Chapter two

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It was exactly 8 am when Rachel reached the school gates. "I thought you wouldn't make it today". Taya said. Rachel pushed her umbrella in the last rack of her locker (it was a tall one) and placed her bag on the top rack. "I thought the same". Rachel said. "First class is gym". Taya added. "I have permission. I'll just sit there". Rachel giggled. "But permission for what"? Taya asked. "Ditching gym class". Rachel replied giggling. "Oh girl! What is it with you and gym class". Taya signed. "Nothing. I just happen to hate it. Uh...especially marching. Bad with catches". Rachel said. "Alright! So planning to sit all alone"? Taya asked. "Why alone"? Rachel asked. "Because Melange hasn't shown up yet". Taya replied. "She skipped school? That girl who maintains her school records? For real"? Rachel was shocked. "Yes that girl. I'll go now. See ya' ". Taya said and she ran out the locker room.

"Ok. Not good. What do I do all alone"? Rachel asked herself. Nothing just sit there and stare the leaves. She thought. Melange's music school was actually a normal school not the one where students study music. It was a normal school with a music room. Her coach was a teacher in that school so she had to go there to learn. It's a very known fact that every school has a ground to play on.

It was summer so the school boys decided on soccer. "Kori! Kick the ball. Take a goal". One of the boys screamed. The other boy from the players whose name was Kori kicked the ball. It flew in an amazement. It was like they made it but then it hit the goal post and flew in a room. It was their luck that the window of the room was open or charged would have been heavy. "Kori, what did you do"! One of the boys shivered. "That's miss. Nanda's music room. She'll skin us". Another boy added. "No. Look. If miss would have been in she would have skinned us already. Let's jump in through the window, take our ball and leave before someone sees". Kori said.

"But if anything happens you are responsible for it". One of the boys said to Kori. "Ok ok". Kori replied. All the five boys jumped in. They looked for their ball but found a girl instead. She lay on her stomach on the floor. "You killed her. It's a corpse". One of boys said his words and himself trembling. "People don't die with soccer kicks. If that would have been true I would have killed you first, zen". Kori said. "Let's wake her up". One of the boys named Carl said.

He turned her. "Melange Masumi"? Kori said as soon as Carl turned her. "You killed a celebrity, Kori". Carl screamed. Melange's eyes opened. "Ah! The walking dead". Zen screamed. "Walking dead"? Melange asked. "You..are...alive"? Zen asked. Melange looked at the boys. They were in their sports uniform. She turned around. "Here". She said passing the ball to Kori. "Arigato! Are you okay, sister"? Kori asked. "Hm". Melange nodded. All the five boys jumped off the window. After a short while Melange stood up.

"Thought you would doze off again. By the way I was here to apologize for what me and my friends did". Kori said peeping in the room from the window. Melange nodded. She walked out of the room. It took her half an hour to reach her school grounds. "Miss. Naehi"? Melange called out in the staff room. Her voice echoed back. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Uh...I wasn't here to sneak I am so...oh..miss. Naehi". "Did I scare you. Well, sorry for the worries". Miss. Naehi said. "Can you mark my attendance, miss. Naehi"! Melange asked. "Yes. Sure". Miss. Naehi said. She got her register out and marked Melange's attendance. "Alright! I suggest you go back to your class". Miss. Naehi said. "Sure ma'am". Melange said and walked out of the room. She could hear her own footsteps in the corridor. Only the voice of her steps and her breathing was heard until Taya and Rachel spotted her.

"Huh. Hey! Masumi! You present today? We thought you skipped school". Taya said while hurrying towards Melange. "What took you so long"? Rachel asked. "Nothing. I slept in the music room". Melange replied. "SLEPT WHERE"? Taya asked. Her voice echoed in the corridor. "Keep it low". Rachel whispered under her breath. Taya looked around. "No one is here. And whom to hide it from". Taya said.

"Hey! Taya chan! Uh....who are you guys again"? Teiki asked from a distance. "Well. She is Melange Masumi, our ex-celebrity and she is Rachel Tataro, a singer". Taya introduced. "Oh! Hello! Sorry for being a hinderance in your conversation. Well I am Teiki Wentch". Teiki added.

"Hello Teiki. You are the new student, right? Don't worry. We study in the same class and forget the formalities. Nice meeting you". Rachel said. "Yes. I didn't mention. Rachel is a people's person". Taya laughed. Melange looked at Teiki and smiled at him. He smiled back. They looked at each other. Melange nodded and then went on ahead. "See you...later". Teiki felt heavy adding the last word. "and she is not a people's person. It had been a while since I heard her voice until today, this minute". Taya added. Melange was about turn left towards the stairs when she was held as soon as she saw Katari. He looked at her. "Melange ....Masumi"? His voice broke. She nodded. "You! away. You runaway". Melange felt tears off her eyes when she heard those words. "You LET DOWN EVERYONE. YOU LIAR. YOU SAID THE WORLD YOU WON'T LEAVE. YOU CHEAT. LIAR. LIAR. RUNAWAY". Katari screamed as if it was for everyone to hear. He stepped back and ran away. "Katari! Katari"! Teiki screamed but it didn't reach Katari because he didn't stop. "I am sorry for what my friend just said. But he didn't really mean it". Teiki apologised to Melange. "No. There's nothing for you to apologise for". Taya said. "Go now. Take care of your friend. He needs you". Rachel added. "Alright! Sorry again". Teiki said and sped to reach his friend.

"I am sure Teiki is right. Katari mustn't have meant what he said". Taya said. Melange faced the floor. She didn't say a word like her usual self but she did have a lot to say, a lot to ask, a lot to know, a lot to hear but she kept mum. Rachel looked at her. She wouldn't tell her to speak or look up. "You should go back to the music room". She said to Melange. Rachel's voice pressed and softened. It was filled with sympathy and love for their 12 year long friendship. Melange ran back to her music room. She couldn't play the entire time. It was a harder fight to forget what Katari had spilled off. It opened a weird door in her mind. It was all dark and pale and no one was in there. Just voices. People saying. Saying things about her. Katari and the world.

She said to herself, "Yes! I am a runaway. I escaped. I escaped because I couldn't stand them. Any of them. I couldn't hurt myself anymore. I couldn't". Tears fell off her cheeks. Then a voice was heard. If you try to ignore the world this is what is gonna happen. Pick up yourself. Don't hide. Go back to your world. Your world of music. Your tune Is your life and you can't deny it. "Princess"? Melange looked around. A mist formed around all across the room. A young girl who was completely white appeared. She was wearing a long gown. It covered the wall in front of Melange. She had a mysterious smile and a weirdly sparkling eyes. Yes me. "Easy for you to say princess. You have magic. Your life is set". Melange wiped her tears but it just wouldn't stop. Aren't you the one who uses my magic? "Yes. But that is to save the world". Melange covered the piano keys. "I...I am ...I know it is an obvious fact for people to stay upset from me". She said. The magical creature lady disappeared. "You too". Melange said under her breath.

She walked out. Closed the door and hung the key in the holder. Her home was in the same route as the beach. So she stopped there on the edge. She took her shoes off. Held them in her hand and walked down towards the orange looking sand. That is what sunset in Tokyo did. It coloured everything orange. But it always turned out to look pretty. There on the cold sand she saw someone sitting there at a distance.

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