29- The Manuscript

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Warning: this chapter contains an excessive amount of passionate kisses, tender touches, and swoon-worthy moments. Proceed with caution (and a fan)!



He smiled and all I could think was, 'Oh Shit!'


As I had drifted off to sleep, the memory of Tay's kisses lingered on my skin, a gentle hum that refused to fade. It wasn't just the alcohol talking; I had genuinely enjoyed it. And that scared me.

I woke up to Tay's soft snores, his arm still wrapped around mine, the warmth of his body a comforting weight. I smiled, feeling a sense of ease with him that I'd never experienced before.

But as I looked at him, I knew I had to be careful. I couldn't let my feelings get the better of me. We were just husbands who loathed each other, after all. Or so I told myself.

I gazed at Tay's peaceful face, his dark eyelashes fluttering with each dream. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the sharp lines of his jaw, the soft curve of his lips.

"Get a grip, New," I whispered to myself, trying to shake off the attraction. "He's still the same Tay you've been at odds with for months."

I threw off the covers and quickly got out of bed, my eyes scanning the room for a clock. 6:00 AM. I had to get moving before our families woke up, before the chaos of the day began.

I spotted Tay's shirt on me and knew I couldn't risk going downstairs like that. I rummaged through his closet, searching for a pair of pants to borrow. The scent of his cologne clung to his clothes, making my heart race. I found a pair of jeans that fit me surprisingly well and headed to the shower, trying to clear my head.

As I stepped under the warm water, Tay stirred, his groggy voice calling out, "New?"

I hesitated, wondering if I should acknowledge him. "Just getting a shower," I replied, trying to sound casual despite the tension in my body.

The shower was a quick affair, and I was back in Tay's room, getting dressed in no time. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I did a double take. Tay's shirt, paired with his jeans, made me look like I belonged in his clothes. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I made my way downstairs, trying to appear casual despite the turmoil brewing inside me. The kitchen was empty, but the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, providing a comforting distraction. I poured myself a cup, my hands shaking slightly as I added sugar. "Get a grip, New," I whispered again, taking a sip.

Just then, I heard footsteps, and Tay walked in, looking disheveled but devastatingly handsome. His hair was mussed, and his eyes were still heavy with sleep. "Morning," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. I felt my heart skip another beat as our gazes met. "Morning," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the flutter in my chest.

Tay stumbled towards the coffee pot, his eyes locked on me with a hint of amusement. "You're wearing my clothes," he stated, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. His voice was low and husky, sending a thrill through me.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "You were sleeping. I borrowed some."

Tay raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on me. "You look good in my clothes, Trouble."

My heart raced at the husky tone in his voice. I needed to deflect this. Fast.

"Thanks, Tawan. You always had great taste in clothes. Pity it doesn't extend to your personality."

Tay snorted, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ouch, Trouble. Still got your sharp tongue, I see."

I forced a laugh, trying to maintain the facade. But inside, I was melting. The air between us was heavy, and I knew I had to get out of there before I did something stupid.

I smiled sweetly, trying to break the spell, "Someone's got to keep you in check, Teh."

Tay's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he watched me with an unnerving intensity. I felt like he could see right through me, like he knew I was running from the sparks flying between us. The air was thick with tension, and I couldn't breathe.

"I'll take a shower," Tay said finally, breaking the silence. His voice was low and husky.

"Good idea," I replied, trying to sound casual despite my racing heart. "You look like you could use it." I attempted a nonchalant smile, but my eyes betrayed me, darting away from his gaze.

Tay's eyes flashed with amusement, but he said nothing, just turned and walked away. I let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared from view, feeling like I'd narrowly escaped a trap. I didn't dare look back, fearing what I might see in his eyes.

I heard the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen again, breaking the lingering tension. I turned to see P'Som and Grandma Nat walking in, the latter using a cane to support herself. I hadn't noticed it yesterday, and a pang of guilt hit me for not being more observant. Grandma Nat's eyes sparkled as she smiled, her face radiant with warmth.

"Good morning, New!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with affection. "I see you're already up and about."

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of comfort and security in her presence. The familiar scent of her perfume and the soft wrinkles on her face made me feel at ease.

"Good morning, Grandma Nat," I replied, genuinely happy to see her. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep in."

P'Som chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're not a morning person, huh?" I shook my head, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over me. "Not really."

Grandma Nat made her way to the table, her cane thumping softly on the floor, a gentle rhythm that filled the space.

