anything for sara

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Shivay and Prinku are talking in the living area. He tells Prinku what sara's principal told him about Sara.
Prinku – Bhaiya now I feel its high time and you should really remarry, Im sure everything will be alright once you bring a mother for Sara.
Shivay – Prinku I can do anything for my Sara but do you think Sara will be alright with this, will she accept any other woman as her mother? Well I dont think and so I cant make my daughter sad by taking such step.
Prinku- Bhaiya I understand that she will take time to accept someone else as her mother but Sara really needs a mother to care for her and you will see with time she will accept her new mother and will be happy.
Shivay- Well I dont want to make it fast and need to think.
Prinku- Bhaiya please think and act fast before its too late.
Saying this Prinku leaves and Shivay gets into thinking.

anika residence

she is lost in deep thoughts totally non reactable to her surroundings with a view to accomplish her unknown to others mission and its first step to get married to daksh

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