Chpt. 3: Alice as Astrid (Part 1)

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My eyes widened. Where am I?

Why do I looked different?

"Alright, gang. Time to change and start to do what we came here for." I suddenly heard a male voice behind me, which cause me to froze in place since, the voice is unfamiliar to me. I was about to walked away when I heard another male voice whined.

"Aw, come on, Hiccup. One more swim!" The voice whined. Then another voice replied, it's the same voice from earlier.

"No, Snotlout. We're not here to swim. We're hear to look for sandstones to make a gronkle iron!" The voice said in a little bit shouting. I heard grumbles then a splash behind me.

Wait, sandstone? Gronkle iron? Please, don't tell me--

"No! I'm going to swim. And your not going to stop me!" The other voice replied again, in a stubborn way.

I felt the small waves of water coming towards me, then I immediately panicked on the inside when someone bumped into me from behind.

I slowly turned around and I saw that the male also turned around, seeing me in surprise. But when I saw him, I started screaming, which earned everyone's attention. I gave them all a quick glance then tried to ran off as fast a possible because of the water.

"Astrid?" I heard a faint female voice called but I didn't turned around because that's not my name.

"Why is Astrid here? How did she get here? I thought she was on berk?" I heard another male voice asked with surprise and concerned. I once again froze in place when I heard the word 'Berk'.

Berk. It's the vikings village 3000 years ago, living with dragons. I thought to myself. I slowly turned myself around to look at them then my eyes landed on something behind them-- d-dragons!?

"Ahh!" I screamed again then continued running away. Once I reach the ground, I saw a silver dragon blocking my way. I looked at it with fear while it looked at me in concern and curiosity.

I ran on the other way, but was once again being blocked by a brown dragon who's a little bit smaller from the silver one. The brown dragon gave a low growl which gives me fear. I slowly stepped back while shaking my head. I turned on my back, only to be blocked again by a black dragon with green eyes. My eyes widened when I saw the dragon. I know that dragon. I've been studying that dragon. A n-night f-fury...

"No! S-stay back!" I shouted which earned a curious and worried growl from the night fury. It stepped back a little but I'm still stuck inside.

"Please, step back!" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. The night fury saw it and stepped back again, a little bigger for me to get out.

"Astrid!" I heard a male voice shouted from behind me.

I quickly turned around to see a man, about my age, wearing some kind of clothes with shoulder pads and dragon scales armor? I furrowed my eyebrow but was a bad idea when my head started spinning like a drop.

I took hold of my temple and gave the man a groggily look.

"Who are..." I cut off when I collapsed. I was waiting for an impact to come but it didn't happened. I slightly opened my eyes, only to be meet by forest green eyes staring at my blue ones with worry and concern. "You..." That was my last word before darkness once again wrapped itself around me.


"Who are..." Astrid said, faintly before collapsing on the ground.

Good thing I was quick so I quickly to hold of her, wrapping my right arm on her waist while the other on her back. Astrid slowly opened her eyes look at me. I can see it in her eyes that she's lost and confused before she said, "You..." then she lost unconscious.

'Who are you?' What?'. I thought to myself in confusion on why would Astrid asked a thing like that before positioning Astrid in my arms in a bridal style.

"Hiccup! What happened?" Fishlegs asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Heather asked, worriedly.

I turned to look at everyone who were confused, surprised and concern for Astrid. I sigh then gave them all a serious look.

"Back at the Edge. Now." I said before mounting on Toothless and took off.

Once we arrived at the Edge, Dad was the first one to greet us at the platform near the dragons stables.

"Son! Your back early?" Dad said with a smile, but that was immediately vanished when he saw the unconscious Astrid in my arms.

"What happened to her?" Dad asked with a frown.

I shook my head, telling him that I don't know then sigh. I immediately un-mounted Toothless and took Astrid into her hut, then told Fishlegs to call for Gothi and Astrid's parents. He nodded then went into his hut. I then told Heather to gather everyone at the clubhouse to talk about what happened to Astrid.