"Well, sit down, dear. Let's have some breakfast together," she said, her voice warm and inviting.

I couldn't help but notice the contrast between Grandma Nat's kindness and the animosity between Tay and me. The three brothers had warned me about her, told me she was the strictest and most traditional member of the family. But so far, I'd only seen warmth and generosity from her, a gentle soul with a heart of gold.

"So, New, how are you finding everything?" Grandma Nat asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, her gaze filled with genuine interest.

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal, but something about her gentle demeanor put me at ease.

"Honestly, Grandma Nat, it's been a bit overwhelming," I admitted, feeling a sense of relief at sharing my truth. "There's a lot to take in."

Grandma Nat nodded understandingly, her expression empathetic. "I know it's not easy, dear. But we're glad to have you here. You're part of the family now," she said, her words wrapping around me like a warm embrace.

I smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her. "Thanks, Grandma Nat. That means a lot coming from you." While we continued breakfast, I found myself relaxing in their presence. I couldn't help but miss my own family, wishing I could meet them soon.

Just then, P'Joss burst in, his face flushed from a workout. "Hey, guys! Can someone make me a protein shake?" he asked, his voice energetic.

Grandma Nat frowned, her eyes scanning his sweaty form. "Joss, dear, you're getting sweat all over the kitchen! Go shower first, then come back for your shake."

I chuckled and teased, "Yeah, P'Joss, you're kind of gross right now."

P'Joss grinned, unfazed. "Hey, no judgments, New! I'm just trying to get my fitness game on track."

P'Som, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up, "I've got it, Joss. What flavor do you want?"

P'Joss thought for a moment. "Chocolate banana, please."

P'Som nodded and started blending the ingredients while Grandma Nat shook her head. "You're spoiling him, Som. He needs to learn to clean up after himself."

I chimed in, teasing, "Yeah, P'Som, don't enable his slovenly behavior."

P'Joss chuckled, taking his shake from P'Som. "Hey, I resent that! I'm a tidy person...ish."

Grandma Nat raised an eyebrow. "Ish? That's not a word, Joss."

P'Joss winked. "It should be, Grandma! Anyway, thanks for the shake, P'Som. I'm off to shower and become a non-sweaty, non-stinky person again."

As P'Joss headed out of the kitchen, Grandma Nat turned to me and said, "I'm glad you're getting along with the boys, New. They can be a handful sometimes."

I smiled and replied, "They're not so bad."

She gazed at me with a knowing glint in her eye. "You know, New, Gemini is also very sensitive, just like Tay. But he hides it behind that tough exterior of his."

I nodded, intrigued. "I've noticed that. They both have walls up, but in different ways."

Grandma Nat nodded. "Exactly. And Joss... poor Joss. He's the only thread holding Tay and Gemini together right now. But we often forget that they shared the same mother. The pain of her passing affects Joss just as deeply as it does Tay and Gemini."

I felt a pang of empathy for Joss. "Yeah, I've seen that. Joss puts on a happy face, but I can tell he's fighting his own battles."

Grandma Nat's expression turned somber. "Yes, he is. And it's not just about their mother. Those three have been through so much together... and apart. They need each other, but they're all struggling to connect."

I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination. "I'll do my best to support them, Grandma Nat. I care about all of them, and I want to help them heal."

Grandma Nat's face softened, and she reached out to pat my hand. "I know you will, New. You have a good heart. And I'm glad you're here with us."

As we finished breakfast, the silence between us was comfortable, like a warm embrace. I pushed my chair back, ready to head upstairs and call Tay, but Grandma Nat's voice stopped me.

"New, wait," she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Can I ask you something?"

I nodded, intrigued. "Of course, Grandma Nat. What's on your mind?"

She leaned forward, her hands clasped together. Her eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing as she studied me. "New, are you Bella's son?"

I was taken aback, surprised she knew my mother's name. It had been years since I'd heard anyone mention her. Aunt Ann had erased her from our lives, and I'd grown accustomed to not talking about her.

"How did you know?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Grandma Nat's face lit up with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with fond memories. "Bella and Jooy were good friends, dear. They'd often meet up with me, and we'd spend hours chatting and laughing together."

I was stunned, my mind reeling with this new information. I had no idea that Grandma Nat had known my mum, that they'd shared moments of joy and connection.

Grandma Nat's eyes misted, her gaze drifting into the past. "And now, looking at you, it's hard to miss the resemblance. Your features are so similar to Bella's. You have her eyes, her smile... it's like seeing her all over again."

