Chapter 57 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 57


       It was official. Gibson had officially became Gibson Aidan Thomas-Eaton and honestly, it was such an amazing feeling to have him be part of this family. I mean, he always had been since we decided to take him in but now, he was a Thomas-Eaton and it couldn't have felt better.

       It especially made Holden really happy. He and Gibson had such a special bond that was never going to fade. After everything he had been through the past couple years, he finally had something that made him extremely happy.

       If only things were going great for me.

       Mercedes, Lucian, and Castiel still stayed over every other weekend and occasionally during the week, and that was better than not seeing them at all but Kendra and I had been arguing a lot. We just weren't how we were before and I didn't know if we were ever going to go back to being best friends again.

       I hated how everyone except for Holden turned their backs on me when I sort of reverted back to my past life. At least Lawrence and Tara were now sticking with me but it wasn't the same as Kendra doing it as well.

       I wouldn't have been upset if it really was my fault, but it wasn't. I couldn't control my anger and Hugh targeted someone that meant the world to me. Yet Kendra was still taking his side over mine.

       It got a lot worse when he was released from prison and went back to living with Kendra as if nothing ever happened.

       He was only going to continue ruining my life.

       I absolutely couldn't wait.

       Holden was currently making Gibson laugh like crazy by attacking him with his stuffed bunny. It was the very first toy Holden bought for Gibson and it was his favourite thing ever. Recently, Gibson had been refusing to go to sleep if it wasn't in his crib with him.

       Gibson wouldn't stop laughing about being attacked with his stuffed bunny and it was the cutest thing ever. I was a huge sucker for babies.

       I was also a sucker for Holden and seeing him smile while he made Gibson laugh was enough to make me melt in my shoes.

       Holden picked Gibson up, and Gibson squealed happily. "You are the cutest thing ever," Holden said. 

       I walked over and sat down beside Holden. "I would agree with you, but I have three other kids and I can't play favourites."

       "Fair enough," Holden said. "You know, I hate that Gibson was abandoned because no infant should ever go through that, but I am so happy he ended up in our lives. He has definitely made things a lot better for me."

       "He really did," I said. "Seriously, I had never seen you so happy before." I leaned over and kissed Holden's cheek. "I love you."

       "I love you too," Holden said, giving me a smile.

       My cell phone started ringing so I took it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

       "Shaw, hi," Angus said. "I'm at the police station right now and someone is here wanting to talk to you."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? Why would someone be there and want to talk to me?"

       "I'm not sure," Angus said. "But she's refusing to leave until she talks to you so..."

       "Okay, then I'll head over there now," I said. I hung up and placed my phone in my pocket. "I have to get to the police station. Someone is there wanting to talk to me."

       "Why does someone want to talk to you there?" Holden asked.

       "That's what I'm wondering," I said, giving him a quick kiss before standing up from the couch. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

       I walked to the front door and put on my shoes before leaving the house and heading to the police station. I still didn't know why someone would go there and want to talk to me instead of coming to my house.

       Oh well. I was going to find out soon enough.

       I got to the police station where Angus was talking to a woman. He noticed that I showed up, so he pointed me out to the woman and she walked over to me. "Are you Shaw?" she asked.

       "Yeah, I am," I said. "So who exactly are you and why did you want to talk to me here?"

       "Sorry, I didn't know where you lived," she said. "I'm Trish."


       "You're... Gibson's mother?" I asked. 

       Trish nodded. "I am." She must have seen the worried look on my face because she quickly continued. "Don't worry, I'm not here to take him away. I heard that you and your husband took him in and I just... I wanted to explain everything so when he's older, you'll be able to tell him why I did what I did."

       "Oh, okay," I said, feeling slightly relieved. Even though she was Gibson's mother, Holden and I were finally able to adopt him and I didn't know how to feel if she decided today of all days would be great to show up.

       We decided to talk elsewhere so we left the police station and sat down on a bench nearby. "I just want to start by saying I regret how I left Gibson," Trish said. "I definitely could have done something else and it has been haunting me ever since I left him in the alley but I just had to get away as soon as I could. I couldn't handle living here anymore. And thank you for taking him in."

       "Yeah, no problem," I said. "We love him a whole lot and it's been an absolute blessing having him in our lives. So... Why did you leave him?"

       Trish sighed. "I wasn't capable of being a mother. At all. Maybe if I had Gibson's father helping me out but that wasn't an option. He broke up with me shortly after he found out I was pregnant. He did tell me he would help out as much as he could but I didn't believe him since he literally just broke up with me before that."

       "Oh, I'm sorry," I said. "And I've been that guy before. Well, sort of. I wasn't there for my kids for a while but I smartened up and now, I do everything I can do for them. Are you sure his father wouldn't have smartened up after seeing him?"

       "Honestly, I doubt it," Trish said. "He was such a horrible person and after seeing a lot of things he had done, I wouldn't have wanted him anywhere near Gibson. If Roman didn't pass away, I still would have done the same thing."

       Words couldn't even describe how I felt when Trish dropped the name of Gibson's father.

       It was Roman.

       Holden and I were raising Roman's son.



and dun dun dun. 

i'm surprised nobody guessed it. then again, people barely comment on my stories anymore. :(

BUT ANYWAY SHAW AND HOLDEN ARE GETTING A SEQUEL AND IT'S ALREADY POSTED. well just the series order is. i have to do the cast list and then i'll work on the first chapter.


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