"How is she?" Heather asked once I step foot on the clubhouse. I can see in her eyes the worried-ness when she saw Astrid earlier. And that confused me, what is Astrid doing in that deserted island?

"I can't tell. She's still unconscious but her breathing is stable." I said with a frown while giving my chin a quick scratch. Toothless came beside me then warbled. I smiled and patted his head in reassurance.

"I already sent a terror mail at Berk to inform Gothi and Astrid's parents about what happened. They'll here in an hour." Fishlegs said as he gave me a pat on my shoulder.

"What did happened to her?" Gobber asked while fixing his interchangeable hook, his eyebrow raised as he stared at me and the riders.

"We don't know, Gobber." Fishlegs replied with a frown while leaning against Meatlug who's looking confused.

"We just found her standing at the center of the lagoon, soaking wet and somehow confused and scared when she saw us. She even looked at the dragons like she don't know them." Snotlout explained, crossed arms while standing in front of Hookfang.

"Eh? I thought she was on Berk? We just saw her feeding her dragon before we came here." Dad said while both his hand were resting on his sides with a thinking look on his face. I sigh then dropped my arms on my side.

"And the weird thing is, she's not with Stormfly which is very strange since Stormfly won't leave her side unless she said so." I added up with a half frown and a half thinking face.

"Maybe Astrid took a boat." Ruffnut suggested while scratching her chin. He gave her a deadpanned look.

"If she took a boat then it'll be about three to four days to get on that island." Fishlegs reasoned out.

"Or!" Tuffnut exclaimed, earning our attention. "Or maybe she trained another dragon to fly her on the island we came in." Once he finished we all gave him a deadpanned look.

"No. Astrid is not capable of doing that. She loves Stormfly to just train another dragon and ride it." I stated making Fishlegs and Heather to nod their head in agreement. Suddenly Ruffnut punched him then shoved his face.

"Your so dumb!" She shouted at his brother and from now, they started fighting over who's the dumbest. But I can't tell who's who since they're both dumb.

"Will you two muttonheads stop it!" Snotlout shouted in annoyance, making the twin to gave him a look then a smirk formed in their lips.

"Get him!" Tuffnut shouted while pointing at Snotlout.

"Uh-oh!" Before Snotlout could ran, the twins tackled him into the ground, punching every part of his face.

"Hookfang, help me!" Snotlout called for his dragon but Hookfang ignored him and took a nap at the corner before giving out a laugh at Snotlout.

"Thank you." Snotlout sarcastically said, his voice muffled because of the twins. I literally face palmed myself before sighing in defeat. Well, there's no stop the twins now.

"Windshear, spine shot!" Heather commanded. Windshear obliged then fired her spine shot at the twins, causing them to be pinned at the wall.

"Woah! Awesome, do it again!" Ruffnut exclaimed with a smile while Tuffnut nodded his head on his sister. Heather just rolled her eyes and ignored them as she walked away into the clubhouse and went inside her temporary hut.

"Hiccup, they're here." Fishlegs said while pointing outside to see Gothi riding on a red and green Nadded. And beside her is another familiar yellow and blue Nadder with Astrid's parents on it's back.

"Is-is that Stormfly?" I asked in confusion as my eyebrows furrowed.

When they landed, Dad and Gobber led Gothi on Astrid's hut while Astrid's parents ran up to me. Now that I saw the Nadder they were riding up close. It is Stormfly. I ran up to her then gave her a scratch behind her neck as she purred in delight.

"Hiccup! What happened to Astrid? Where is she?" Astrid's dad, Sven Hofferson, asked as he ran up in front of me.

"She's in her hut. For now we'll have to wait for Gothi to tell us what's her condition." I explained. Astrid's mother, Ingrid Hofferson, sigh in half relief the nodded her head at me. I smiled faintly then led them inside the clubhouse.