My heart swelled, a lump forming in my throat as I processed this revelation. No one had ever mentioned my mother's friends or acquaintances before. It was as if she'd been erased from existence, leaving me with only fragmented memories.

Grandma Nat's gentle voice brought me back to the present, her words filled with warmth and acceptance. "And of course, being Pong's son made it easier to guess. You're a part of this family, New, whether you knew it or not." Her words wrapped around me like a hug, filling me with a sense of belonging I'd never known before.

"What does that mean––"

Grandma Nat's eyes sparkled with a glint. "I have one of Bella's books with me, New."

My heart skipped a beat. My mother's books? She had never published any, I was sure of it. She had always talked about writing, but never about publishing. How did Grandma Nat...?

"What book?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Grandma Nat smiled. "A manuscript she gave me years ago. She was so proud of it, but unfortunately, it never saw the light of day."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. My mother's unpublished work? I had always wondered what had become of her writing.

"Come with me, New. I want to give you that."

She led me to her room, a cozy space filled with memories. The walls were adorned with family photos, and shelves overflowed with books, trinkets, and mementos. A plush armchair sat in one corner, with a floor lamp beside it, casting a warm glow. The room smelled of old books and vanilla, a comforting scent.

Grandma Nat rummaged through a drawer in her dresser, producing a worn leather-bound book. "This was your mother's," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I think it's time you had this, New."

As I took the book from Grandma Nat, I felt a deep connection to my mother, like a bridge spanning the years between us. The cover was soft to the touch, worn from loving hands, and the pages yellowed with age, whispering secrets of the past. I opened it, inhaling the musty scent of old paper, and felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Thank you, Grandma Nat," I said, my voice choked with emotion, my eyes welling up with tears.

Grandma Nat's eyes shone with warmth, her face radiant with a gentle smile. "It belongs to you, dear. Your mother would want you to have it."

I hugged the book tightly, feeling a sense of joy and wonder wash over me. This was a piece of my history, a connection to my mother I thought I had lost forever. I looked up at Grandma Nat, gratitude shining in my eyes.

"Thank you for keeping this safe for me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Grandma Nat's smile faltered for a moment, and her eyes misted over. "I knew you'd come for it one day, New," she said, her voice low and husky, filled with a deep understanding.

As I entered Tay's room, my eyes landed on him, and my heart skipped a beat. He stood in front of his closet, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, his chest and abs on full display. His muscles were chiseled, his skin glistening with droplets of water. I felt my face heat up as I took in the sight.

Tay caught me staring and raised an eyebrow, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Enjoying the view, Trouble?"

I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool, but my voice came out husky. "Hardly. I just came to call you for breakfast."

Tay snorted, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Save it, New. I know you were checking me out."

I felt my face grow hotter, but I refused to back down. "Even if I was, which I wasn't, it's not like you're the first guy I've ever seen in a towel."

Tay's smirk grew wider, and he took a step closer to me. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots. But just so you know, I'm the only guy who matters."

The air between us was charged with tension, and I could feel my heartbeat increasing. I tried to step back, but my feet felt rooted to the spot.

Tay's eyes locked onto mine, his gaze intense. "You know, New, you're really cute when you're flustered."

I narrowed my eyes, trying to hide my attraction. "Shut up, Teh."

But Tay just growled, his muscles flexing as he moved closer. "I'm just getting started, New."

I felt my breath catch as he reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. His touch sent shivers down my spine.

Tay's fingers lingered on my skin, sending sparks flying through my body.

"Oh, I see you're trying to hypnotize me with your touch," I quipped, trying to sound nonchalant despite my racing heart.

Tay's eyes never left mine. "You feel it too, don't you, New?" he whispered, his voice low and husky.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to play it cool. "Feel what? The earth shaking beneath our feet?"

Tay groaned, his fingers trailing down my cheek. "Don't play dumb, New. You know exactly what I'm talking about. The sparks flying between us, the tension that's been building since day one."

I felt my face heat up, my body responding to his touch. "Oh, that? I thought it was just the breakfast burrito I had this morning."

Tay's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in frustration. "New, don't pretend you don't feel it. I know you do."

I smirked, trying to push him away. "Even if I did, which I don't, I'm not interested in getting burned by you, Tawan."

Just as Tay's lips were about to touch mine, I found my strength and pushed him away. "Breakfast, Teh. That's what I came here for."

