Chapter Six

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The next day, Rachel stopped by Melange's house to pay a visit. She wasn't home as usual. That girl. Rachel thought. She thought of stopping by at around 8 pm. Melange is usually home by then if and only if she doesn't doze off in the music room. "I am home, sweet home". Melange sang in. "You seem in a good mood". A silent, creepy voice was heard. "Why do you have to scare me like that, Maria"? Melange asked the faded figure. It was that princess. "I don't tend to. You get scared you see". The voice said softly.

"Whatever"! Melange said and slipped under her bedspreads. She was tired practicing the same tune for than the required time. "You really must quite practicing so much". The voice spoke. "Show yourself alredy". Melange said in a faded voice as her face was down in her pillow. "Alright princess"! The voice spoke and immediately the faded smoke started to turn up into a lady's outfit. "Cut it out. You're the princess". Melange said her voice faded. The figure completed itself. A young maiden in a sliver blue gown and wings on her back. A rose flower floated on the corner of her head.

"Yes. But orders are from superiors". The young maiden said laughing. "It wasn't Maria". Melange sat up. "And you're making my room shine a lot. Cut the lighting thing". She said. "Can't do". Maria said smiling. Before their conversation could move on further the door bell was heard. "Now who could that be"? Melange said and got up to move out of the room to open the door. "Who"? She said standing close to the door. "Me. Rachel". Rachel said screaming from outside. "My ears are ringing now". Melange said and opened the door. "I see". Rachel said smiling.

Behind her Katari was standing still. "He-llo". He hesitated. "Come on in. Don't worry you are always welcome here". Rachel said and she pulled him by his collar. "Aye"! He said in a weird tone. "Hello Katari". Melange said smiling at him. They all walked in. Melange got dinner on the terrace. They ate together while staring at the stars. It was neat and calm. "I've got to admit. It's beautiful". Rachel said breaking the silence. "Yes". Melange nodded and looked up at the sky. Sitting here on the terrace with two of my new friends.

Rachel, who is like a typical girl and the other one, Melange, someone who is a liar but sweet at heart. "Hey, Katari"? Rachel said. "Yes"? Katari turned towards him. "I am sorry about yesterday"....she said while her voice shattered. "No. I have forgotten that already plus there is nothing for you to apologise for". He said smiling. They looked up again. "I'll leave now. I am sleepy already. You guys can leave whenever wish to, want to, see you both at school. Good night". Melange stood up and dusted her skirt. "Yes 'night". Rachel and Katari said in chorus.

"Is it fine for us to stay here while she has gone to sleep. I suggest we leave". Katari said with a weird expression on his face. "No. It's completely alright". Rachel said. "You know what"? Rachel started. "Yes"? Katari looked at her looking down at her feet. "My days have been miserable and will always be". She said. It was out of nowhere. "How so"? Katari asked. "When Melange's mother was breathing her last I was busy singing in a concert. I was a singer on big screens back then. Melange called me up more than thrice but I was busy.....

We are lucky this world can be touched and felt
'Cause beautiful things cannot be
I am not standing at the edges
At the mercy of my emotions
But isn't it true?
You can't really hide
When you are crippled inside
When you stand for yourself
The emotions that break you, heal you as well
You say we are all different
But aren't we the same?
Because like me you too
Someday will feel that pain
Those friends who were the fruits
When I  was a still tree
Are the ones who burned with their words
The best parts of me
So don't live the thought of love being lot
Be yourself and love the ones you got..

There was a huge clap for my crap. People were happy but my friend wasn't, the one I wanted to see being happy wasn't. That day I decided that because singing has caused me to not be with my friend in the worst times, I'll give up singing. I never went to that cursed stage again after that day. I stayed with Taya and Melange and tried to avoid the past by teaming in a band with them. I shifted to other instruments to avoid singing". Rachel ended.

"I don't really know. It wasn't your fault. You're hitting yourself for something you never did". He said and stood up. "Do you think your presence could have saved her mother"? He looked down at her. Rachel couldn't speak. She had cursed her own self. "Well If you don't know then figure it out. Do you think Melange would have not weeped if you would have been there? You think your presence could change her life? I know you might curse me in your heart. But trust me. I am not being mean here". He looked up again.

"I am trying to lift the curse you gave yourself. You'll know it wasn't you after all. You can never change natural rules. Don't haunt yourself like that". He said and turned to leave. "But how do I..." her voice broke down. "Don't hurt yourself and your friends". He said and left the place. Rachel starred at the stars. Going down the staircase Katari found Melange on the floor. "Melange"! He ran to her. "Don't worry. I think I slept on the floor. Sorry about that. I got you worrying". She said smiling. "Are you ok"? He asked her. "Let's play stone, paper, scissors, Katari. If you win I'lltell you the secret I wanted to the other day". She said. "Again"?he said but Melange was all ready with her hands ready. Katari lost. "Sore. No problem. Maybe some other time". She said smiling. "Katari. I want you to see me playing in the carnival. Will you come"? She asked. "I will".

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