I fluttered my eyes open, but I immediately closed it when the light hit my eyes. When my eyes were already adjusted to the light, I opened my eyes again only to hear something, no-- more like, someone talking. I immediately sat up but it was my greatest regret when my head started ringing in pain. A moan escape my mouth as I put a hand on my temple. Everything hurts until seconds later, it just disappear.

That's when I realize, I'm on a wooden bed. My eyes widen, then I immediately roamed my eyes around, seeing everything made out of wood. The bed, the bedside table, the chairs, and the table just a few feet from the bed I'm in.

"Where am I?" I asked myself while running a hand to my hair.

"How is she?" My head perked up when I heard the familiar voice from earlier, coming from downstairs?

That voice again!

Seriously, Where am I?

What is this place?


After Gothi healed Astrid, Me and Dad led her inside the clubhouse while Heather and Astrid's parents stayed behind to take care of Astrid while she rest. As we reach the clubhouse, Fishlegs offered Gothi something to eat while Gobber and Dad prepared their things to leave.

Well, I don't know what's Astrid's condition yet but Gothi said that she'll be fine. She just needs to rest. I don't want to worry, but with her condition right now, I can't stop worry about her. That's just how it is. Astrid's been my crush since the first day we met, and I-- I still like her, maybe love. And I would do anything just to make her safe and happy even if I would risk my life to save her then so be it. She's my everything, and I can't let that everything go away.

"Son, she'll be okay. I know she will." Dad said as he gave me a pat on my shoulder, which interrupted my train of thoughts about Astrid.

"Yeah? I wish I can be that sure, Dad." I replied with a frown on my face.

"I'm sure about it. I bet she'll wake up later." Dad said with a smile. I gave him a faint smile then gave Toothless a pat on his head when I heard him warbled.

"Alright! Give me the news when she'll wake up." Dad said with a slight chuckle. I nodded with a smile as he went to Gobber as they left and went back to Berk.

"Alright gang, go get some rest. You deserve it." I said with a smile. Fishlegs let out a silent squeal while Snotlout cheered and the twins snickered before going to their different huts.

"Gothi, I'm going to Astrid's hut. I hope you'll be okay here." I said while she took a bite of her bread. She nodded her head.

I patted Toothless's head before mounting up on his back and flew straight into Astrid's hut. I slowly opened the door only to see both Astrid's parents talking about Astrid. Stormfly's head perked up when I entered, causing both Mr. and Mrs. Hofferson to look up at me. I smiled.

"How is she?" I asked with hope in my eyes. They both gave each other a quick glance before Ingrid smiled faintly at me.

"There's something you need to know, Hiccup." Ingrid started which cause me to look at her with a nervous look. She stood up from her seat and sighed.

"Wha-what is it?" I asked.

"I know this news will shock you but Gothi said that she's been in the water for too long, water filled her lungs but she's still here, resting. Hiccup, she's suppose to be dead." Once those words escape her mouth, my heart shattered, I almost stumbled on my feet-- uh, well foot luckily Toothless caught me.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered in shocked. I was about to say something when We all heard a scream from upstairs. Astrid!

We all climb upstairs only to see Astrid walking around, back and fort with a confuse and even more scared look on her face. Me and Astrid's parents shared a quick look before averting our eyes back on Astrid.

"A . . . Astrid?" I hesitate to call her. She immediately turn around with a surprise look.

"Who are you?" She asked with cautious which cause us to look at her with wide eye.

"Y-you don't remember us?" I asked, stuttering with a slight hope in my eyes. I wish this is just a dream. I hope this is not real.

"No!" She shouted which surprised us three. "I ask you, who are you? Where am I? What is this place?" She asked, hysterically.

"We're at Dragon's edge." Ingrid said. Astrid was suddenly frozen in place.

"Astrid--" Sven started but Astrid immediately cut him off.

"My name is not Astrid. I'm Alice. Alice Henderson." She said. I turned to face Ingrid who's starting to sob on Sven's shoulder with a shock expression. So am I.

What's happening with Astrid?


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