Tay's eyes flashed with anger, but he smiled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, of course. Breakfast. Because nothing says 'breakfast' like a side of sexual tension."

I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool.
As I pushed Tay away, I expected him to be angry, to lash out at me. But instead, he smiled. It was the first time I had seen him smile, really smile, and it caught me off guard. My heart skipped a beat as his eyes crinkled at the corners, and his lips curved upwards. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, my breath knocked out of me.

"Well played, Trouble," he said, his voice low and husky.

I stuttered, trying to form words, but my brain was a jumbled mess. "I-I... uh... lucky shot..."

Tay chuckled, his smile still plastered on his face, and I felt my heart flutter like a bird in my chest. I couldn't believe how captivating he looked, how his smile transformed his entire face.

"Keep telling yourself that," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "But I know the truth. You're starting to enjoy this little game we're playing."

I rolled my eyes, trying to deny it, but my voice came out shaky. "I-I'm not enjoying it!"

Tay laughed, his smile growing wider, and I felt my face heat up. "Don't worry, Trouble," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I won't tell anyone you're secretly enjoying my company. Your reputation is safe with me."

I felt like I was melting under his gaze, my words getting stuck in my throat. "Shut up, Teh..."

Tay's smile grew even wider, and he leaned in close, his face inches from mine.

My heart was racing, my pulse pounding in my ears. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him to kiss me, to take me in his arms and never let me go. I knew I had just ignited a fire, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for the flames that would follow. Then, he moved away from my face slightly.

I felt my face heat up, and I knew I was caught. Tay's smile was like a weapon, disarming me with its intensity. "Fuck you," I spat, trying to sound angry, but my voice came out shaky and unsure.

Tay's smile grew wider, and he leaned in close, his voice low and husky. "No, New. I'll be the one fucking you. And when I do, you'll be begging for more." His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I tried to sound defiant, but my voice was barely above a whisper. "You're an asshole, Tawan."

Tay chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Maybe so, New. But you're starting to like it. You're starting to like me."

I felt my face burn with anger and desire. Tay had me right where he wanted me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to escape.

"Well, congratulations," I said, trying to sound normal. "You've finally managed to make me speechless. But don't get too excited, it's not like I'm going to start writing sonnets about your ego anytime soon."

Tay's smile grew even wider, and he leaned in closer, his breath whispering against my ear. "Oh. I'm shaking with fear. But don't worry, I'll be gentle... at first."

I remained quiet.

"You can't resist me forever, New. I'll wear you down, bit by bit, until you're begging for mercy."

"I'll never beg," I lied, trying to sound convincing.

Tay chuckled, his voice low and husky. "Oh, Trouble. You already are. Your body is screaming for me, even if your mind is trying to deny it."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as Tay's words hit too close to home. I was torn between my desire for him and my need to resist.

Suddenly, Tay's hands were on my hips, pulling me close. "Let go, New," he whispered, his breath hot against my ear. "Let me in."

I felt my resolve crumbling, my defenses weakening. I was on the verge of surrendering to Tay's passion, to his desire.

And then, just as suddenly, he let me go. "Not yet, Trouble," he said, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "But soon. Very soon."

I was left breathless, my heart racing from the sudden release. I felt like I'd been dangled over the edge of a cliff, only to be pulled back at the last second.

Tay's smile was triumphant, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You can't deny it forever, New," he said, his voice low and husky. "I'll have you, eventually."

I felt a shiver run down my spine at his words, a mix of fear and anticipation. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn't help myself. I was drawn to Tay like a moth to a flame.

"I'm not afraid of you."

Tay chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're terrified. And that's what makes this so delicious."

He leaned in close, his breath whispering against my ear. "I'll savor every moment of your surrender. Every moan, every tremble, every whispered plea for mercy."

As I gazed at Tay's retreating figure, something warm stirred inside me. My heart swelled, and I felt a flutter in my chest. I asked myself, "What is this strange feeling?" It couldn't be... No way. I wasn't starting to fall for Tay. Falling would cost me so much - my pride, my independence, my heart. I knew I had to avoid that at all costs.

But as I watched him walk away, I couldn't help but notice the way his muscles flexed beneath his shirt. The way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck. I felt a pang of... something. And I didn't like it.

"Hey, Tawan, wait up!" I called out, trying to sound casual.

He turned around, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What now, Trouble?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate my emotions. But then, my usual sarcasm kicked in. "Fuck, looks like someone's finally learned to walk away from a fight!"

