tia's past

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A big villa in a posh area of London is shown. Outside the villa, on the main gate there is a name plate written "RANA'S" on it.

Inside the villa, in the living area a man(Dushyant) is sitting on a couch with a kid(Ishaan) who is playing video game.

Dushyant – Beta you have been playing since you woke up, now lets go and have breakfast.
Ishaan(Really Sad) – Dad I will have breakfast with mom, where has she gone, call her an ask her to come, Im missing her.

Dushyant(Upset seeing Ishaan)- Beta your mom has gone to meet your grandma, she will come soon in a few days. you just be happy.
Ishaan – Dad how can mom go without taking me with her, she didnt even meet me before going, didnt she know that I cant live without her.
(AN – Yes guys Tia lied to Shivay that she met Ishaan before going there but in reality she didnt informed or met her son before leaving)
Dushyant – Beta mom had to leave all of a sudden, you were sleeping so she didnt disturbed you and left after kissing you. Dont you worry, see dad is here with you so relax and lets go and have breakfast.
Ishaan – Ok dad but promise me that you will call mom and ask her to come soon adn even let me talk to her.

Dushyant(Giving a small smile to his son) – Sure my child, now lets have breakfast.
Dushyant and Ishaan are having breakfast while watching TV
Dushyant(Thinking) –
Tia left the house at night after Ishaan slept, Dushyant was out for work. Tia before leaving wrote a letter for Dushyant and kept it in their room. When Dushyant came back he didnt find Tia anywhere in the house and then came to their room and found Tia's letter. He opened the letter and started reading-

Im leaving you and your house and will never return, many a times I tried telling you that I cant stay with you since Im not happy with you but you never took me seriously, you always thought that Im kidding so here is the truth, Im gone for real. My life with you have been so much suffocating that only I know how did I managed to survive for these many years. Im sorry for doing all this to you and today I want you to know the reality, to know why I could never be a complete wife to you or a complete mother to your child. So the truth is I never wanted to marry you, my mom forced me to do so and I was not in my senses at that time because I had lost my most precious thing, my Shivay, my love to someone else and I needed to escape so I married you and came to London. Moving to London with you was my biggest mistake,

I knew that I will not be happy with you but still I came here leaving my Shivay back at home, I had thought that when I will go away from him, he will miss me and will come running to London for me but that never happened and something which I never wanted happened, within 2-3 years I got to know that Shivay's wife Amber is pregnant with his child, Shivay himself called me to inform about Amber's pregnancy and he sounded very happy and complete. I was not able to bear it and was in deep pain. After this your(Dushyant) mother asked me for a grandchild and we had a baby, it was not because I wanted to have your child but because I wanted to show Shivay that he doesnt matter to me and if he can have a child and a family then even I can have it. I never wanted a child and so when Ishaan was born I got sad and depressed than been happy.

After Ishaan's birth Shivay called up and happily wished me and I was so disappointed by his happiness. You know Dushyant it is said that God always give an extra chance to all, He gave me a chance again, 2 years ago Amber died in an accident, Shivay's sister called me and informed me about Amber's death. Im not saying that I was not sad hearing about Amber, I was surely sadden because of my friend's death but somewhere I got happy because I now had a hope, a chance to be with Shivay, my love. At that time only I had planned to go to Shivay but Ishaan fell ill and even you were not in London and had gone out for work so I couldnt go.

No matter what but I can never be so bad to Ishaan that I can leave him all alone at the time when he is ill. Shivay called me last month, it was his first call after Amber's death and he sounded so sad and broken, he sounded lifeless, Hearing him I couldnt control myself and thought to go back to him and start a life with him, make him the same Shivay who always seemed happy and lively. Dushyant you are a really nice man and Ishaan is a wonderful kid and you both deserve much more than what you expect. Im sorry both of you. Dushyant please always take care of Ishaan, I know he will become a good man like his dad, I will call sometimes to talk to our son.
Hope you will forgive me,
Reading Tia's letter, Dushyant was shocked to the core, not because Tia loved someone else and left him but because Tia left her own child, the child who loved her the most and went to someone who doesnt love Tia. He kept the letter safely in his cupboard and went.


Dushyant(To himself) – Tia you did very wrong, I didnt expect that you will leave your son like this, why did you not think about your child even for once, I didnt knew that you are so selfish. Why did you spoil his childhood, one day you will pay a big price for doing this to Ishaan.

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