail.
Colors: red, orange, and white.
Habitat: deserts, jungles; frozen wastelands, and mountains.
Trainable?: not my normal means.

Name: The Furious Galefur.
Class: Strike.
Diet: pinecones, berries, and grass.
Animal Equivalent: Sheep/ Yak.
Fire type: compressed wind.
Abilities: shooting out gust of wind, using pores in its skin to shout out air into Empty pockets of its fur to make it fluff up and float, and producing valuable minerals in its horns and lavish fur in its coats.
Colors: white and brown.
Habitat: snowy forest, highlands, normal forest, and mountains.
Trainable?: Yes.

Name: The Bold Borealwing
Class: Sharp.
Diet: Fish and eels.
Animal Equivalent: Penguin.
Fire type: none.
Abilities: gathering up snow in its wings and and use it as a defense, and throwing cold quilts in its wings to give its aggressors frostbite.
Colors: black and white, and brown and yellow.
Habitat: frozen wastelands and beaches.
Trainable?: no.

Name:The Horrifying Hypnocrest.
Class: Fear.
Diet: Elk. Small dragons, algae. and berries.
Animal Equivalent: Viper, Deer.
Fire type: blinding acid.
Abilities: a gem-like horn in it heads that lures it's prey to it, creating blinding acid that can be spat at as fast as the eye can blink, and nostrils on top of its head to breathe as it swims.
Colors: cyan, blue, brown, green, and ivory.
Habitat: beaches, swamps, forest, and jungles.
Trainable?: no.

Name: The Stoic Steelmares/manes.
Class: Sharp.
Diet: grass and ore.
Animal Equivalent: Horse.
Fire type: none.
Abilities: iron hairs in its rows of horns can make loud sounds that can cause dragon and man to fall to their knees, the iron-like material in the dragons horns cause them to be conducted they use this to store up static electricity to shock their attackers but sense it's not shot out it's not considered a fire blasts, and a hard shell around its head for charging at opponents.
Colors: purple, blue, brown, black, grey, and white.
Habitat: mountains, and prairies.
Trainable?: Yes, but (ironically) cannot he ridden.

Name: The Outrageous Orebeards
Class: Boulder.
Diet: Ores and fish.
Animal Equivalent: Axolotl.
Fire type: electricity, and adhesive globs.
Abilities: producing a magma that can create Outerrealm steel the strongest material known in and out of the Archipelago, a sharp underbelly, a pseudo form of fought that can be summed up as "electrifying their armor in a charge that propels it in different directions depending on which shock goes where how strong the shock is and the charge of the shock," they can also secrete different natural armors depending on the ores they ate.
Colors: Copper, Bronze, and Gold.
Habitat: anywhere with enough Ore, and good fishing spots.
Trainable?: Yes.

Name: The Continental Collososerpent.
Class: Mystery.
Diet: clouds and the ground around it.
Animal Equivalent: anacondas.
Fire type: unmatched torrents of flame, lava pies of its own natural volcanoes, and explosive scales.
Abilities: unknown.
Colors: unknown.
Habitat: everywhere.
Trainable?: no.

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