Tay spun around, his eyes flashing with surprise. "Men like you shouldn't curse, Trouble," he growled.

I smirked, feeling a thrill of defiance. "Go fuck yourself!" I shouted back, and slammed the door behind me, not before I caught a glimpse of his surprised face.

I leaned against the door, my heart racing with adrenaline. I felt a twisted sense of satisfaction.

For a moment, there was no response. Then, I heard Tay's footsteps walking away, and I knew I had won this round.

New : 1 , Tay : 0

But the words felt hollow, even to my own ears. I knew I was trying to convince myself that Tay's words didn't affect me, but deep down, I was lying.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that Tay had left an indelible mark on me, a mark that I couldn't erase no matter how hard I tried.

"Damn you, Teh Tawan Vihokratana,"
I whispered to myself, trying to convince myself that his words were just a ruse. "You don't even mean it."

I felt a sense of relief wash over me, thinking that Tay was just trying to get under my skin. But, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was wrong. That maybe, Tay had meant every word.

I pushed the thought aside, telling myself I was being ridiculous. Tay was just playing games, trying to get a rise out of me.

But the memory of his eyes, burning with intensity, lingered in my mind. And I couldn't help but wonder if I was just fooling myself.

Actually, no.

It was––

New 1 : Tay infinite.

I was already losing against him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, the Vihokratana family gathered near the driveway, their faces etched with a mix of emotions. It was time for Tay and me to head back home, and the air was thick with unspoken words.

Grandma Nat enveloped us in a warm hug, her eyes shining with a deep love. "My dear boys, take care of each other. Remember, family is everything. Don't let your differences tear you apart."

Joss followed suit, his hug a bit tighter, his voice laced with a hint of warning. "Yeah, and don't kill each other. We don't want to have to bail you out of jail."

Gemini, ever the enigma, simply nodded at us, his expression unreadable. "Bye."

Mr. Vihokratana cleared his throat. "Tay, New, I expect you both to put your differences aside and be happy together. Not just for your own sake, but for the sake of this family. And don't embarrass me, Tawan."

Tay's eyes flashed with anger, but he bit back his retort. Without thinking, I reached out and took his hand, trying to offer some comfort. Tay's gaze snapped to mine, surprised, but he didn't pull away.

Mr. Vihokratana's eyes narrowed, his expression calculating. "Good, I see you're already making progress. Remember, unity is key."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as Tay's hand tightened around mine. It was a subtle gesture, but it spoke volumes.

I shook my head, smiling despite myself, and got into the car. Tay followed suit, starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway with a smooth motion. As we drove home, the silence between us was palpable, but it wasn't entirely uncomfortable. I found myself lost in thought, my eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Tay's sudden offer to let me choose the music caught me off guard. "Play whatever you want, New," he said, his voice neutral.

I hesitated for a moment before turning on the radio. But my luck was nonexistent. The first song that came on was a sappy love ballad.

"In your eyes, my heart finds a home
With you, I am never alone
Every moment with you, I feel complete
Forever with you, my heart beats"

My cheeks immediately flustered, I hastily changed the station, only to be met with another love song.

"Your touch ignites a burning fire
Melting my fears, my heart's desire
I'm lost in the depths of your loving eyes
Forever entwined, our hearts collide"

I glared at the radio, my face still burning. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned off the radio, the silence that followed was even more uncomfortable than before.

Tay raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing. "What's wrong, Trouble?"

I glared at him, my face still burning. "None of your business."

He snorted, his expression skeptical. "Oh, come on. You're that bothered by a few love songs?"

I crossed my arms, trying to appear nonchalant. "Just drop it, Te."

Tay's eyes lingered on me for a moment before he turned back to the road, his jaw clenched.

The kisses we had shared and those touches that made me shiver, was what I was thinking about. His lips against mine were a memory hard to erase. But I don't want to acknowledge it. As far as I was concerned, it never happened. And I still hated him. Or so I told myself.

But I couldn't shake off the feeling that Tay was stealing glances at me. I tried to ignore it, but my heart skipped a beat every time I sensed his gaze on me. Was he thinking about our intense encounters the day before? Or was he just trying to read my expression?

I glanced at him briefly, his profile illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. He looked relaxed.

Tay was driving with one hand, and my mind flashed back to that fateful day. The sound of screeching tires, the crunch of metal, and my mother's terrified screams still echoed in my mind. I felt my heart racing, my palms growing sweaty. I couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness, of being trapped in a situation I couldn't control.

