Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


       I really wasn't in the mood to be around anyone ever since my boyfriend was taken out of the police station and sent to the prison. I couldn't even stay at the house alone, so I had to move back in with my parents.

       At least Dad was starting to accept my relationship with Shaw because my mom was nowhere close to being on that level. I would constantly be hearing my parents argue about it. Dad would try to tell her that Shaw and I really loved each other. Mom didn't care. It was even worse that he killed someone.

       It didn't matter that it was for self-defense.

       Mom and Dad invited my grandma, cousin and aunt, and Josh over for dinner. And of course, they had to bring their partners with them. My cousin Calvin brought his husband Kenny, and Josh brought his girlfriend Cleo and their daughters Guinevere and Celeste.

       At least I would be in a somewhat better mood now that my four year old niece would be here. Guinevere always knew how to put me in a good mood.

       When she got here, she insisted she sit beside me at the dining table. I cracked a tiny smile as she climbed up on the chair beside me.

       While we were eating dinner, I was really hoping the topic of what Shaw did wouldn't come up. I wouldn't be able to hear about anyone talking about him again and again, especially since it was going around the village.

       The worst part was that his kids found out about it and now, they were a wreck. They didn't understand why his dad would hurt somebody so badly, so the only way Kendra could make sure they wouldn't be terrified of him was by saying Cassidy was a bad person and tried hurting Shaw first.

       "So, how has school been going for you three?" my aunt Sharon asked me, Noah, and Julian.

       "Good so far," Julian said. "Noah and I keep getting in trouble though because apparently, wearing a banana costume doesn't 'fit the school code'."

       "Why would you wear a banana costume to school?" Josh asked. "Actually, no, don't answer that because if you did answer it, I still wouldn't get it." The twins just shrugged in reply.

       "What about you, Holden?" Sharon asked.

       "It has been better," I said. "I just want to get it done and over with, especially English class."

       "Why English?" Dad asked. "I thought you hated math classes the most."

       "Yeah, but at least my math class isn't being taught by my boyfriend's ex," I muttered.

       Noah started laughing. "Seriously? That's hilarious."

       I glared at him and he stopped laughing, probably because I really wasn't in the mood to be laughed at. I wasn't in the mood for anything, really.

       And of course, since we were somewhat on the topic of Shaw, Mom decided to keep talking about him. "I can't believe you're still dating him after what he did," she said.

       "Mom, I really don't want to hear about it right now," I said. "I already listen to it enough."

       "No, I'm being serious," Mom said. "It doesn't matter who she was. He took someone's life away and you're still standing by him?"

       "Mom, now isn't the time," Josh said. "I haven't told..." He gestured his head towards Guinevere, who was happily eating her dinner and not paying attention to the conversation. "She'll be devastated, so save this for another time. Or better yet, not at all."

       "Wasn't it self-defense anyway?" Noah asked. "It was either her or him and quite frankly, I'd rather it be her."

       "Noah!" Mom said.

       "She tried to kill me, Mom," Noah said. "Get over it."

       Calvin suddenly placed his fork down. "Is it okay if I skip the rest of the dinner? I'm not feeling well."

       "Yeah, of course," Dad said. "Is everything okay?"

       "Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit nauseous," Calvin said. "And if I throw up, I'd rather do it at my own home." He looked at Kenny. "I'll meet you outside?"

       Kenny nodded as Calvin got up and left the house quite quickly after putting on his shoes and jacket.

       "Is he okay?" Dad asked.

       "To be honest, I'm not sure," Kenny said. "He has been acting a lot different the past couple days. He'll be fine in the end, though. He probably just needs some time to himself. Thank you, for dinner and sorry we couldn't stay longer."

       "Don't worry about it," Dad said. "I wouldn't want him to stay and continue eating when he's really not feeling well. Make sure he gets a lot of wish."

       "I will," Kenny said, standing up from the table before following his husband outside.

       The dinner table was quiet and nobody was saying a single word. Thankfully. I was glad Mom didn't try continuing the conversation.

       My cell phone started ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket to see who was calling. "Can I answer this?" I asked.

       "Who is it?" Dad asked.

       "It's Kendra," I said, and Dad nodded. I got up from the table and walked out of the dining room before answering the call. "Hello?"

       "Hey," Kendra said. "I kind of need a favour if you're up to it. On Saturday, Mercy and Lucian are supposed to go with one of the parents to work as a school assignment, and then write about it. They were going to go with Shaw, but... Yeah, so I was wondering if you could take them? That's if you're working then and you're willing to."

       "Yeah, of course, I would love to," I said. "Shaw and I do have the same jobs so it wouldn't be a change and I assume he already got permission from our boss. How... How are the kids?"

       Kendra sighed. "A mess. One minute they're okay and then the next, they're crying because they think they won't be able to see their dad for a very long time. I really hope he gets off because Cassidy was trying to kill him and if he didn't defend himself, our kids wouldn't have been able to see him ever again."

       "Yeah, hopefully the jury sees it that way," I said. "His lawyer's really positive about it. Have you seen him yet?"

       "No, I'm going to see him on Saturday while the twins are with you," Kendra said. "I'll just have to find someone to watch Castiel. Speaking of, I should make sure he's okay since he has been in a really bad mood recently. Thank you for agreeing to take the twins with you."

       "No problem," I said. "I wouldn't want them to miss out and I love spending time with them."

       After Kendra and I hung up, I went back to the dining room and sat down at the table. "What did Kendra want?" Dad asked.

       "Well, Mercy and Lucian have an assignment where they're supposed to go with one of their parents to work and then write about it," I said. "They were going to go with Shaw but they can't so she wanted to know if they could go with me and thankfully I am working then, so they'll be coming with me."

       "Aw, that's sweet of you," Grandma said. "You really love those kids, don't you?"

       I smiled slightly. "Yeah, I do." And I was definitely going to make sure I was there for them now that their dad was currently in prison.


aww daddy holden. 


it's only 10:13 pm and i never stop writing this early so guess what? we're getting yet another update ahahahaha.

ooh but guess what? since we currently have no characters causing drama, i'm bring one in soon oops.

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