Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


       I wanted to quit my job and find work elsewhere all because my parents couldn't find somewhere else to eat in all of Spruceworth. Or they could just not go out to eat and stop tormenting me and my boyfriend.

       It was so hard having to keep things professional when they showed up. If anything, they should be banned from their since the only reason they went to The Gold Mine wasn't just to eat.

       Too bad that would never happen.

       I was just glad to be off of work now and enjoying time walking through the village with Jane so she could see where everything is. It was really nice having a friend living in Spruceworth now, especially because she didn't seem to mind when I ranted to her about my problems.

       "You know, I think it will all pass soon," Jane said. "They can't keep isolating you out forever and something will happen that will make them see how much you really like Shaw, and how much Shaw likes you."

       "I honestly doubt it," I said. "Remember the explosion at the city hall during winter break? I was in there and guessed who went in there to save me? Shaw."

       "And your parents haven't accepted it yet?" Jane asked. "Wow. That's crazy. I really wished they would see things from your side."

       "Yeah, me too," I said. "I just want to ignore them at times, but it's like they're trying to ruin my life. Like they're going out of their way to make sure I know how much they hate Shaw."

       Jane suddenly stopped walking, so I did too. "What's going on over there?" she asked, pointing to an alleyway that was closed off with police tape. Two police cars were parked beside it and quite a few police officers there.

       "I have no idea," I said. "Let's go find out."

       "Holden, I doubt they'll tell us what's going on," Jane said.

       "Then it's a good thing I know not one, but two of the police officers there," I said before heading over there.

       Jane sighed as she followed me. I knew she was just as curious as I was an thankfully, the police officers I knew would be willing to tell me what was happening.

       I mean, I hope.

       "Viola, hey," I said to Shaw's older sister, and she turned to look at me. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

       Viola sighed. "I'm afraid not. There has been a murder."

       "Really?" Jane asked. "How did the victim die?"

       "Blunt trauma to the head," Viola said. "It's very... graphic. A lot of blood, and there's a brick close by covered with blood so that's most likely the murder weapon."

       "Oh, wow," I said. 

       Spruceworth was known to be such a peaceful village with rarely any murders but for the past few years, there had been a lot more than usual. It was almost as if nobody was safe here at times.

       My cousin Calvin's brother-in-law, Horatio, was the other police officer I knew, and he was in the alleyway. He then stepped under the police tape before noticing me standing here, so he walked over. "Did you identify the victim?" Viola asked.

       "I did," Horatio said before looking at me. "And let's just say you and your brothers no longer have to worry about being hunted."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hunted? What's that supposed to mean?"

       "It's Cassidy," Horatio said. 


       Hearing that name made my blood boil but this time, it didn't. Cassidy was dead. Not only that, but she was killed. And honestly, I thought I would be relieved to hear that.

       I wasn't.

       Because that meant someone stooped to her level.

       "Who's Cassidy?" Jane asked.

       "Josh's ex-girlfriend," I said. "She was the one who caused the explosion at city hall."

       "What?" Jane asked. "Why would she do that?"

       "It's a very long story," I said. "I promise I'll tell you some other time."

       One of the police officers called Horatio over and shortly after he headed there, half of the police officers took off in one of the police cars. Horatio then walked back over and said, "Well, this might be a very easy case. Someone called in and confessed to killing Cassidy. Said it was self-defense."

       "Who?" I asked.

       Horatio shrugged. "Dunno. The officer didn't say. You should probably go tell Josh about it though since he is raising his and Cassidy's daughter."

       "Yeah, you're right," I said. I then looked at Jane. "I'll walk you home."

       On the walk to Jane's house, she said, "Is there a chance you can give me a shortened version of this whole ordeal with Cassidy, then tell me the longer story later?"

       "Yeah," I said. "So, long story short, she was out to get me and my brothers. I don't know why, but she was. The city hall was putting on some kind of charity dinner and we were helping out and she knew it. So she set the building on fire."

       "I can't believe someone would ever do that," Jane said. 

       "Me too," I said.

       When we got to Jane's house, she thanked me for walking her around the village then told me if I needed anything, I could always talk to her. I was so glad she moved here.

       I started walking to my house and when I got there, I was shocked at what I saw. The police car was parked outside of my house and as I got closer, I saw two police officers escorting Shaw out of the house.

       "Shaw?" I asked, trying to go over but one of the police officers had to hold me back. I tried to get free, but he kept a firm grasp on me so I had no other choice but to watch my boyfriend in handcuffs being led to the police car.

       Shaw looked at me for only a second before looking away as he was pushed into the police car. He couldn't have done this. There was no way Shaw could have been the one to kill Cassidy.

       Could he?


:O Le GaSp ThIs Is QuItE sHoCkInG


let's appreciate that gif because my son looks so adorable. people say he's a bad actor but honestly, he has the best facial expressions on the show and i love it.

And let's avoid the topic of Cassidy being killed and Shaw being arrested even more by posting a gif of my favourite besties:

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