"Hey, focus on the road, okay?" I said, my voice firm but laced with a hint of irritation. "And can you please drive with both hands? It's making me anxious."

Tay turned to me, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Why? I'm a perfectly good driver."

I glared at him, my expression softening slightly. "I don't care if you're the best driver in the world. When you're driving with one hand and staring at me, it makes me nervous. Just focus on the road."

"You're really anxious about this?"

My expression softened slightly, my voice taking on a more gentle tone. "Yeah, I am. Please, Te. Just humor me on this one."

Tay raised an eyebrow, feeling a surge of defiance, but eventually complied with my request. "Fine. Happy now?"

I nodded, my eyes returning to the road ahead. "Yeah, thanks."

The silence that followed was more comfortable, with Tay focusing on the road and me lost in my own thoughts.

As we drove on, finally reached home, neither of us got out of the car. Tay's gaze lingered on our hands, now separated. "New, why'd you hold my hand back there?" he asked, his voice low and curious.

I shrugged, trying to brush it off. "I just felt like it, okay?"

Tay's eyes narrowed. "You just felt like it? What's going on?"

I sighed, feeling the familiar tension rise between us. "Nothing's going on. I just wanted to offer you some comfort, alright?"

Tay's voice rose. "Comfort? From you? Don't pretend like you care, New. We both know you hate me."

My anger flared. "Maybe I don't hate you as much as you think I do," I shot back.

Tay snorted. "Save it. I know you're still hiding secrets, still pushing me away."

I glared at him, my grip on the door handle tightening. "You know nothing about me, Teh. Nothing. So stop pretending like you do. And another thing, what's with the kisses? You've been kissing me out of the blue lately. What's going on with you?"

Tay's eyes dropped, his jaw clenched. "I...I just..."

He trailed off, unable to finish. I raised an eyebrow, my tone incredulous. "You just what, asshole? Can't even come up with a decent excuse?"

His eyes flashed up to mine, a hint of defiance in their depths. But still, he said nothing. I scoffed, my frustration boiling over. "Typical Te Tawan. Always so quick to stir up drama, but never willing to own up to it."

Tay's eyes locked onto mine, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Maybe I just like the way you taste, New."

My anger flared, my face hot with indignation. "You're disgusting. That's not even a valid answer."

Tay shrugged, his grin still plastered on his face. "Hey, it's the truth. You're just too uptight to admit it."

I seethed, my hands clenched into fists. "Uptight? You're the one who's always pushing my buttons, always trying to get a rise out of me. Well, congratulations, Tay. You've succeeded. Again."

Tay's grin faltered for a moment, before he regained his composure. "Oh, come on Trouble. Don't be so sensitive."

My voice dropped to a low growl. "Sensitive? You have no idea what you're dealing with. Back off before I lose my temper completely."

Tay's eyes gleamed with provocation, but I detected a flicker of apprehension beneath his taunting gaze. He knew he was dancing on thin ice.

"Or what, New?" he goaded, his voice laced with sarcasm. "You'll kiss me back? Because, let's be real, you've been enjoying it."

My face seared with heat and humiliation, I clenched my fists to keep from lashing out. "Shut up. Just shut up."

But he continued to push my buttons, his words dripping with malice. "You can't deny it, New. You want me. You want this twisted game we play."

I snapped, my anger exploding like a powder keg. I lunged at him, hands grasping for his throat, but he dodged out of the way just in time.

"Whoa, easy there, New!" he exclaimed, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "I didn't know you felt so strongly about me."

I trembled, my heart racing with a mix of fear and desire. Tay's words struck a chord deep within me, a chord I couldn't ignore. I felt my resolve weakening, my defenses crumbling beneath his onslaught.

Suddenly, Tay reached out and grasped my chin, his fingers digging into my skin. "Look at me, New," he commanded, his voice low and husky. "Look at me and tell me you don't want this."

I tried to resist, but my gaze was drawn to his like a magnet. Our eyes locked, and I felt myself drowning in their depths. I couldn't speak, couldn't deny the truth that Tay saw so clearly.

With a triumphant smile, Tay leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. I felt my world spin out of control, my senses consumed by the touch of his skin. I knew I was lost. And Tay was the master puppeteer, pulling the strings that controlled my every move.

I melted into the kiss, my lips parting to allow Tay's tongue to claim me. But even as I surrendered, I couldn't help but nip at his bottom lip.

Tay chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Feisty as ever, I see," he whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine.

