Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


       No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get out of the shack. There wasn't even much I could try going in the first place. The only way out was through the door and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it open.

       It didn't help that my head was hurting a lot and at times, I would feel extremely dizzy and would have to sit down.

       I didn't know how long I was in here for, but I already knew that I missed my own wedding. And t definitely didn't help with that message Roman sent Shaw. I really hoped Shaw would know it wasn't true and that something was wrong.

       I felt like just giving up entirely right now. I doubt I was going to get out of the shack anytime soon. I was sitting on the floor right now, my head in a lot of pain. 

       Outside, I could hear someone walking against the gravel. Thinking it was Roman, I tried standing up so I could quickly leave, but I got extremely dizzy once again and had to sit back down and wait for my vision to focus again.

       It did right in time to see the door to the shack open and someone be pushed inside.


       Ignoring the pounding in my head, I got up and hurried over to the door, but it closed and locked right as I got in there. "This isn't a game, Roman!" I said. "Let us out!"

       Of course, Roman didn't reply as I heard the footsteps against the gravel getting further and further away.

       I went over to Mercy, crouching down beside her. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Did he hurt you?"

       Mercy looked over at me, tears staining her eyes. When she noticed that it was me, she threw her arms around me. "Holden," she said. "Why did you leave my dad?"

       "I didn't," I said. "I swear, I didn't. That man that brought you here, Roman, brought me here and sent that text to your dad."

       "So you still want to marry my dad?" Mercy asked.

       "Yes, of course I do," I said. "More than anything. Roman just has something against your dad and is trying to ruin his life. We'll be okay, though."

       I didn't know if we were, but I couldn't act scared in front of Mercy.

       I honestly wished it was just me Roman kidnapped. I didn't want Mercy caught up in all of this, and I was so afraid that something even worse was going to happen to the two of us. 

       If me 'calling off the wedding' was going to break Shaw's heart, his daughter going missing was going to completely shatter it.

       And I didn't know if Shaw could handle it.

       "Is that man going to hurt us?" Mercy asked.

       "No, he's not," I said, though I wasn't too sure myself. "He just wants to scare your dad. I told you, we'll be okay."

       Even though I already tried, I looked around the shack again for anything that could help us leave. I knew I wasn't going to find anything, but at least it would give Mercy a tiny bit of hope.

       However, walking around so much was making me feel dizzy again so I had to sit down, holding my head.

       "Are you okay?" Mercy asked.

       "Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "I just gave a headache."

       Mercy sat down beside me. "I just want to see my mom and dad."

       "We'll see them soon, I promise," I said. 

       I didn't even know how long Roman was planning on keeping us in here for.

       I had nothing to keep track of the time, but it was hours before Roman came back in the shack, especially since I caught a glance outside and it was now dark out.

       As soon as Roman walked in and closed the door behind him, I said, "Please, just let her go. She's just a kid."

       "I know," Roman said. "And that's why it's perfect. Nothing would break someone's heart more than having their daughter go missing. And this is all the beginning. Shaw isn't going to know what hit him."

       Right after he said that, the door swung open, hitting Roman hard in the back of the head and knocking him to the ground. When I saw who was standing by the door, I was completely shocked.

       "Clyde?" I asked, not knowing how to feel about seeing my serial killer of a cousin standing there.

       And for some reason, Clyde looked just as confused to see me, but then he ushered for me and Mercy to follow him, so I stood up and helped Mercy up before we hurried out of the shack.

       Clyde didn't say anything as he led us down the path leading up to the shack. All around us was a forest and a gravel road, so I had no idea how to get back to Spruceworth.

       We had to hurry down the path before Roman would catch up to us, so I picked up Mercy as Clyde led us into the forest. I didn't know how far we got before we heard a gunshot not to far behind us.

       That was no doubt Roman. He had a gun. And he was giving us a warning shot.

       We still hurried through the forest before we came across a large bush that we hid behind to catch our breath. Mercy was starting to cry, her face as pale as could be. "Mercy, hey, it's okay," I said softly. "We'll be fine. Just take deep breaths and don't make a noise, okay?"

       Mercy nodded, stifling her sobs as she wiped her tears away, so I pulled her into a hug.

       I looked at Clyde. "Do you have a cell phone with you?"

       Clyde shook his head. "I was just released from the mental institution. I don't have a cell phone yet. You?"

       I sighed. "Roman has it." 


       "That man at the shack. How did you get there anyway?"

       "I just got to Spruceworth and I was on my way to see Calvin when I saw some guy accused Roman of taking his daughter and even though Roman denied it, I thought he really was hiding something, so I decided to follow him. I was only expecting to see that guy's daughter, not you. What were you doing in there?"

       "The guy you saw accusing Roman of taking his daughter is Shaw," I said. "My fiance. In fact, we were supposed to be married right now but Roman decided to kidnap me. Long story. You think it's safe for us to try heading back?"

       "Hold on," Clyde said, looking over the bush. "Yeah, I think so. I know how to get there from here. Just follow me."

       I stood up and picked up Mercy again before following Clyde through the forest. I was so worried we were going to come across Roman at any time. 

       We didn't.

       We soon exited the forest, being on a road that I knew led to Spruceworth in less than two minutes by walking. As soon as we got to Spruceworth, I put Mercy down and looked over at Clyde. "Thank you, for getting us out of there."

       "No problem," Clyde said. "You should probably take her to her dad. I would check the police station. After he argued with Roman, he went there with a police officer."

       I thanked Clyde once again before I led Mercy to the police station. Shaw was there, talking to someone standing behind the counter. My parents were there too for some reason, sitting down on the chairs.

       "Please, you have to help me find my daughter," Shaw was saying when Mercy and I walked into the station.

       "Dad!" Mercy said happily, hurrying over to Shaw.

       Shaw turned around right as Mercy threw her arms around him. Shaw crouched down to Mercy's level to give her a hug. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" he said. "Where were you?!"

       "Some mean guy took me and Holden," Mercy said.

       "What?" Shaw asked, looking forward and seeing me standing there. He looked both confused and heartbroken, and I was hating to see that look on his face.

       "I didn't send you that text, I swear," I said. "That was Roman. He wanted to shake you up a bit."

       Shaw stood up and Mercy slightly pushed him towards me, so Shaw walked over. "Your parents told me what they told you," he said. "I thought that you didn't want to marry me anymore because of it. Because I promise you, I am not that person anymore."

       "I know," I said. "And believe me, I still want to marry you. That doesn't change anything. I still love you. It just sucks that I missed our wedding because of Roman."

       "It doesn't matter," Shaw said. "I'm just so glad that you and Mercy are okay. We'll just have to wait a bit longer to get married."

       "No, you won't," Mom said as she stood up with Dad.

       "Mom, come on," I said.

       "You didn't let me finish," Mom said. "You're not going to wait longer to get married. Just leave everything to me and your father and we'll have everything sorted out for tomorrow."

       "Wait, are you serious?" I asked.

       "Yes, I am," Mom said. "I want to see you happy, and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to finally accept you and Shaw. But it's your choice to make, not mine. To make it up to you, you two will be getting married tomorrow because I will make sure everything is sorted."

       "Thank you so much," I said, giving my mom a hug. "Really. Thank you."



omg jk jk clyde is now a precious cinnamon roll. he is no longer going to kill people.

AND YAY FOR THE WEDDING ACTUALLY HAPPENING NEXT CHAPTER. Possibly. You never know with me ahahahaha.

but gif time? gif time:

omg i just looked at my sholden folder and i'm running out hold on let me make more right now at 12:30 am.

okay here's one:


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