Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


        I was looking through the medicine cabinet in the kitchen, trying to find some painkillers for my current headache, but there was nothing at all. The only thing that was there was cough medicine for whenever the kids were over and one of them were sick.

       I closed the cupboard and grabbed a glass to pour myself some water, but the headache got even worse so I had to place the glass down on the counter. However, I placed it too close to the edge and it ended up falling on the floor, shattering all over the place.

       If I kept this up, I was going to have to buy a new dish set every month.

       "Holden?" Shaw suddenly asked. "You okay?"

       "Yeah," I said. "I just have a huge headache. Do we have any painkillers?"

       "There's none in the medicine cabinet?" Shaw asked and I shook my head. "I can head to the grocery store and pick some up for you."

       "That would be amazing," I said, walking over and flopping down on the couch so I could try to ease the pain. "So... Is Kendra still fighting for full custody?"

       "Yep," Shaw said as he was putting on his shoes to head out.

       "And you? Are you still contesting it?"

       "Kind of."

       "What do you mean by kind of?"

       "I'm not going for full custody. I'm fighting to keep things the same. It's what the kids want and they're not in any danger staying with me or Kendra. I don't want to take them away from their mother so I'm going to try my hardest to keep things the same."

       I couldn't help but smile. Finally, something reasonable with this whole situation. Kendra and Shaw were getting so caught up with the custody battle that they weren't thinking about the kids. They were only thinking about what they wanted.

       Thankfully Shaw realized he should be putting his kids' feeling first.

       There was a knock on the door and since Shaw was standing right by it, he answered it. "Shaw Thomas-Eaton?" the woman standing at the door asked.

       "That's me," Shaw said.

       "I'm Pamela, from social services," the woman said. "I'm here following up on the custody battle between you and Kendra Herring."

       Shaw gestured for the woman to come in so I sat up on the couch. I guess that was a no for Shaw going out to get some painkillers.

       "Now, I'm only here to ask a few questions and to make sure this is a safe enviornment for three kids to live," Pamela said.

       My headache was still quite here so I got up from the couch. "I'm going to head to the store for the painkillers," I said.

       "Sorry I can't get them," Shaw said.

       "No, it's okay," I said. "This is more important. I'll see you later."

       I grabbed my wallet and keys before putting on my shoes and heading out of the house. I was glad we lived close to the grocery store because I didn't know if I could go walking for with this massive headache.

       I bought a bottled water from the store as well so I could take the painkillers right after leaving the store. After doing so, I decided to walk around the village despite not wanting to. I did want to head back home but I would rather not interrupt the meeting with Shaw and Pamela.

       Even though I was Shaw's husband so whatever happened was going to involve me.

       My headache was still there since the painkillers was taking a while to kick in. I hope it did it soon because I hated headaches.

       I opened the water bottle to take a sip out of it but right as I was about to, I bumped into someone and the water spilled all over me. "I am so sorry!" the person I bumped into said.

       "Don't be, it's okay," I said. "It's hot out so I'm sure it will dry soon."

       "You sure it's okay?" she asked.

       "Yes, I'm sure," I said. "Seriously, don't worry about it. It's just water."

       "Okay," she said. "I'm Heidi, by the way."

       Heidi. Now why did that name sound familiar?

       Stupid short-term memory loss...

       Oh, wait, I think I remember where I heard the name from. "Are you Shaw's half-sister?"

       "Yes, I am," Heidi said. "You know Shaw?"

       "Very well," I said. "I'm Holden, his husband."

       "Oh, Holden!" Heidi said. "It's nice to finally meet you. You know, after Shaw promised I'd come over for dinner someting but that never happened."

       "Yeah, sorry about that," I said. "He has just beeing going through a whole lot. Some douche is out for a vendetta against him, a problem of his resurfaced for a bit and now he's in a custody battle with his ex who wants to go for full custody. No visitation."

       "What?" Heidi asked. "Why? Has he done anything wrong?"

       "Nope," I said. "The only thing he did was that small problem of his resurfacing but it was short lived and it didn't put his kids or anyone in danger. I don't know, there's something going on with his ex. I've known Shaw my whole life and there's no way he'll do anything to put his kids in harm's way."

       "She can't just go for full custody if Shaw hasn't done anything wrong," Heidi said. "The kids actually have to be in danger if they stay with him and it's clear that's not the case. I don't think she's going to win the battle."

       "Wel, you can never be too sure," I said. "I'm worried the lawyer Kendra hires will bring up Shaw's past because it's not the most... ideal past for a father. Social services might think that's just going to happen again and again."

       "Not unless you have a lawyer who fights against that," Heidi said. "Do you have one?"

       "Nope, not yet," I said.

       "Do you need one?" Heidi asked. "Because you are standing right in front of one."


yes heidi fight for your brother oof

lol i'm hungry and tired woo so fun

my author notes have been so boring lately i'm sorry :(

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