As he deepened the kiss, I felt my resistance melting away, to let Tay take control. I almost wanted to give in.

But I wouldn't go down without a fight, no sir. I'd make him work for it, every step of the way.

With a flick of my tongue, I challenged Tay, daring him to take more. And oh, he did. He took everything I had to offer, and then some.

Tay's hands roamed my body, his touch igniting a fire that threatened to consume me whole. I writhed beneath him.

But as his fingers brushed against my neck, I remembered myself, and my sharp tongue came to the fore once more. "Oh, please, Teh, you think a little necking is going to get me to surrender? I've seen better moves at a middle school dance."

Tay's eyes flashed with amusement, his grip on my chin tightening. "You're a real smart-mouth, aren't you, New? Well, let's see how you do when you're begging for mercy."

With that, he leaned in, his lips claiming mine in a kiss that left me breathless and wanting more. I struggled to maintain my composure, but it was no use. Tay had me right where he wanted me.

As he pulled back, a triumphant glint in his eye, I shot him a look of pure disdain.

I smirked, my mind racing with a witty retort. "You're so predictable. I can practically see the wheels turning in that head of yours. 'Oh, I'll just kiss him and he'll fall into line.' Please. I'm not some damsel in distress waiting to be rescued."

Tay's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "You know nothing about me, New. I'm not just some mindless brute trying to claim you. I'm the one who sees through your facade, who knows exactly what you need."

I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Oh sure, Te, you're a regular psychologist. Except the only thing you're analyzing is how to get me into bed."

Tay's face darkened, his voice dropping to a low growl. "You want to play it that way, New? Fine. But know this: I always get what I want."

I was still reeling from the intensity of our kiss, my lips throbbing with a mix of pleasure and pain. The tinted glass of the car window shielded us from prying eyes, but the sudden knock on the window shattered the moment.

Tay's eyes flashed with annoyance as he growled, "What do you want?" rolling down the window to confront the intruder.

The worker took a step back, clearly intimidated. "Y-you both were in there for too long, young master. I... uh... I was just worried."

Tay's response was firm and authoritative. "We're fine. We'll leave when we're ready. Don't worry about it."

I didn't hesitate, swiftly exiting the car and striding towards the house. Tay followed closely behind, his presence commanding attention.

As we entered the house, I turned around to face him. I glared at Tay, my heart racing with a mix of anger and desire. "You're insufferable, you know that?" I spat, trying to hide the tremble in my voice.

Tay's eyes gleamed with amusement, his gaze roaming over me like a caress. "And you're still so easy to rile up, husband."

I bristled at the term, but couldn't deny the spark that flew between us.
Tay took a step closer, his eyes locked on mine. "You know, for two people who can't stand each other, we have an awful lot of chemistry."

I snorted, trying to hide the truth. "Not chemistry, just history. That's just hate, Teh. Don't confuse it with something more."

But Tay just chuckled, his eyes glinting with knowledge. He knew me too well, knew exactly which buttons to press. And right now, he was pressing all of them.

He reached out, his fingers tracing the curve of my jaw, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to pull away, but he grasped my chin, holding me in place.

"Don't lie to me, Trouble," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. "We both know there's more to this than just hate."

I glared up at him, trying to hide the desire that flared to life at his touch. But Tay just smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"You can't resist me, no matter how hard you try," he taunted, his fingers sliding down my throat, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice. "I can too resist you," I said, but Tay just laughed.

"Oh, really?" He said, his lips brushing against mine. "Then why are you melting into my touch?"

I tried to pull away, but my body betrayed me, leaning into his caress. Tay's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

"See, husband? You can't resist me. And soon, you'll be begging for more."

I trembled with rage and desire, my heart racing as Tay's lips claimed mine again. I tried to push him away, but my hands did something else, grasping at his shirt, pulling him closer.

Tay's fingers dug into my hips, holding me in place as he deepened the kiss. I felt myself getting lost in the sensation, my anger and resentment melting away under the heat of our passion.

But I couldn't let myself give in. I couldn't let Tay win. With a surge of adrenaline, I wrenched myself free, gasping for air.

"Don't think this means I've forgiven you," I snarled, trying to cover up the vulnerability I felt.

Tay's eyes gleamed with amusement. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, Trouble," he purred, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I know you too well. You'll come crawling back, begging for more."

I shook my head, trying to clear the haze of desire. "Never."

"We'll see about that," he whispered, his eyes burning with intensity.

