shitia talk

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Shivay – Tia what a pleasant surprise. when did you came back?
Tia – I came yesterday only and thought to come and meet you without informing and surprise you but Im really annoyed with your receptionist, she spoiled the whole surprise.
R – Sorry ma'am I was just following the rules and the orders.
Tia – Its okay but next time be careful.
Shivay – Please Tia, she is just doing her job, leave it, come lets go to my cabin.
Tia – Sure baby.

Shiavy and Tia goes to Shivay's cabin.

Anika is in her room thinking about her and Shivay's last night conversation, how Shivay thanked Anika for caring for Sara and how Shivay said that Anika is their own and that the house is even hers. She unknowingly has a smile on her face.

Shivay ordered coffee and then they started talking
Shivay – Tia I still cant believe that you are sitting in front of me, It has been so long that you left the country and now suddenly you are back, I hope everything is fine.
Tia – Shivay baby dont ask how did I live without you for so long, I missed you every second and Im sure you didnt miss me even for once.
Shivay heard Tia and she wanted him to say something but remained quiet when Tia finished saying.
Just then their coffee/Espresso came

Shivay – Tia lets have coffee
Tia – Shivay baby you cant ignore me and change the topic.
Shivay(Having his espresso) – Tia dont start again, Its been a long time and now we both have families to love and focus on, we both are now parent to such wonderful kids so please now grow up and stop discussing all this.

(AN – Guys Shivay knows that Tia loved him since their college days but Shivay had rejected Tia and married Amber but he still consider Tia as his good friend and always stands for Tia in the hour of her need, On the other hand despite Shivay saying to Tia, Tia always misinterpret Shivay's friendship to be his love toward her)
Tia – Shivay baby tell me how can anyone forget their first love, I know its easy for a man to move on but its not that easy for a woman to forget her first love, especially when the first love is someone like you.
Shivay(Annoyingly) – Tia please stop it. I only consider you as a good friend and nothing else.
Tia (Sadly)- Okay.

Shivay – See because of all this stupid conversation I forgot to ask you about your family, So how is Dushyant and Ishaan?
Tia(Upset about hearing Shivay's question) – Shivay baby I dont want to talk about Dushyant and Ishaan is fine with his dad, I spoke to Ishaan before coming over here.
Shivay(Confused after listening to Tia) – What do you mean that you dont want to talk about Dushyant, he is your husband after all.
Tia – We are divorced now.

Shivay(Shocked) – What? Im so sorry to hear that.
Tia smiles listening to Shivay.
Shivay(Feeling weird seeing Tia smiling while talking about her divorce) – What happened, Why are you smiling?

Tia – I smiling because you are sorry for whatever happened to me, You know Shivay baby all this wouldnt have happened if you would not have rejected me, we would have been living happily together.
Shivay(Getting irritated)- Tia will you stop talking about all this, try and understand that it was the past and it will be really helpful for you if you accept the reality soon.
Tia(Getting annoyed after facing rejections from Shivay all the time) – Shivay baby you will never understand my pain, you will never understand how does it feel to see your love getting away from you, You know I just wish that you feel the same kind of pain that I feel all the time, the pain to see your love taken away by someone else and you being helpless and that day I will ask you to accept the reality and move on.

Shivay(Shocked after hearing Tia) – Tia whatever
you said I dont see it happening ever, I fell in love with Amber and now after Amber I can never have the same feeling for anyone else. Im very happy with my life and my world with Sara.
Tia(Smiling at Shivay) – Will see to it. Oh Shivay baby how is Sara?
Shivay(Happy after listening Sara's name) – She is good and by God's grace is she growing very well. You know after Amber left us Sara had a tough time and I used to be very upset seeing her condition but now because of Prinku she has grown stronger and always makes me proud and lively.
Tia – Im sorry you had to go through so much pain and I was not here with you when you needed me the most.

Shivay – No Tia you dont have to be sorry,I understand you have a kid to look after and truly speaking at that time I didnt need anyone else except Sara to be there with me. You were talking about me falling again in love with someone but you know the reality is that Im living only because I have Sara with me, If she wasnt there with me then I would have died the moment Amber left me. I miss Amber every time but I try to be strong only for Sara and now except for Sara there is no space for anyone else in my life.
After completing Shivay had his eyes full of tears.
Tia(Feeling bad seeing Shivay) – Shivay baby please dont be sad, please be strong and smile.
Shivay smiles and wipes of his tears.

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