Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


       Shaw was in a horrible mood. Probably more horrible than he had ever been for the past few weeks. He thought Kendra was going to allow the kids to stay with us this weekend since she said she would think about it.

       She did think about it.

       And she said no.

       I didn't get it. Shaw had been sober for over two weeks now. He wasn't going to just randomly drink if the kids were over. He was doing so well but apparently, it didn't matter.

       "Do you want to go out somewhere?" I asked Shaw who was moping on the couch.


       "Want to do something here then?"

       "Nope. I'm fine just sitting here."

       I sighed. "Shaw, I know the kids mean everything to you but you can't let that keep you in a horrible mood."

       Shaw looked over at me with an expression of disbelief. "Are you serious? They're my kids and Kendra won't even let me see them. I haven't done anything that put the kids in harms way. I know I'm not the best dad, but I'm definitely not a bad one and I'm still not allowed to see my kids."

       Shaw then got up from the couch and went to our washroom, slamming the door shut behind him. I leaned back into the chair I was sitting in, feeling a bit defeated. I watned to make Shaw feel better but I had a feeling he wouldn't get out of this funk until he saw he kids again.

       Because Shaw clearly wanted to be left alone, I got up from the chair and headed to the door. I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys before leaving the house and heading to the cafe since the only friend I had was there.

       And apparently, Jane wasn't the only person there. In the corner of the cafe was Kendra sitting with that man she was with at the nightclub when Calvin and I went there to pick up a few drinks. And the kids were nowhere to be seen.

       Shaw wanted to see the kids and she said no. Yet she found someone to watch them while she went out.

       Where was the logic?

       I huffed and went to the counter where Jane was working. "Can I get a medium lemonade?" I asked, knowing that I had a bunch of irritation in my voice.

       "Is that all?" Jane asked and I nodded. After she told me the price, I handed the money to her and she got me my drink. Since nobody else was in the line up, she asked, "Are you okay? You look a bit angry."

       "I am angry," I said. "Shaw asked Kendra if he could see the kids this weekend. She said she'll think about it so that gave him a bit of hope. But then she said no."

       "Why?" Jane asked. "He's their dad. He has every right to see them."

       "Yeah, I know," I said. "But that's not fully why I'm mad. The main reason why I'm mad is because there she is in that corner booth with some guy." I gestured to where Kendra was sitting. "No kids in sight. She got someone to watch them when Shaw was more than willing to."

       "I'm sorry but if I had a kid and I wasn't able to see them, I wouldn't be letting that person push me around," Jane said. "Shaw has to put his foot down."

       "He doesn't want to risk not seeing them even more," I said. "If Kendra wants to play dirty and file for full custody, she'll be granted it because of Shaw's past."

       "So it's joint custody?" Jane asked and I nodded. "Then she doesn't have the right to stop Shaw from seeing them. If she wanted to, she should have went for full custody. But she doesn't so she's in violation right now."

       "What do you mean?" I asked.

       "Joint custody here means both parents have to be forty-percent responsible for their children," Jane said. "It is up to the parents to decide when those times were to happen, but it should still happen. If Kendra didn't want Shaw to see the kids, she has to file for a change in the custody arrangement. She can't decide for it herself so she's violating the terms right now. You should talk to her about it."

       "And what if she decides to fight for full custody?" I asked. "That will completely destroy Shaw, especially if I'm the one who makes Kendra go for it."

       "Okay, but Shaw never violated the terms of their custody agreement," Jane said. "Kendra did so if she'll screw anyone over, it will be herself."

       "How do you know all of this?" I asked.

       "My family studies class," Jane said. "That and I either want to work in other social services or law. Now you should really talk to Kendra about it."

        I sighed. "I want to. Believe me I do but... I never know what the outcome could be. I can actually mess things up even more. If someone has to talk to Kendra, it should be Shaw."

       "Well, it's perfect timing because he just walked in," Jane said so I followed her gaze right as Shaw was walking up to the counter.

       "Can I get a French vanilla?" he asked and he paid for it after Jane told him the price.

