Chapter Three

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Why you made me so insecure
Making me unsure of my own words
Worked my way but what made it fade away
Only me, myself could get worried
Didn't know in the rush
I would ....
Someone I looked up to
Don't you worry
There's not a reason for me to hurt you
Don't you worry
don't have to know why I spilled because it wasn't what it was
I didn't speak for myself
I am held too
They say faded images don't return
Then why did you
Heard, unheard feels so true
Though not related
I am not making things pretty for us
But just making sure you don't have to be afraid
Those words must pass by time
They won't sprint anymore

"That was a pretty song. What do you call it"? Melange smiled. Katari looked up. "You. You a sweeter voice than I thought". He stood up and dusted himself. "It was cute. You wrote it"? Melange asked. "Well yes. On spot so it's  not perfect". He said. "Oh! Well it was still a cute piece. You are a pianist right? Katari Nezuke. I remember". Melange looked up at the sunset. She slowly sat down on the sand. Katari was standing next to her. "Yes. I was". He said. "Was. I don't think so. Don't you still know how to play? Haven't you won competitions? Haven't you made it to 3rd crown"? She looked up at him. "Well yes but".... she spoke before he could continue. "Then you are a pianist. An amazing musician".

"Who send you here"? Katari asked. "Who did? I don't know! My mind? Probably my legs or my heart? Not sure". Melange beamed. Katari smiled. His cheeks grew pinkish. She looked at him. "And who send you here"? Melange asked him. "The scenery. My tears". He looked down about break again. "Imagine I sang a horrible song and then fell off the stage only to reach the Antarctica"? She asked him. "What". He laughed slightly and then smiled back.

"I thought you didn't believe in conversations at all". He said. "Not that. The thing is I was looking for jokes this entire time". She smiled. He smiled too. "Weird". He said. "I am. Always been". She looked up at the sunset again. "I usually spend some time here before heading home". She said. He looked up at the falling sun. It looked like a colour ball a kid had lost years which is still  stuck there in the sky. "So now you believe yourself? That you are a pianist! An amazing musician? Right"? Melange asked. "No. Not really. I know I am not because it's  almost been four years since I haven't touched that cursed mental piece". Katari said. "four years! That's long. But not long enough to detach the musician in you from you". Melange smiled. What does that even mean. Katari thought. They looked at the sun till it faded and the sky grew darker. "the point is where were you this entire time". Katari sighed. Melange smiled. She looked at the sky. 

"I hid myself from that cursed mental piece". She looked down and said. "cursed. It is cursed off course". Katari added. "but hid yourself"? He asked. "yes. From the past, the present, the world in fact. I hid myself from everything I knew. Every worst thing that happened. Every disconnections, every dark colour, every word, every human and animal, every time and every second. Everything". She said. Katari looked at her. What was that? A school whining about going to school or a grown up simping about his hard but less paid work. Or was it just another teenager with a life problem others ignore. "listen. For me music is everything. I learned to love music from you. Your first concert I was a spectator and your second concert I was your competitor, your rival. I looked up to you as my music idol. You inspired me to play and after all you are right. Nothing can detach my music self from me. Not even me, myself". Katari said.

"Music has an amazing power. I was your idol"? Melange asked. "I know it's weird but yes you were. Well, you still are my idol. And you can't help accepting it as a lame fact". Katari replied. "I sure am not denying it". Melange smiled. "so you too love music. Don't you? Though it might have caused you a lot of troubles earlier". Katari said. "how come troubles"? Melange smiled. "didn't you say cursed"? Katari looked at her smiling face. "I did, didn't I. I got caught up with our conversation so much". Melange replied. Vague reply. Katari thought.

"why don't you play the piano again"? Katari asked. "how am I even going to face them"? Melange asked. She hid her face on her knees. She gives the worst impressions as much as I know her. She is a fake, a liar, a list of twenty three bad things but.... She sure is a pretty soul, good at heart and knows to smile. Katari thought. "face them? Nice question. Have you ever thought how hard it must have been for them. All of them you left behind you. Those people who waited for you forever. But they still didn't lose hope. Because... They know you will show up someday. Someday. Maybe today or tomorrow or a week later but you will. They are sure of it. I am sure of it". Katari said.

Melange wiped her tears and looked up at him. "you waited"? Her face looked like that of a small girl whose eyes would burst with tears any minute now. "yes. But others. Your other competitor friends have a different, a better way of waiting. They are waiting for you in the music world from which I stepped out". Katari looked at her. "four years ago". He added. "will you step in again as well if I do"? Melange asked. "you are sitting there on the sand. I am standing next to you. If I did sit here with you there are chances that you would lean on my shoulders to cry on my shoulder or lay on my lap to cry which is absolutely fine with me but not for you. If me or your other friends stay around the entire time to help and support you, all that will happen is you will stay weak forever. You will never learn. I don't know if I'll step in again but you should. You really should because you are waiting yourself to play again and I can see it even now". Katari replied.

She touched her face. It grew warm from crying but she knew he wouldn't tap her head and tell her to not be afraid. But wasn't it true? Won't she really grow weak and wasn't she waiting herself to play the piano. But she played with herself still. She wanted to deny the fact that music is her everything. "I have a tiny band with my friends and we play in carnivals and village festivals and that makes me happy". Melange looked at her fingers. "sure you are happy. No one can deny that. You look happy when you play but then after a little talk through music with the people you come back to being quiet. Honestly I know. I understand that piano makes you happy. I have seen it. You haven't changed a bit when it comes to the piano. But again. To be true there is no one to hide from anymore. You hid yourself from music and from the world. I don't think there is anything else to hide from". Katari said. Melange got up. She dusted her long skirt. Her short hair didn't struggle a bit to fly freely with the wind.

"all it brings back Is memories I wouldn't want to learn again. Never again. Hey! Got a thought. Want to play a game of stone, paper, scissors"? Melange beamed. "huh"! Katari exclaimed. "come on. Scared you might lose"? Melange asked. "not at all. But why all of a sudden"? He asked. "games are thought of in a sudden". She replied. "I'll tell you a tiny secret if you win". Melange smiled. "what if I don't"? He asked. "I won't tell you, simple". Melange laughed a tiny laugh. They raised their hands, "stone, paper, scissors"! They said in chorus.

"well. You lose. See you at school tomorrow".

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