Chapter five

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"You did WHAT"? Taya screamed and held Rachel's collar tight and shook her till her teeth started shattering. "What-is-the-point-now". Rachel said, her words shivering. "Guess what. I had a word with Teiki-kun yesterday and he told me stuff about Katari nezuke". Taya calmed down her words. "He told me about his bad past. How he suffered the way Melange did or probably more". Taya said. "What past"? Rachel asked. "Katari saw Melange as his inspiration. He played the piano though for him it was a cursed piece of metal. He called it that basically. The reason being that everything bad that had happened to him was because of it. At least that is what he thought. According the death of his pet dog uzuki was because of it. He was busy in the concert playing and Uzuki chan was breathing it's last that time. His parents were divorced so he left home. When he came back both his mother and father weren't there. The empty house. After he came back from Teiki's tour from Spain he learned that both his mother and his father remarried. They were living peacefully and forgot about him completely. He was left all alone. Teiki literally gave him all of what he had. He was a kind friend to do that. To a guy whose life was deserted and forgotten, you think yelling at someone like that about life being desperate is a way of showing how much you care"? Taya gripped her collar again.

"If that's really the thing then why would he act like a stupid joker giving me life lessons. If he knows how it feels he should console her instead of teaching anyone else about life's heavy truth". Rachel said. A tear drop rolled down her right cheeks. Taya loosened her grip. "I lost it once Taya". Rachel said, another tear drop rolled down her left cheeks. Taya let go of her collar. "Those times were forgiven somehow but not forgotten. I know how it is when you can't help out someone so close to you. I am not losing it again. If it means that I'll have to kill someone's feelings and emotions I wouldn't regret it. If it's for her I can never regret it". She said. Tears fell down with no stop. "Tell me. If he knows the piano's is a metal piece then how does he expect anyone else to thing of it as a god gift"? Rachel asked in a crying tone. Her cheeks grew dark pink and her eyes squeezed. "I don't". Katari said. Yes. He was standing behind them. His hands in his side pocket.

"I don't want anyone to think of it as a god's gift. That's their wish". He said. Taya Turned around. Oh no. How must he be feeling. I have to explain. Taya thought. "Katari-san! We didn't mean to say anything we just is that we are worried about Melange". Hope he understands. Taya thought. "Yes. I know. Friends were are very important". He said and walked our of the room. Why does he walk away like that with half conversations? What does he expect? Rachel thought.

In the music room Melange was with the grand piano. She placed her finger on c major. A tune.

Walking past all those things that ever happened
Standing on the lowest peak of a small hill
Everything I did was for this
It's true
And friends think of me as a doll for sympathy
What does standing on your own all alone mean?
Where are all of you?
Gone out to desert my life?
Is this your love?
Tell me from where to start..
Tell me how to move on
Tell me what all this means...
Let me know those things I don't
Because a small life asks nothing more
There are no more reasons to live for
No more people to join with.....
No more people to join with.....
No more people to join with.....

Her voice faded away as the on spot song was on its peak with no more things to say. "You are peculiar". A voice ran in her ear. A soft voice. "Anansee"! Melange turned around. "Hello". This was Anansee the ex pianist. He still has his seat reserved in the competition. For maybe someday he just might come back. "Song was good. What do you need to know"? Anansee asked. "Nothing. I just want to know". Melange said. "What"? Anansee asked. "What did Katari mean when he said he won't join even if I do? What was he implying"? She asked. "Let's play the 'claire de lune'.....'together' ". He said. He sat on the cushioned seat besides her. "You start". He said. Melange started playing. She played a tiny part and then Anasee started. He played it in an odd way, in the wrong way. They weren't in sync. It wasn't like how she planned.

"Wait. Stop. What do you think you are doing? That's not how it is to be played. I can teach you if you like". Melange finally said lifting her fingers from the keys. Anansee kept playing. "I like it better this way. For me this is how it is to be played". He said whilst continuing to play. "But you cannot add your own tune in something that exists as a piece of work"! Melange defended. "But why is that? I don't want to play it that way. I want to play it like this because this is how I like it". He said and continued. "But...". Melange was stopped by him. "Listen Melange. I have no interest in playing in sync with you. See? I am not the partner kind. I play solo". Anansee said. "Plus, I am not interested in coaching people in piano. I lost my chance but you don't have to. Don't be stubborn to yourself and take up things that you like. Denying will get you nowhere". He finished and left the room the very next minute. "Hey. Katari". Melange said and walked towards him. "Hello"! Katari said. "Up for a game"? She said with her hand raised. "Eh"! Katari lost. Again. "Genius you are. I am bad at this game".

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