       While Jane was making the French vanilla for Shaw, I said, "It's nice to see you out of the house."

       His reply? A sharp glare.

       "Alright, no jokes," I said, taking a sip out of my lemonade.

       "Can you blame me?" he asked. "I was actually thinking I was going to see my kids today but nope. I'm not allowed to."

       "Want me to tell you the same thing I told Holden?" Jane asked as she handed him his drink.

       "And what would that be?" Shaw asked.

       "Kendra has no right to stop you from seeing the kids, especially since you've never been a threat to them," Jane said. "If she wanted to stop you, she would have had to fight to get full custody but she didn't. So she's violating the terms. Unless you were actually drunk when you were supposed to watch the kids, she can't stop you since a lot of people actually drink around their kids."

       "Seriously?" Shaw asked. "I wish I knew that sooner. Does she know that?"

       "No, but you can tell her," Jane said. "She's over there in the corner."

       Shaw turned to look at Kendra and as soon as he saw he, he looked quite angry. I didn't blame him. Here she was with some guy and no kids around when Shaw really wanted to see them.

       Shaw started walking towards them but I hurried over to him and grabbed his arm. "Shaw, wait until you calm down before you talk to her," I said.

       "Calm down?" Shaw asked. "When she refused to let me see my kids and she's not even watching them? No way."

       He better not make this situation a lot worse.

       "Shaw?" Kendra asked once Shaw approached their table with me shortly behind. "What are you doing here?"

       "Getting a coffee," Shaw said. "What about you? What are you doing here? Without the kids I wanted to see but you refused to let me? Let me guess, your dad is babysitting them?"

       "Yes because you're in no state to watch them," Kendra said.

       "That's not for you to decide," Shaw said. "We have joint custody."

       "You're right, we do," Kendra said. "So maybe I should fight for full custody."

       "Do it," Shaw said. "I'm sure the court would love to hear how you've been violating the terms. Stopping me from watching the kids when I haven't done anything wrong. Deeming me an unfit parent when I haven't even been drunk or violent around them. You really think they're going to side with you?"

       "I'm pretty sure they'd rather side with me than with you," Kendra said.

       "Yeah, weren't you arrested not too long ago?" the man sitting with Kendra spoke up.

       "I'm sorry, who are you and what do you have to do with any of this?" Shaw asked.

       "I'm Hugh, Kendra's boyfriend," the man said. "And since I'm in a relationship with her, I think I do have a say at what's happening with the kids. I'm pretty sure the courts would rather side with Kendra than someone who's violent and has been arrested."

       "I was stopping someone from harassing a girl," Shaw said. "I'd rather be arrested than have him actually harm her. And me getting arrested doesn't mean I'm not a good father."

       "No, but it does mean you can lose your temper and actually harm them," Hugh said.

       Who did he think he was bashing Shaw like that?

       "I would never harm my children!" Shaw said.

       Hugh snorted. "Sure."

       "Alright, that's enough," Kendra said before looking at Shaw. "You seriously can't think you'll be granted full custody after everything you've done? They'll look at your records and see that you can't take care of three children."

       "That was in my past," Shaw said. "I am more than capable and you can't decide if I'm not. You can try going for full custody, but you won't get away with violating the custody arrangement. I was never drunk around them. I was never violent. And I've been sober for a while now but you still won't let me see them."

       "And good for her," Hugh said.

       "Would you stay out of it?" I asked.

       "And you are?" Hugh asked.

       "Their step-dad," I said. "So more involved in the kids' lives than you'll ever be, yet you don't see me giving my two cents. This is between Shaw and Kendra. Not Shaw and Kendra and you."

       "Thank you, Holden," Shaw said. "At least someone is actually thinking." He then looked at Kendra. "I'm not going to give up without a fight. I've been through a lot but losing my kids? That has got to be the worst thing ever and I'm not going to fully let that happen. So you can try to win full custody. It's not going to happen."


go shaw oof.

i love how dramatic this book is ahahaha. it's the most dramatic book ever woo.

and it will be more dramatic with me in it i mean what? me causing drama? nooooo never.

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