I turned to walk away, but Tay's hand shot out, grasping my wrist. "Oh no, husband," he said, his voice low and husky. "You're not going anywhere. We're far from done here."

I tried to shake him off, but his grip was like a vice. "Let me go, Teh, it's not funny anymore," I warned, my heart racing with anticipation.

Tay's eyes glinted with challenge. "Make me," he taunted, his fingers tightening around my wrist.

I knew I should resist, but my body seemed to have other ideas. I felt myself being pulled back into the vortex of our passion, unable to escape the gravitational pull of our attraction.

With a snarl, I turned back to face him, my lips crashing into his in a fierce, angry kiss. Tay met me head-on, his mouth devouring mine as we clashed in a frenzy of teeth and tongues.

It was a battle, a war of wills and desire, with no quarter asked or given. But deep down, I knew I was already lost. Tay had won.

As we broke apart for air, Tay's eyes blazed with triumph. "You don't hate this," he whispered, his voice hoarse from the intensity of our kiss.

I glared at him, trying to hide the truth. But my body betrayed me, trembling with desire and need.

With a snarl, I launched myself at him, our lips crashing together in a fierce, passionate kiss. We stumbled backwards, crashing into the wall as our passion consumed us. Tay's hands were everywhere, touching, teasing, and tormenting me.

I couldn't think, couldn't breathe. All I could do was feel, and what I felt was Tay, his body, his touch, his kiss.

'God, I love this man.' I gasp for air as the thought slammed into my mind like a freight train. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't be falling for him. Not Tay, of all people.

As our lips clashed, I suddenly realized what I was doing. I was kissing Tay, my husband, the man I was supposed to hate. Panic set in, my mind racing with horror.

I wrenched myself away, my heart racing with fear. Tay's eyes were still blazing with passion, but I didn't care. I turned and ran, dashing up the stairs as fast as I could. I didn't stop until I reached my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

I leaned against the door, panting, trying to calm my racing heart. What was wrong with me? I couldn't be attracted to Tay. I hated him. I had to hate him.

But as I looked down at my trembling hands, I knew the truth. I was scared. Scared of my feelings, scared of what might happen if I gave in to them.

I pushed away from the door and stumbled to my bed, collapsing onto it. I couldn't think about this right now. I just needed to escape, to hide from the truth.

But as I lay there, I knew I couldn't hide forever. Eventually, I'd have to face Tay, and myself. And when I did, I had no idea what would happen.

I woke up with a start, my heart racing and my sheets drenched in sweat. The dream still lingered in my mind, haunting me. Earth, standing by the door, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and accusation.

"I didn't think you'd move on from me so quickly, Newwiee," he said, his voice echoing in my mind. "But you did. You love your new husband now. I hope you'll live happily."

I rubbed my face, trying to shake off the guilt that suffocated me. It was absurd, I knew. Earth was gone, and I had every right to move on. But the dream had unleashed a torrent of emotions, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was betraying him.

"No, no, no," I whispered to myself, pacing around my room. "I'm not betraying him. I'm just... surviving."

But the voice in my head wouldn't quiet down. "You're replacing him, New. You're forgetting about him."

I stopped pacing and looked around my room, feeling trapped. I couldn't keep living like this, stuck in the past, unable to move on.

"I won't forget you, Earth," I said aloud, my voice shaking. "But I need to live. I need to find happiness again."

The words felt like a betrayal, but I knew they were true. I took a deep breath and let the guilt wash over me, hoping that someday I could find forgiveness – from myself, and from the memory of Earth.

I collapsed onto my bed, the dam breaking as I surrendered to the emotions I'd been trying to hold back. Tears streamed down my face, hot and relentless, as I sobbed out my grief and guilt.

"Earth, I'm so sorry," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I feel like I'm leaving you behind. Like I'm forgetting you."

I buried my face in my pillow, the pain and regret overwhelming me. I thought of all the memories we'd shared, the laughter, the adventures, the quiet moments when it was just us.

"I miss you so much," I wailed, my body shaking with sobs. "I wish you were here. I wish I didn't have to move on without you."

The tears flowed for what felt like hours, a cathartic release of all the emotions I'd been bottling up. Finally, exhausted and spent, I lay there, my face wet and my heart heavy.

As I caught my breath, I realized that Tay's face was etched in my mind, alongside Earth's. I felt a pang of guilt again, but this time, it was tempered with a glimmer of understanding.

Maybe, I was allowed to love again. Maybe it wasn't a betrayal, but a testament to the human heart's capacity to love and heal.

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